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Your Pov:

We eventually got to the basement. The beetles were gone and there was a large opening in the foundation. We slipped in. It lead to a cavern. Trilby stood in front of a stump.

The prince's soul artifact.

He seemed to be having a vision.

One word fell from his lips.


I immediately felt myself get sucked into a vision as well. My vision showed a small village of druids. I was on a porch of some kind, hands folded over a swollen stomach. A druid approached. He had long, light colored hair, "He is gone...I could not help him Almi." I heard a women's voice, "W-Who? C-Cabadath?" He nodded. The woman let out a scream of pain and heartbreak.

The druid held her up gently, "We have to flee, Almi. Let us go." I felt soft grass under my feet, then rough dirt. The two passed a small stone house.

Cabadath's home. The tree's site.

The vision ended and I watched as Trilby came out of his vision. I called out to him, "Trilby!" He spoke, "(Y/n)? Siobhan? You were supposed to leave!" Siobhan spoke from behind me, "We couldn't...I just..." She looked at him, "Abed...the professor...he's dead!" Trilby sighed, "I know. He was killed by the shadows. Just like they will kill you two if you don't get away from here." Siobahn spoke, "What is this place?" Trilby looked at the stump, "This cave is the center of the reality shift. This stump is what's causing it all." I paused, "How?"

Then, we heard Lenkmann's voice, "It is the vessel for the Tall Man." Trilby quickly pulled me behind him. Lenkmann came into view, "The acolyte of Chzo." Trilby looked at him, "Lenkmann. Nice to see a friendly face." Lenkmann stepped closer, "Amazing, isn't it? Of all the things Sir Roderick could have used to murder his son, he chose that idol. Placing the soul of John Defoe into the wood alongside Cabadath's. Infusing the poor retard with Chzo's magick, allowing him to come back infinitely more powerful than before."

Trilby nodded, "Certainly pretty lucky." Lenkmann scoffed, "Lucky? Chzo had to wait two thousand years for that opportunity. The opportunity to blend magick and science in a single entity. The opportunity to create the bridge." Trilby frowned, "What are you talking about?" Lenkmann walked past is to the end of the cave, "The bridge between the realms. Over which Chzo will cross into our universe, and purify mankind. Our order has waited two hundred years for the prophecy to be fulfilled." Trilby stepped back.

"You're not with the Ministry of Occultism. Who are you?" Lenkmann ignored his question, "Two hundred years ago, the prophet Jack Frehorn founded the Order of Blessed Agonies. Since then, we have grown, and watched, and waited. It was only in recent years that the events foretold in the Book of Chzo began to occur. It mentioned John Defoe. And it mentioned you." Trilby spoke.

"Me?!" Lenkmann stepped even closer, "You were the one prophesized to guide the Bridgekeeper to his destiny. But you didn't finish the job! All three aspects of John Defoe had to be destroyed to create the bridge. Body, mind, and soul. You only destroyed his body. His soul and mind remained." Trilby shook his head, "Had I known about this...I wouldn't even have done that." Lenkmann rested a hand on Trilby's shoulder.

"That will truly disappoint my superiors. They were quite adamant that I should try to persuade you to join our cause, and fulfill your foretold duty..." Trilby grimaced, "Is that why you were helping me?" Lenkmann nodded, "They thought if I guided you through your visions, and showed you the appropriate passages from our holy books, you'd understand that the prophecy is real."

Trilby's expression darkened, "You honestly believed I'd join some insane cult just because you handed me some leaflets?!" I saw something glint in Lenkmann's pocket. He spoke.

"Personally? No." My scream got stuck in my throat as Lenkmann stabbed Trilby in the stomach. Trilby gasped, then passed out. Lenkmann turned to Siobahn and I. I looked at Siobhan, "Go! Run!" Siobhan turned and ran out of the cave. Lenkmann looked at me, "It's just like the daughter of our king to be so selfless. Too bad that ends now." He grabbed me, the butt of the knife hitting my head.

I immediately fell into a dark unconsciousness...

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