The Horrors Begin

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Your Pov:

Stepping inside the hotel, the lobby was warm and inviting, but a bad feeling scratched at the back of my mind. I ignored it, a fact that would later come back to bite me. I took notice of the painting on the wall. It looked familiar, but I couldn't place why. We approached the receptionist, "Good evening. Terence Railby. I have a reservation." She spoke, "Ah, yes, you're here for the antique fair? We've put you in room 3-C, on the third floor. If you'd just sign the check-in book?" As he signed it, a man came out from the adjacent hall.

He spoke to to the receptionist, "Bethen, I'll be having my dinner in my room tonight." The receptionist nodded, "That's absolutely fine, professor." Trilby turned towards the man, "Professor Chahal?" The professor nodded, "Yes? I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage." Trilby continued, "Terence Railby. We met at Sotheby's a few months ago? You don't remember me?" I rolled my eyes at his made up story.

The professor smiled, "No, no, of course I do. Terry Railby, how've you been?" Trilby gripped my hand tighter, "I'm well, thanks. I was hoping I'd run into you. You remember I do freelance scouting for some wealthy collectors?" The professor hesitated, "E-Er...yes..."

Trilby hummed, "Well, a client of mine has expressed an interest in relics from DeFoe Manor, in Buckinghamshire. He's been on my back for a while about it. Between you and me, he seems pretty obsessed." This was made up on the fly and he knew it. The professor spoke up, "Well, I'm sure I wouldn't want to damage your professional status. Would you two like to come up to my room for drinks?"

Trilby shook his head, "Oh, we don't want to impose." The professor hmm'd, "No imposition at all. Please follow me." The receptionist held out our room key to Trilby, "Your room key, Mr. Railby." He took the key, "Ah, thank you." He turned to the professor, "Please lead the way, Professor." We were taken to a cozy hotel room on the second floor.

There was a girl inside, sitting on the sofa. She looked at us, then at the professor, "Abed? Who's your friends?" The professor turned to her, "Oh, let me introduce you. This is my personal assistant, Siobhan. She accompanies me on most of my excursions. Siobhan, this is Mr. Railby, an old acquaintance and his wife. He's looking for information on DeFoe Manor artifacts." Siobhan smiled, "Oh really? Him and half the other people we meet. What is it about that place?"

Abed chuckled, "Never underestimate the attraction of a mystery, my dear." He turned to us, "Please take a seat. I'll be right with you." We sat of the sofa with Siobhan as we waited. She spoke to us, "So, interested in ghost stories?" I bit my lip as Trilby responded, "Not really, I'm just scouting on behalf of a client, like I told the professor." She hummed, "You know, it's strange to see someone as young as you two in the antiques trade. No offense meant."

After a bit more, Abed returned, "Sorry to keep you waiting. Now then, what shall we talk about?" We talked about the idol, and I ended up knowing more about Siobhan's personality than I wanted to. We also found out that the idol was being kept in the hotel safe, away from people. Suddenly, there was a flash, like lightning. I blinked and the room had changed. Bloody writings on the wall, a skeleton next to us on the couch and a tall man with no face on the other side of the room. There was another flash and the room was back to normal. Trilby grabbed my hand.

He pulled me towards him as he jumped, "What the hell was that?!" I started to shake, fear filling my body. Abed tilted his head, "What the hell was what? You were just sitting there, then you two went all stiff like you'd seen a ghost." Siobhan spoke, "Are you alright?" Trilby stood up, me following, "I'm sorry, We...we have to go. Something's wrong."

Then, we left the room. The flash came again and the hallway changed. The walls became faded and the wall paper was peeling. Bloody writing and symbols lined the walls as well. Whispers filled the still silence just as the tall, blank faced man walked away, down the hall and out of sight.

Trilby pulled me close. So close that I could feel him trembling. We eventually moved the the flights of stairs. They were worse for wear. Thick streams of dark red blood poured down the stairs and stained the walls. At the bottom laid the corpse of a man, several diary pages and a bloody message on the wall that read 'RUN'. I felt the vomit rising on my throat, but swallowed it down.

What I hadn't known, however, was that the nightmare had just begun.

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