Inducing Hallucinations

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Your Pov:

Reading the diary pages made me tremble even more. Something evil was here. And it wanted us to know. Trilby put the papers down, "Come on. Let's keep moving." We went into the lobby. The painting we needed wasn't there. I gripped Trilby's arm tighter as my eyes landed on a flayed corpse on the receptionist desk.

It was absolutely drenched in blood and smelled very rotten. Claw marks made trails through the blood, telling me that they were alive part of the way through whatever hellish procedure this was.

Trilby spoke, "Let's check out the other rooms." We headed into a small hallway. There was a door to our right and a dining room ahead. We opened the door to the right. Inside was a small bar. The furniture was in disarray and two pictures hung on the wall while a broken one sat on the floor. I jumped as I saw the picture of that pale faced tall man.

On the bar sat a pair of pliers. Trilby grabbed them and put them into his pocket. He held my hand again, "We should take a look at the dining room. Maybe we'll find some clues about what's going on." I nodded, "I hope so." The dining room was long since abandoned. Rancid meat sat on one table and another skinned body was nailed over the bathroom door.

Trilby left my side to grab some of the meat. I walked over to the body on the door and used the pliers to remove the nails. As I pulled the last one, there was a flash. Instead of the body in front of me, it was the tall man. I fell backwards, a scream stuck in my throat. The pliers fell from my hands and the closed, pointed end stabbed into my leg. I blinked and the tall man was gone. Trilby was next to me in an instant, "(Y/n)!"

He noticed the pliers in my thigh, "Damn it. This looks bad." He grabbed the handle, "I have to pull it out. Hold my hand." I gripped his hand tightly. He spoke, "Alright. 3, 2, 1-!" He pulled the pliers out, the metal coated with blood. I felt some blood stream down my leg as it throbbed. He helped me up and into the now open bathroom.

The bathroom was dirty and one of the toilets was overflowing with blood. As Trilby searched for something to press against my wound, I picked up a pristine, white envelope from between the two sinks. I looked at Trilby, "Look at this." I opened the envelope as he came over. A white pill bottle and a note fell out. I opened the letter and Trilby read it over my shoulder.

Trilby and (Y/n), if you're reading this then you, too, have seen the hotel change. At present I have no idea if the alternative hotel is part of the ethereal realm or some kind of construct, a pocket dimension.

There is a definite correlation between one's level of agitation and one's tendency to reality shift. Fear is your enemy. It leaves you shining like a beacon for whatever evil brought us to this place.

Do not let it concern you. I an researching the phenomenon. Your task is to find DeFoe. Good luck

-Agent Lenkmann.

I look at the pill bottle. They were tranquilizers. We both took a pill. In a few seconds, I felt my anxiety lift and in the blink of an eye, the hotel shifted back to normal. I took a deep breath. Trilby finally found a first aid kit in a small cabinet in one of the stalls. He quickly cleaned my wound and wrapped it. It still throbbed, but I wasn't in pain anymore.

We walked back to the lobby and stopped in front of the proprietor's office. The door was locked tight. I simply shook my head as Trilby picked the lock and opened the door. The inside of the room was small and dusty. Stacks of files lined the single desk and a safe sat in the corner. Before I could even make a move towards the safe, Trilby was already there, his hands moving on autopilot.

The safe opened, but nothing was inside. I looked at him, "I thought Abed said the idol was in here!?" He scoffed, "Well I'm not quite sure either." We left the room after that. I looked at the painting.

Matthew Defoe's painting.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Trilby doing the same. Suddenly, I felt myself reach out and touch the painting. There was a flash and I closed my eyes. As I opened them, my surroundings changed and a single date flashed through my mind.

July 28th, AD 1821

I was back in that horrible, horrible house, but I wasn't looking through my own eyes. It was like looking through someone else's. I caught my reflection in a mirror. I was in a maid uniform. The woman who stared back was not me, but a young girl about 16 years old. I was not in control of my actions. So I watched things play out. The girl cleaned the room, but paused as yelling erupted from downstairs.

She left the room and went downstairs to the kitchen. There was a door in the kitchen where the hole was in the present house. The girl peeked through the open door to see Matthew and Roderick DeFoe. There was also a scrawny boy standing in front of Roderick. It was John Defoe. Roderick yelled something at him before mercilessly beating him with the idol.

Roderick turned into the tall man, then, there was another flash. I blinked.

I was back in the hotel lobby.

Trilby's Notes (Trilby x Reader) 2Where stories live. Discover now