pushy man...

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I honestly have no idea what I am doing for titles anymore. Liiike wut. Anyways, I hope you are still enjoying this story. 

After embracing for a full ninety seconds, the three siblings broke apart, smiling at each other. Polaris looked to her siblings. "You two can call me Lorna, that is my civilian name."

"Well, like Pietro said, I am Wanda. Don't feel like you have to call him Quicksilver, it will just add to his already inflated ego." Wanda smirked. 

Pietro rolled his eyes at his twin. "Yeah, because I am the one with the inflated ego."

"Of course you are." Wanda chuckled. 

Pietro narrowed his eyes at the brunette, seeing through her act. 

Wanda Maximoff, his twin sister, the Scarlet freaking Witch, was nervous. She was trying to make a good first impression on their sister, trying to act nonchalant. It made Pietro wonder how many times she had to make first impressions before that weren't for a mission, how many times she was allowed to be herself. 

Lorna cleared her throat. "Well, father isn't here. I don't know where he disappeared to. He left a little while after the Professor did."

Pietro and Wanda looked to one another. "He may be at the compound."

"Would you like to see where our dear brother spends his time?" Wanda waggled her brow at Lorna, hooping her arm through her sister's. Lorna smiled at the brunette. "I'll take that as a yes. Widow, we are ready to head back to the complex now."

"What am I, your chauffer?" Natasha mumbled under her breath.

"You forced yourself into this family reunion, so yes." Wanda shot back with a teasing tone. "You are our chauffeur."

Natasha rolled her eyes, mumbling to herself in Russian. The three siblings boarded the Quinjet and took their seats as Natasha sat in the pilot seat, closing the door behind all of them. She readied the jet for flight before taking off, glancing back at the trio of siblings behind her.

Lorna looked to Wanda and Pietro, a silence sitting on them as they flew. She cleared her throat. "Wanda?"


"How come you are not an Avenger? I mean, are you one? I just, I have never seen you on the news with the others and - " Lorna stumbled over her words, afraid of offending her newly discovered sister.

Wanda fiddled with her hands in her lap, looking down at her feet. "I am a new Avenger."

Sensing their was a sensitive story behind the topic, Lorna dropped it. She looked to Pietro. "We have been so close all these years and yet have had no idea that we were siblings. I do not know how, I mean, you look just like our father."

"Spitting image, really." Pietro replied easily.

A lull in the conversation happened and Lorna winced internally as she blurted out  questions before she could stop herself. "Where are your aunt and uncle? The ones you thought were your parents? And why did you two need a test to confirm your relation?" She immediately sensed the air grow colder and a tension grow between Pietro and Wanda. Even Natasha, who was at the front of the jet, stiffened at the question. "I'm - I'm sorry, that was insensitive of me. I shouldn't have - "

"No, no. It is fine." Wanda replied tightly. Inhaling deeply, Wanda continued with an explanation. "You see, we...we did not grow up together. Pietro was raised by our aunt and uncle and I was raised...elsewhere. We recently...came back into each other's lives and needed to confirm that we are related. And in doing so, we discovered the truth of our family history."

Lorna nodded, a bit confused by the vagueness of Wanda's explanation but understood that they had just met and it would take time for them to warm up to each other. The rest of the jet ride was quiet as they flew towards Pietro's, and now Wanda's, home. They arrived there not too long after Wanda finished her explanation, Natasha powering the jet down as the trio of siblings disembarked the Quinjet. 

"And here, Lorna, you have the Avenger's compound. It is not nearly as cozy as the X-Mansion but it is home." Pietro teased. Lorna rolled her eyes good naturedly. 

"Let us find the Professor and perhaps our father. I am sure he would be happy to meet his children." Lorna chuckled, following the twins as they walked from the hangar towards the main part of the compound. 

They walked through the compound, chatting mindlessly about the place to Lorna. Well, Pietro was. Wanda was listening to what Pietro was saying as well, needing to learn about her new home but not wanting to seem weak by asking questions. 

After about twenty minutes, the trio turned down the hallway that led to the med bay, still engrossed in their conversation when a voice interrupted them. "Lorna? What are you doing here?" 

The trio looked to see the one and only Magneto standing outside Tony Stark's medical room with Xavier, a look of surprise on his face. Lorna smiled at her father, walking up to him. "Father, I have two people I believe you should meet."

Erik glanced at Lorna before looking to the twins. He turned to Xavier and raised a brow. "Did you know of this, Charles?" 

Xavier nodded. "I am a telepath, after all."

Erik smiled before looking back to the twins. "I am Erik Lehnsherr, known by the mutant name Magneto."

Pietro stepped forward. "I am Pietro Maximoff, Quicksilver of the Avengers. This is my twin sister, Wanda. We wanted to meet you because...well, this isn't easy to say but...we wanted to meet you because we - "

" - are my children." Erik finished for Pietro, smiling at the shocked looks on the twins faces. "Why the surprise? Pietro looks like I did when I was his age. And Wanda, you look just like your mother, Natalya." 

Lorna smiled at her family, glad everyone was reunited. She gasped when her father pulled her and her siblings into a hug, smiling as she wrapped her arms around her siblings and father. 

After embracing for a moment, they all pulled away to look at each other. Erik spoke once more. "Why don't I treat you all to lunch? We can get to know each other."

"That sounds wonderful." Pietro breathed out. He looked to his twin. "Wands? You want to go?"

Wanda nodded, her stomach twisting in knots. "Sure. Lunch sounds good."

"Then let us go." Erik turned to Xavier. "I will see you back at the Mansion. Give my regards to the Avengers."

"Of course." Xavier eyed Wanda as the family walked towards the exit of the compound. 

Wanda, everything will be fine. Don't worry so much. T -

What did I tell you about being in my head, old man? Get out!

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