the boy who met the girl(invasion)

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The next moring Ms. Wessely came to Jinn's Sanctuary. She stood at the entrance demanding to see rayne yelling," i know he's here. He's got knowhere else to go. He needs his pills or he'll die.
There was no answer as the wee men told her she needed to leave.
Ms. Wessely got madder by this more demonic with her tone. as her blood started to boil she screamed again," you filthy fucking swine! freakshow fucks! How dare you. He's mine! You have no right to him. Give him back or you'll pay the price! With your heads!.
Giselle walked up with a fearsome smile. Wearing her purple vest and hat with black shiny pants. while holding a silver snake head cane with a slick silver and black body that swirled all the way to the bottom.
She spoke to Ms. Wessely with a calm and mature tone of blissful ignorance," i dont know what you're talking about? my dear. You must of knocked on the wrong house. There's no rain in these showers. You best be on your way dear. Before i shed my skin and bite myself a rat. You know what im saying?
Ms. Wessley's face was red with a bitterness in it. She perked her lungs up with a full blast of air yelling," you piece of carnival trash. Shouldnt your mother be speaking for you lil girl. Give me what belongs to me and we wont have a problem. I know your games. Im not afraid to play em! You hear me! this is your final warning. Ill start something you cant stop. Give me the fucking boy."
Giselle put on an ever smugger smile as it widened from ear to ear. She spoke rationaly with a hint of sarcasm to it," oh well witch. Cast your spell. There's no boy here. That you speak of anyway. Just some wee men of past days but ive been around the block. Im not as young as you take me for. I might be older than you witch. Who poisions little boys with deception but If you'd like a ticket. Your welcome to back the show. I do think it's best if you go back to where you came! Hell darling. It looks good on you. I can see it in your eyes. You cant fool a fool."
Ms. Wessely yelled one more time before she left stomping away," im a be back bitch and you wont like me next time. Be ready! I know he's here. I can feel it in my bones."
Ms. Wessely rumbed away. as Giselle yelled," have a great day mam. Thank you for stopping by jinns santuary. I hope you enjoyed your experience. We aim to improve everyday. Would you like a comment card? Tell us how we're doing. Its a quick survey by yours truly"
Ms. Wessely called the Harmon brothers. who told her they were gonna have a meeting later and that she should show.
The brothers called Mr. Evans, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Vaye and the rest of the men for an impromptu excursion. That had to happen as soon as possible.
They all agreed after hearing the lecture of the events occuring in this present state of emergency.
Rayne was their source of immortality. up to this point anyway and they'd do anything to keep him. he was either gonna wither away in sickness or be 6 ft under the ground but untill then he belonged to them and only them!
Rayne was feeling stronger each day without taking those pills. He wasnt coughing as much or spitting up black goo.
He could feel his physical bodies muscle's. Doing their job . His joints weren't throbbing as bad. His body was in less pain. He could stand and walk but that had it's limitations. It only lasted a short minute. Then he'd be winded again.
His insomia wasnt bothering him as much. He could sleep. Peacefully thoughout the night now.
He was able to tap into his mind's power with ease. He was always able to do this but the click in his head was stronger than it ever had been. He could feel the power coursing through him like a water fall. Awakening! With the force of an ocean's endlessness supply of water.
He felt happier all around too. Seeing the truth had hurt but he needed it to set him free. The clarity of it all. Being pushed upon him like a battering ram. Which had told him what had hid behind the curtains.
Being around Giselle had raised Rayne's spirit to new heights but he didnt know her true motive. If it was for him to help them be set free or something much more sinister. Like getting back at the evil men. who destroyed Rayne's and Giselle's lives with a number of other families lives. That they had devoured into their feeble wickedness.
Did she want him around after all this was over or would he be road kill. Left on the side of the road.
He loved her high spirit and beautifully crafted night eyes. It made Rayne feel awake. Alive! Eyes wide open! It lit a fire in rayne heart. That he had never felt before.
After Ms. Wessely left. Giselle found Rayne a worn down wheelchair made of metal and chipped grey plastic.
She then had cleo and leo try to help him learn to walk again. It was a slow process. Rayne hadnt walked since he was 11. getting sick enough that Ms. Wessely had bought him his first wheelchair.
Which if he would've looked back. He would of seen signs that went unoticed but he didnt want to burden himself with past regrets.
Which were fraudulant checks of fake sickness and deceptive tactics. he felt and saw it all now. After all these years. he trusted her. With everything in his bones. He gave it all to her. all his time. Which had been wasted on someone who truly didnt value his kinship or his loving spirit. To Rayne now It was all dead in the water.
He felt he did everything he could do to help Ms. Wessely and the people they'd meet. He thought she truly loved him back but now he thought "how could she? How could she do this to me. Kin for life. Love is our attitude and we wear it on our sleeve. Thats what she's always said to me. Its all Lies! Every single word."
All those memories were now being washed down in a drain and coming back up with a tub full of renewed life that maybe Giselle would be better and would stick around after this whole mess was all cleaned up.
He thought maybe Giselle and the others would accept him. seeing his cause to be loved. like a misfit of his own creation. who has never been accepted into the circle of life. With people that mattered to him. Maybe they'd see him for who he truly was. A good person who just wanted to be happy with people that cared as much about life and others as he did.
He hoped they'd live through this anyways but for the first time in raynes life. he felt hopeful. Having been stuck in his chair with a life of solitude. which restrained him to a machine in a cabin. He thought he might be around people who cared for him and could possibly one day he could call a family. After not being able to have one of his own.
Ms. Wessely showed up to the riggity beat up worn cabin that belonged to the Harmon brothers. It was late the sun had set and the moon was in full bloom.
  She walked right into the cabin without knocking. There were 5 men standing in the living room. two of them being the Harmon's. The other three were people you've come to know.
They were all wearing black suits with black and grey striped ties.  Their hats were placed on the table side by side.
  They all had lanky bodies, small heads with pale skin and limbs that spread like a disease. Long and bony!
  The Harmon's stood at the helm. Leading the charge of glory. They spoke as one. talking in an angry obsessive blunder," you know why we're all here tonight. It's time to get rid of those god awful fucks that call themselves entertainers. They are a nuisance. Years ago we showed them who was in charge but it looks like we gotta do it again!"
Mr Vaye stepped forward looking like a middle aged former self of an unspoken triumphant time. As rayne had left him half way rejuvinated.
He spoke with thunder in his voice," the last time we quarreled with them. We undermined their enthusiasm. This time there will be no such luck. We're taking those fucks to the cleaners! every last one of them. Crusified by the hands of us. There gonna pay in full."
Ms. Wessely spoke right after Mr. Vaye in her monotoned squeaky voice with tons of anger attached," i want that pig headed bitch of a girl. She's mine. Im gonna show her who rules the kingdom but we keep the boy. Hes useful to us. The rest can go. Every one of them. Crusified!"
  Mr. Evans spoke in a calm but penetrating voice," i love your spirit wessely but if the boy gets in our way. He goes. End of story. This is gonna happen. Their gonna be extinct and no one and i mean no one will remember their names. They'll be dust and ash. Ill show them the true meaning of death by fire!"
Then Mr Vaye spoke with attitude and vigor," oh we will have whats ours my brothers. We will. First we'll kill them and then we'll get our immortality. Get the girl. she knows the secret. The boy. We'll take his power and put it to good use. He's got alot of it so watch for him. He might be tricky but the rest well thats cake we'll enjoy piece by piece. Easy and quick."
  Then the older Harmon spoke calmy," i have a couple more calls to make. Gather the others. We're gonna need more of us. It might take a couple of days but it's coming. Rest up boys. we'll need all our strength. It's about that time. Theres a feast on the menu and i intent to indulge myself in the buffet."
The younger Harmon spoke," its that time of the month and we all smell victory in the air brothers. gather all you can too but for now lets celebrate with a little liquid courage and we'll be on our way. As for the next time we'll be meeting on the graveyard of those we intend to send to the after life."
  On the table was a green wine bottle with a cork stuck in the top. With a black gooey substance in it. They popped the bottle passing it around. Each taking a sip of its nector.
All their eyes lit up a foggy black. Their veins bulged out black. running throughout their body from there head to there toes. right to the center of their eyes.
  Mr. Vaye spoke again," brothers we've been waiting centuries for this. Now lets set an example and get whats ours. No surrender. Come with all you've got cause they will. You either die or you go all out. No fucking mercy. At all. I've given you all some boost juice. Take it before you show. This shit aint cheap."
  They all left going there seperate ways. With an intent of murder on their mind. As it was usually there in the first place. Never leaving but stiring amuck for the next endeavour sought after.
After Giselle's father tucked her away. He walked out to an empty carnival. Not a sight or sound of anything just black and purple lights that circled around him by the flouresent flavor of the night skies dark glow.
  Standing at the front of the circus were ten men in black suits with black ties and bird masks on their heads. Giselle's father had called them the ostrich men.
  They stood in a v formation. Mr. Vaye headed the charge with the Harmons on both sides. As his faithful lackies.
  Mr. Vaye spoke in a young vibrant voice," alright you got one chance to give it up. If you dont we're coming in there and taking you to a place of redemtion. Death! Then we'll find your daughter and make her suffer. She wont die but she'll wish she was. Trust in that. Im a man of my word. So whats it gonna be!"
  Giselle's father yelled back," over my dead body! You're all selfish. You're not meant for eternity and i will not allow you such value. My daughter will be fine but i cant say the same for you."
The men all laughed at this but that only lasted a moment. As a bunch of circus people who worshipped Giselle's father. the people he called his family. Who he gave every ounce of his blood for after all the years he spent caring, supporting and just making sure they were smiling gathered around to support their captain.
There were the wee men and a bunch of white faced painted clowns. wearing black leather with white strapped silver buckles of different animals running up to there shoulders.
  Then a couple of long black caped men with black plastic masks that were skinny but tall in stature with black and silver leather on appeared in grey smoke on both sides of Giselle's father. They all screamed," we are one. You come for one of us and we all stand together. In unity. We live. We die. As one,"
  The ostrinch men took off their masks showing small bald faces. They let out a scream. That was unheard in this word. sounding like a bird call mixed with a massive shockwave of an echoing putrid deathly hollar.
  They started to transform. There eyes turned to black beads. there mouth widened to a wide round circle that didnt fit there shape. showing those sharp rows of rotten teeth. Each row worse than the last. There skin was pure white. They grew looking like a dead hollow tree towering high in the air with long skinny arms and sharp black claws. Their necks sunk in with a pencil fortification.
Mr. Vayes skin had black cracks running throughout it. Giving his belly an overweighing bulge of a santa claus unpleasantness. As he roared in laughter saying," fuck it! Your ours and if you wont give it up. We're just gonna eat you and take it."
  The ostich men charged the carnie's of jinn's santuary. They stood firm. The wee men spit there vile gooey puddles on the ground. creating a wall of protection by multiplying themselves ten fold but it was no use. As the ostrich men shredded most of them.
Giselle's fathers eyes turned that black and white. He sent two of the ostrich men flying with a thought but it wasnt enough as they circled the clowns.
The clowns put up a good fight. Sending out black fire from there mouths. after blowing into wooden lit torches that they carried around but the ostrich men sucked in the fire spitting it back at them. Starting them on fire. as the ostrich men yelled," now thats a fine steak. well done! past the prime just the way we like it. Burnt to a crisp!  like your used up punchlines."
A couple of the clowns grabbed onto one of the ostrich men. Making him yell till he too was doomed by a fate of death.
  The magicians standing by Giselle's father threw out a screen of black smoke covering the battle field in a deep fog.
  Then the magicians and Giselle's father made their way through it. Decapitating a couple of the ostrich men with long sharp black blades edged in a silver lining with black hilts. That had birds engraved it in a silver outline.
  Mr. Vaye sucked in the smoke with his beer belly and blew it into the air.
   The two magicians got snatched in mid flight trying to take one of the ostrich men. They went at it as a team but Mr Vaye and the Harmons shot a black goo into there mouths. They dropped twitching on the ground.
   Giselles father tried to save them. His eyes glowed sending out a black and white ball of swirling energy right at them. It hit them. Leaving them screaming in pain but the other ostrich men sucked out the magicians essence. Giving them a boost. Making them stronger as there veins glowed black and there bellies started to bulge. They hollared a bellow of satisfaction.
They turned staring at Giselle's father and a ruin of dead family and friends. They laughed gathering around him. As he was the last one left.
  Mr. Vaye spoke with a confident destructive manner of satisfaction ," do you see now? Its over! Give us what we want or you'll join your people in a place worse than hell! If you give it to us now. We'll let the girl live. Its up to you. What is your desire? Die or give in!!? give us what we want and live knowing your friends died because of you."
  Giselle's father laughed a high strung sound of satisfaction of his own," you'll get nothing from me! Nothing! Look all you want. You wont find what you're looking for. Its not here. Its in a place you'll never reach with your selfishness! Salvation my friends. You cant buy or devour that. Your fucked."
He then spoke a launguage unheard for centuries a bunch of unspoken vibrant words. Sending a black and white soundwave from his body with a crack of thunder to it. His body turned to smoke shooting up into the air and becoming a cloud of black smoke.
     The days leading to the charge of the ostrich men on the circus. Giselle had her own meeting. She gathered everyone from the circus into the main tent.
  She told them in a sympothetic saddening voice. as it filled her eyes with tears," they're coming for us! again! just like before. They'll kill you all. If you want to leave. This is the time. They wont be here for a couple days. So gather all your stuff and head for the hills."
The wee men spoke in there solitude fortified high rumbles," we were here before them and we will be here long after. We watched the massacre of before. we were apart of it. They wont stop and we as one. Wont let them continue killing the way they do. We wont kneel and run like cowards. We're here to stay!.
Then cleo and leo stood up throwing their arms in the air yelling in unison with a breathe of fiery," and neither shall we. You gypsy queen are our spirit! our soul! We wont leave you in the ashes. You are our  phoenix! Reborn! We stand together! Family!"
  The rest of the carnies cheered heavily. Nodding and agreeing spitting out words of their own saying," fuck them worm bastards.""they dont know what they got coming" " ill release them in death,"" fuck them bird looking motherfucks. Ill pluck their feathers one by one. Watchthem squeak."
  Giselle hushed the crowd. She got loud and proudly with relief in her voice and a shot of happiness that sprouted into excitement for her family had her back," We hold the cards. They're coming to our house! our battlefield  Its high noon and they will give us the fight of our lives. We must be prepared. They will eat our souls if given the chance. They're ruthless. They're swine! We must be ready. So i say to all of you. No mercy! No surrender but most of all stay disiplined. We will win this. We will knock on deaths door and throw it a bone. It's our time. Our time to dig the graves! For them."
Giselle had cleo and leo work with rayne. Helping him gather whatever strength he could muster up to walk, to use his mind. To get his power to release its true potential.
   There wasn't enough time but for what it was worth. They put in the effort to keep rayne going. To get him churning. To put his mind in tip top shape.
  Giselle rolled rayne around the circus with Inglund by her side. They got cotton candy and corn dogs. Those footlongs with that sugary bread. That made it taste so sweet.
She sat down on the bench with rayne positioned infront of her. She spoke to him a low deep to the heart honest sounding voice," you are an important piece of this. One of the most important. In fact. You're the center piece. I see a power inside of you. Not your healing and other tricks. No i see a power of compassion of dignity. It glows brighter than the rest. You can save us. I dont know how. I just know. i can feel it. I like you. Your good. Thats hard to find nowadays. We will protect you."
  Then Giselle stood up. She gestured to Inglund to come over. He floated through the air to her.
  Giselle spoke with a passionate gesture of love. As she looked into Rayne's eye's.
   Rayne felt himself melting into the seat of his wheelchair as he listened with a passion of his own. 
" Ingland will be your gaurdian. He wont let anything happen to you. I promise. When this is all over. I want you to stay. Be apart of all this.  I know how life has gone for you but it doesnt have to stay that way. Here at jinn's we love those that are misfits. Different! but i want you to stay for me."
Then Inglund floated into rayne. Merging himself with Rayne's shadow. Becoming one.
  Rayne's shadow spread itself across the ground. Growing expodentually! Taking over the place where him and Giselle were eating and more. consuming the space all around it. Till it was glossed over with darkness..
   As it expanded itself. it shot black sparks of shadows that flew everywhere. they both screamed. Not in pain but understanding. As they were now connecting on a new level of consciousness.
Rayne's eyes lit up a foggy white and red. Then Giselle spoke to him in a cheery happy voice of independence," you fit! I knew you would. He can only merge with people like his former owner. People of good nature. That's how he keeps himself inspired, motivated and fresh! You're alike in the soul. With attitudes of fire! You will see what you hide within. A strength of your own. Unity! Clarity! Love! Release it onto this world!"
    Giselle jumped in the air twirling with excitement. As she landed she spread her arms around Rayne's neck for a moment. She let it go with a grin going from ear to ear.
Rayne was dizzy confused and suddenly tired. He looked up at Giselle. He could feel power coursing through his veins. Unlike any he'd ever felt before.
  He regained his strength. After a moment feeling lively, powerfull but most of all. ready! Ready for anything.
He spoke to Giselle with a powerful stream of enlightenment" i dont understand why you're doing this. I dont but i trust you. The way you treat me. It feels real. I feel real and not alone anymore. It's the greatest feeling in the world. I want to thank all of you. I will die to protect all of you. Espicially you! Giselle. You've made me feel special. I dont want to leave you. I really like you and what you represent. Love and compassion! i want that in my life. Ive been alone so long. I dont know what it feels like to have people i can call friends."
  Giselle walked up to Rayne grabbing him under his cheeks. Where the chin lines up. She kissed him gently on the lips and said cautiously," me too! Rayne! Me too. Lets get through this. Then we can talk about our future"
     It was the day everyone was waiting for. The ostrich men were all packed in their cars. Driving to jinn's santuary.
   Giselle and her family were getting ready for the fight of their lives. They thought they'd have a last little bit of fun for they didnt know if they'd be alive to tell the tale.
   They gathered in the tent earlier that day. They played music from an old school boom box and proceed to dance the afternoon away. Like never before.
  Giselle grabbed rayne off his wheelchair dragging him to the middle of the floor. She held one of his hands. While putting the other one around his waist.
   She spoke to him with an energetic amusement," you prolly dont know how to dance but today im a teach you. Stare into my eyes and let our bodies guide eachother as one. Dont worry if you step on my feet. I wont hold it against you."
Rayne was nervous as his body was trembling. While his voice stuttered," ive never danced a day in my life. I hope im ok. Can you just hold me close and guide me. Please im scared of whats gonna happen tonight. I dont want to lose you. When i just found you,"
  Giselle's eyes lit up as sge spoke with enthusiasm," you are not gonna lose me. I found you and im not letting go. Just be in the moment. Put your worries in a box. We'll open it later. As for now lets enjoy eachothers company." And they did. Dancing and prancing around for an hour.
  After they were done. Giselle took rayne to her tent. Put him on her bed and made sweet and gently love to him. Telling him," dont worry. Darling! Im not going anywhere."
It was the twilight of the moon's midnight essence. showing itself. Glowing upon the night sky.  The stars were shining extra bright this night. Spotlighting the whole of jinn's santuary.
  The cars of the evil creatures called the ostrich men. Rolled up on the path of jinn's santuary. They parked themselves at the entance.
  They exited there cars. They walked up to the shimmering banners. All forty of them. Headed by their faithful leader Mr. Vaye and Ms. Wessely!
    Mr. Vaye hollared with a vengeful frightening cry that echoed throughout. as he had done many years ago," alright trashbags. We're gonna fill you up tonight with the garbage you call yourselves. You have five seconds to give us the boy and the power we've been seeking.. If you do this we'll leave fair and square.. You go your way we go ours. Do we have a deal,"
    Black smoke appeared under the banner of the purple jinn's santuary sign. Two white edged black christened foggy eyes popped into view. Holding a glowing silver and black eyed snake cane.
  The voice that spoke was deep and petrifying. It had a strong growing growling sound," you'll never let us go. even if we gave you what you wanted. You took our people from us all those years ago but tonight we'll take from you. No surrender! No compromise! Just facts. Those facts are tonight someone will pay dearly. You came here in search of treasure but tonight you'll find nothing but grief and death. Either you leave of your own free will or we'll take you to the cleaners!
  Mr. Vaye snickered as he said in a raspy voice," then death it is my dear girl."
  All the ostrich men took out a vile full of black liquid and drank it. They then transformed into the beady eyed, small headed, bald, thin, hollowed out tree look they were accustomed too. With those sharp claws.
     There skin became paler than usual. With a white glow and black cracks that ran throughout their bodies. Letting out little wisps of black smoke through their pores.  They howled with there wide circular mouths in the air showing sharp rows of rotted teeth.
  The voice spoke again laughing," how cute a bunch of rodents getting ready to be squashed. Well come on in. There's plenty of room.
  Five of the ostrich men came charging. Running right into the smoke. The smoke became a black fire as leo and cleo had took a lit torch and blew from it. Igniting it ablaze. The men screamed as they shriveled away.
The voice laughed again saying," is that all you got."
Mr Vaye turned to his men saying," she's trying to anger you dont fall for it."
Then he made hand signals telling half of them to split up and go around. Find a vulnerable port of entrace. Then he spoke to the presence in the fog," oh little bitch. Dont worry. Ill get you and your family they belong in my belly. So i can shit em out. It'll be the best experience. Ill ever have. Dropping that load." He laughed even louder as his belly expanded he hurled his own black goo into the fog.
  He waited a moment then heard a scream. Before he screamed back,"got you."
Then he had the other half charge the fog as he stood there watching.
Rayne was in the main tent when he decided to step onto the battle field but he heard a voice speak to him in his mind from above. It was the black cloud telling him," its time. You must set me free or they'll all die. Bring me home. Only you can do this. Only you know how. Look in your heart. It has the answers."
So Rayne ran out the tent.
Mr vaye and a couple of the men. Sucked the fog in. While shooting it back up into the air.
  As the other ostrich men charged into the smoke and were greeted by puddles after puddles of black goo that transformed itself into the wee men. who clung themselves onto the ostrich men. Exploding with a black gas that attached itself into the ostrich men's skin.
    They then screamed in pain. as it felt like acid burning through them but the other ostrich men devoured and killed the rest of the wee men.
   Giselle held her snake cane in the air. As her eyes glowed that black and white foggy look.
  She screamed as the cane shot out a white ball of energy that exploded onto the evil creatures.
The other half of the ostrich men had found a way through the side of jinn's santuary.. Killing all that stood in their path. Eating them, taking there souls. While tearing them to shreds.
   They ran through jinn's making there way to the entance. Where the battle was taking place.
   Rayne ran out the tent and was greeted by the ostrich men. Who then grabbed him by both arms knocking him over the head. Making him see stars. He was out cold.
  The white light sent all the creatures flying. It was looking like Giselle was steady to a victory. When she heard the Harmons scream together," stop what your doing and step back or this fucking boys dying. Ill slit his fucking throat and eat his fucken head,"
  Giselle turned to see rayne in their grasp. Head hung low, eyes closed. She laughed while saying," Inglund now."
   Rayne's eyes glowed a foggy red glow as Rayne's head snapped up. He flexed his arms throwing both the harmons aside.
  He then sent a white and reddish shockwave from his body. That put everyone around him in a panic. They screamed. Falling to their knees as a black goo, interpreted as blood. shot out from there mouths. Leaving them breathless and lifeless squirming on the ground.
  Rayne ran to Giselle's side. He clung to her.
  They were surrounded by the rest of the creatures impostered as people. They circles Giselle cleo leo rayne and Inglund. Like sharks.
  As Mr vaye now yelled in satisfaction," your tricks are done. Your game has been played and you now have no cards left in hand. Looks like victory shall be ours. Im a enjoy this. Gypsy trash!"
  Then mr. Vaye reved up his belly as it purred sending out a black goo right at Giselle.
  Rayne pushed her taking the blunt of the gooey disaster. He screamed in pain.
  Cleo and leo pulled black with silver tipped knives from there dreadlocks. They shot out black smoke from there mouths and charged at the creatures.   
   Giselle charged as she pulled on the head of the snake. releasing a silver sword from its black and silver holster.
  They fought for a minute. Stabbing bodies and decapitating heads. Ms. Wessely snuck up on Giselle but rayne had gotten back up pushing her away from Giselle. Giselle dropped her cane.
  Mr vaye had eatin leo. Took him by his dreadlocks and tore his head clean off. As he sucked in his soul.
  Rayne grabbed Giselle's cane. He held it up in the air and screamed with all his might. He felt the tingle in his mind. As it expanded itself throughout his body.
He mustered as much of it as he could. putting it into the cane and shooting it into the air with a lighning rod that struck a high beam of pure electrical light. Right into the cloud of black smoke.
  The cloud rumbled and shook. Then it sent a lightning strike of its own. Landing itself on the creatures gathered around rayne and company.
  It grew louder and louder getting more fierce with every breathe. Shaking and stirring. it sent another wave of passion down on more of the evil men.
  Then the cloud itself swirled together. Gusting around. Forming itself into a twister that touched the ground.
It gusted with a disastrous tone of death. Making its way through the crowd. Taking everything in its path. Sucking it in. The tents! The games even the cotton candy stand.
  Then it impaled most of the ostrich men. While leaving Ms. Wessely, mr. Vaye and a couple of the ostrich men. Like the Harmons.
  The twister started to subside. Turning itself to a cloud of smoke that filled a little area. That then became a man. Giselle's father the jinn himself appeared.
  He then walked up talking in a smug happy go lucky voice," i told you I'd be back my lil queen. As for you fucks. Ive got a message for you from death himself. He said hes been waiting. You've been bad boys and im here to collect my reward. your lives!. Enough talk! Lets do this."
  His eyes lit up that black and white. Mr Vaye charged him. When he got close to Jinn. Jinn grabbed him by the thoat. As he changed his face to a foggy shadowy smile that aromaed his whole body. It looked as tho there were two of him. A foggy black smoke man tht incased itself around Jinn body and mind.
Jinn sent silver and black snakes from his mouth. That flew into the air attaching themselves on the ostrich men. Biting them sending a venom that made them implode. As there skin went dry. making them melt to just rubbery skin with black puddles that surrounded itself under the skin.
Then Jinn looked into Mr. Vayes eyes. He showed four long sharp pointed fangs. Two on top. Two on the bottom. Evenly spaced out. He bit mr. Vaye turning him to the puddle just like the rest of them.
  Ms. Wessely was the only one left she lunged at Giselle with a knife of her own but yet again rayne jumped infront taking yet another blow.
  He screamed as it hit his right shoulder. Giselle took the snake cane and decapitated Ms. Wessely. With one swoosh of the blade.
  She turned screaming in sorrow. Pain! She grabbed rayne telling him he'll be ok. He'll live. She screamed at Jinn" dad please help him please. I cant lose him. I cant."
  Jinn walked over and sat next to Rayne. He told rayne. I grant wishes. Ill give you three."
  Rayne looked at him as he coughed out blood saying," i have everything ive ever wanted. I just dont want to die yet. I love your daughter. I want her to know that. With every breathe i have. This family that is my wish. Bring back her family. They're gone. She needs them now more than ever."
  Jinn smiled and touched Rayne's body. It lit up with a white glow. Rayne returned to normal.
Then Jinn looked around shooting out white balls of light with glowing tails that touched the comrades bringing them back from death's door..
  Giselle hugged rayne tight and said," i love you too."
  End of story hope you enjoyed it



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