underworld (part 2) underneath earth

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Rachael grabbed her sons hand, it felt cold scary. He remembered his mothers always saying to him "you are my light you are the brightest light. never! let anyone put you out" but this version of a twisted twilight looked like his mother but didnt.
    He snapped back to reality looking  daze. He heard her say, we gotta go more will come. He agreed they left and ran up the stairs through the carnival of fun tent that he dispised now and went on the sidewalk walking brisky following behind this new mother. who felt real looked real  but had to be a ghost. Maybe?  But how she's dead. He noticed prints on the ground not black and white from this world. he was now seeing around him but bright blue paw prints that where coded in a white imprint that seemed to burn everything up in the air with a wisp that dissapeared.
  He followed behind her for a minute. they crossed a couple of streets that went through a train track that had two three story buildings that looked abandoned. They where ashy colored with old dusty black and white surfaces surrounded by a grey sky. A storm was brewing. The clouds where rumbling.
   His mother guided him to the back of the building on the right. There was a wooden cellar door that was pitch black with a glow around it. Ian could see gray glowing veins running in and out of it that fed into the streets. Tons of them going to houses, sewers everywhere. It looked like phone lines giving everyone there electricity to do what they had to do. Whether it be watching tv etc.
    They went down into the cellar. Ian the whole time was thinking" i shouldnt be doing this why am i."
    The veins came in bundles everywhere from the ceiling to the floor weaving a bright blacklight down a tunnel that looked as tho it could go for eternity. It looked dark but at the same time everything was lit up in a black fluorescent color. Ian followed behind Rachael saying to himself this isnt real.
  They came to the end of the tunnel it was much shorter than he thought maybe a couple minutes but they seen a big grey  door. It looked old, plain and kinda shabby. Worn out! She grabbed it and open it.  there was no knob but he seen her grab it. They walked into a small room. no more the size of a classroom. It was full of the veins again but this time to Ian it looked scary. The cords turned a grayish white and led to the center of the room rising to the ceiling tangled and intertwined throughtout the room like a tree with branches. It was pale ghost white. others were gray with a black tint. Ian looked terrified.
  They stood next to the base of this disfigured tree. A mother looking at her son like they where standing in the garden of eden.. She grabbed his hand cupped it between hers staring into his eyes. not looking dead and twisted to Ian anymore but looked like his actual motherwith the glow and everything. not this black and white world with shadow people and the yellow eyes but his lomg haired mother whose smile looked of an angel. She spoke to him as in a vision a blurry one at that. Son ive missed you. Very much at that. To much to say but theres not much time to say it. So listen here you gotta leave the way you came. The exact way and don't forget stroker. You gotta go the way you came. The exact way!. And just like that everything was black and white and this new corpse bride of a woman was staring him down saying something.
   She gave him a quick slap " are you listening, she said are you, Ian replied no had a headache sorry. He looked at her now back in reality whatever that was.  She again spoke to him calmy and with a somewhat unpleasant voice that had a high shrilly screech" they will rebreath the essence of that man back into reality in a matter of moments and he will come back for you. You have two choices listen to me and you'll survive. If you dont your toast. Ian replied fearful but calmly with an expression of terror" you gotta tell me whats going on and what is this place?" Rachael in a smooth sweet voice replied " you're in the land of the dead. Where heaven is hell and hell is heaven. Everything here wants your life force including me but im willing to get you back to your world if you take me with you!" Ian replied, why do you want to go to my world? Rachael replied your world is full of light and i want to taste it. Ian thought for a moment i dont believe this. if she gets a taste she'll want more. Darkness always consumes light and this deomon medusa will want it all. He looked at her and said what if i say no! He thought she'd probably kill me. His mother stood tall looking as tho she were a gaint. tons of shadows crept from her back and surrounded everything in darkness as she stood a beacon of black light with grey glowing veins running to bright yellow eyes that seemed to yell in a loud booming voice saying, everything that fall from grace is not heaven but rather scorn of the unbetroved. I am judgment i am consequence i am question. Disobey me and this will be your tomb. Ian scared but not wanting to take her back thinking again she'll kill everything like a plague that all i see here. Pure evil. He replied back after a moment, im sorry but id rather die then let you into heaven.
   He Quicky turned around. he ran for the door but it was covered in veins and he couldnt get through it. He clawed at it kicked it. then he started to get a headache it was bad a real nail biter on top of being scared shitless he now had a headache with this bitch of a lighthouse looking nightmare devil staring at him with death in her eyes. She held out two branches with big black lanky claws. Ian thought im shredded! Im done the headache seemed to grow more unbearable. She was now looking fully ready to pounce at him and as she did. he was looking into it screaming, scared shitless as his headache now went through his body and out his hands in a bright white light full of that blue edged goodness. It felt pure it hit this thing with a force that blew what felt like a super sonic wave of bright light that shot across the room and blew everything in it out of existence. The creature before him disolved and blew apart like a splattered tomatoe as the tree behind it melted to the ground.
  Ian ran the fuck outta dodge as fast as he could. the door had blown apart he yelled thank god and out he went.
  He was between the two buildings again and started to make his way back to the forest. He made it a couple of street down again when he saw the pawprints the bright light ones that went up in smoke. He thought i gotta follow it. It could be Stroker his german shepard who may have followed him through the gate to hell he didnt know for sure but nothing here could radiate that light. So he decided ill just check it out and he did against a better judgment that seemed to say just go.
   He followed the prints they went all the way back to his apartment. He slowly walked up the steps dreading each step. He lived on the secong floor of a building that here was worn down and beaten by age or maybe the darkness of this place had made it look and feel haunted. You know that feeling you get that uneasy feeling that one that warms you deep inside your bones and down to your core but Ian guided through it like a champ considering he thought he was going to die.
   Ian made it to the door and heard someone screaming with other voices in the backround that sounded like they where screaming not a full scream but one that sounded loud but was wasnt. He heard a whimper from a voice he knew all to well. It scared him cause itself sounded scared. It let out a bark and Ian busted the door in charging it with all his might not caring of the consequences but not knowing what he'd do once he got through.
    His deep dish devil dad that looked crazed foaming through his mouth with those black eyes was feeding on his dog while the soul snatching shadow people were watching him suck the life from his best friend. Ian ran through the door with so much force he stumbed but kept going. he was in motion and as he fell forward he supermaned the father of the year right in nose. Ricky his father of the other world but this one he didnt know what to call him. He had turned around and took the hit.
   Ricky brushed it off not moving an inch he laughed. His grin was wide now he said, been waiting for you boy now the real show can begin.
     His dog laying on the ground panting but there. Ian could feel it. he screamed Stroke buddy its me your ion! Let go buddy. Stroker whimpered and tried to get up at his masters call but couldnt.
   Ricky pleased with this stood up and said with the happiest evil voice shrieking, you are mine bastard child i told you. im the boss and its my time to feed.
    Ian not caring that much anymore wasn't feeling the fear he once felt and said,  fuck you! He kicked his father in the balls as hard as he could. not knowing if people in this place reproduce but yet again he wanted out of dodge and he didnt care.
   Ricky toppled over and the shadow people turned to him staring with there shadow but ghostlike presence they wherent doing anything or attempting to get him. they just stood there ghosts in his world and maybe theres? He didnt want to question this now he wanted to go. so he snatched his dog and ran.
   Ricky got up as Ian hit the door and took the corner to the steps and ricky was following in full pursuit. Ian couldnt see Ricky behind him if he was. Ian was too concerned with getting to the woods and leaving but if he looked back. he would of seen Ricky as nothing but a big shadow cruising the sidewalk floating over everything he passed. as just a plain shadow. Tons of them the shadow people and the leader of the band himself.
  The sky itself faded from a grey to a black grey filter with grayish white  clouds that spread across the whole sky bursting and booming with sounds that pierced glass into shards. if you catch my drift. the lightning now black with gray tint on the edges seemed to come down every couple of seconds and when Ian came to the woods he finally stopped and thought he's here. He's gotta be.
   Thats when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Ian turned it was his girlfriend but here she looked like a vampire. To the T. Grey skin black hair that fell to her shoulder. She was smiling showing fangs and just like a vamp she tried to dive in. Ian moved to the side in time to miss it dropping Stroker on the ground with a thud and tumbling himself. He quicky got up and saw her coming for him but now ricky was lurching up like a peeping tom a creeper of the night slowly coming to the window ready to pounce.
   Ian didnt know what to do. he tried shooting the light again but couldnt. He just looked stunned.
   Ricky grabbed Ian saying, its your time the maker is here and boy does he have a deal for you.
   Ian kicked his girlfriend Megan right in the chin causing her to shriek and fall.
  Ian then said with strong intent, the only deal your getting is 100% off cause there no way your coming with me.
   Rick still smiling struggling with his son for a moment got him under control in his arms saying with that raspy voice, im not trying to leave im not your mother. I just want you. The deal is you. You bring me a new you every year. You never forget me.
   Ian stunned didnt understand looking more baffled and he bet it was showing.
   Ricky confidently started saying it's time but then Stroker stood up as if he looked like he was on his last breathe but still a fighting warrior. Stroker stared at Ian watching his daddy  about to be soul food barked as loud and as fierce as he could letting every last ounce of mans best friend out as if to think thatll save him and it did just like that what felt like a gust of wind a tornado from the mouth of this beautiful beast also shot what looked like a ghost version of a lightning bolt that exploded into ricky with a bright light piercing everyone around it but Stroker and ian. it looked like a shock wave of light that hit the ground like an earthquake shaking it for a second and just like that the boogey man was gone and into the woods they went to get the hell out of hell.

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