the addiction pt4

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Evil intent was spreading throughout Matthew. The addiction's side effects were becoming more apparent. As it was getting harder for Matthew to concentrate.
His mind was altering itself into mush. As it was throbbing in pain. His ears were ringing and his thoughts were filled with death to all. He couldnt get away from it.
All he wanted to do was make everyone suffer. Darkness had taken its toll on him. Mind body and soul. It was embodied in him with no judgement just prosecution. He was now to be the judge. Everything else was to be the victims or witnesses of his empowerment.
It was neverending. as he had accepted no terms of return. He was on its path of addiction now. Craving it was an understatment. It was now a necessity to stay alive. He knew it now more than ever.
The black veins in his face started making there way onto his body. His body too started growing black blotchy legions. He could feel it thrusting itself upon him. With tons of pain!
He was getting thinner. His skin was becoming paler than it already was. His blood becoming black as the night. Each night getting worse than before.
He could feel his head aching. Hell his whole body was aching. Deteriorating with a constant pulse of deathly menacing heartache. It was consuming him whole. Every last drop. Till death do us part. a marriage of its own requirement. To be whole again.
The sun was setting. it was midway through the change of nightfall. There was a cloudy dusk in the sky showing a hugh of orange and yellow with a bluish black darkness about to spring forward.
Matthew stopped at the gas station to fill up his truck with gas. The same gas station he had met the mysterious stranger. Where they had crossed paths under the stars in Matthew's final alcoholic stupor.
Matthew threw up out the side of the window of the truck. that black gooey substance. His throat was raw and firey with pain.
He then got out and filled his tank. Then went in to pay for it. As he was in there he also bought a pack of smokes. Marlboro Reds.
When he walked out. He had an urge, an instinct that told him to walk around the corner of the dimly lit parking lot of the old shabby brown and red roofed store. With its dirty glass pane window that covered the front of the entire store. It had a sign saying Get ur gas and go.
He lit a smoke. As he was walking around the corner. He saw the man with no suprise standing there in the trenchcoat with his top hat. All mathew could see on his face was a grin showing sharp teeth with his big veiny hands.
The man spoke in a rough raspy powerful voice," i see you need a pick me up my friend. I've also seen what you been doing and all i can say is bravo! You been a busy boy. I cant complain! your good for buisness. In fact your my number one customer!"
Matthew coughed up a black goo that sat on his lips. He lifted his arm and wiped it off.
He then spoke in a weak tone," what buisness is that! What is this stuff you been giving me? Its fucking me up! Who the fuck are you by the way? You stroll up here knowing things you have no buisness knowing. I demand answers motherfucker"
The man's smile faded from his face. Replacing itself with an evil smirk,' watch how you talk to me boy! The names Mr. Vatts and im here to sell realities! impossible for the mind to conceive. What you been taking is E-ville. Plus Im a man who just knows things. I been around for awhile! Im suprised you didn't ask these things sooner but i dont answer questions im not asked."
Matthew spoke in a higher volume this time," sorry but what do you want from me? Why the fuck did you pick me? Out of all the people in the world you found me."
The man put his hand on Matthew's shoulder. Then his eyes sparked a black glossy frame and he smiled from ear to ear. As his mouth spread unaturally long and wide.
He then spoke in a cruel manner of confidence," we found eachother. We are meant to be! like fate. You have a power in yourself that could be controlled by a man of my talents. I seen you down on your luck and decided you could use my services. now enough of this foolishness. Would you like more or shall i find someone else?"
Matthew thought he needed it now or he didnt know what was gonna happen to him. His stomach was exploding in a pain he'd never felt before. His insides felt like they were turning outside.
He spoke in a low dimly lit unsatisfied voice," what do you want? I know you know I need this now or somethings gonna happen to me. Hell even if i do take it! something bads gonna happen anyways. So what can i do for you Mr. Vatts?"
Mr.Vatts smile turned wickedly gruesome," that's the spirit my dear boy. Your ex lover has some hidden knowledge! Secrets i want exposed to the world. I know you'll enjoy plucking this one! I just need you to get it out in the open. This time ill fill the flask to the tip top! For ya! How does that sound?"
Matthew replied back in a low softness," how do i do it?"
Mr. Vatts replied happily," she made a deal with Mr. Renner. even tuned his trumpet if you know what im saying. Use the juice to make him confess. Get it on a tape recorder or phone. Whatever you want. then expose it! You're a smart man you'll figure it out. Can you do that?
Matthew replied yes.
Mr. Vatts reached in his pocket and pulled out Matthew's flask. It was full to the top and he handed it back to matthew.
Sheriff Rigley had found a cigarette butt next to the back door of Sarah Silvers. While investigating.
He also found one beside Cray's totalled hummer. As he had seen the broke down hummer when he was driving past Slappy's. On his way back to headquarters and thought he should check it out.
When he arrived at Augusta's police department. He recieved a call from Rupert's wife saying she had found him and clyde dead outside the shop. She sounded petrified and terrified that someone could do that to her sweet rupe.
Sheriff Rigley was baffled petrified that someone was doing this in his small town.
He had no clue who could of done this but when he went out to investigate. He found another butt. All three had been the same! Marlboro's!
There was only two gas stations in Augusta. One owned by the Rider's and other by an old grumpy man named Cletus Jackson!
James Rider tried to get Cletus's station closed. Because he wanted to be the only one in town but free enterprise prevailed and Cletus stayed open.
Sheriff Rigley hoped whoever bought them had bought them in town. He sent the butts in for d.n.a. evidence but it would take awhile to come back. So he asked both gas stations in town to keep an eye out for anyone purchasing Marlboro's.
Then he sent his other three officers to ask around town or look to see what other were smoking.
He knew alot of people smoked those cigarettes but he'd try his luck. He would find this killer even if it killed him doing so.
   (3 yrs ago a week after clara talked to james rider)
It was about 12 at night. The sky was cloudless. The night air was still and a full moon was in the air spotlighting the small town of Augusta.
  The old country tavern was poppin with people for an old country dance. Every man was dressed up in flannel, jeans and cowboy hats. While the woman had elegant dresses or short jeans with skimpy tied flannel shirts and hats to match the men.
  Clara Markel at the time had stopped in to talk to Jimmy Renner or lil Jim as people called him behind his back. He had a big mouth but couldnt back it up.
  Clara was wearing a sky blue dress that went to her knees. It matched her house. As jim was wearing a light brown flannel with Levi's and his clean white cowboy hat.
  Clara had waited for him to have a smoke outside away from his wife Larissa Renner.
Clara walked out behind him. She chugged her vodka tea on her way out and slammed it on the ground.
  Mr. Renner was a short,fat bald man of about 50. Who drank to much and was always late wherever he went. He'd show up on his own time. He was a messy man. You could always count on there being a stain on his clothes and he'd always burp. Townfolks would also say hes gross and impossible to be around. Clara would agree after this night
  She walked up to him as he was puffing on his smoke.
  She spoke to him in the sweetest little voice," hey Mr. Renner hows the night treating you? You having fun in there? I see you dancing without a care in the world. You looked good in there."
Jim stared back at her with his drunken eyes as he burped. Then he spoke to her with his whiskey breath spewing out with its wreaking havoc of pewtridness," thank you beautiful! Im enjoying myself mighty fine tonight. You know how i get on when the musics good. What can i do for you tonight!? You looking like you fell off the elevator from heaven with your mighty fine ass sent from the sky above!"
Clara thought this man's past his limit and hes putrid as fuck with his stank ass breathe but instead she spoke in a happy manner," well now! i was hoping to talk to you about an arrangement that could benifit us both. I talked to james but he's stubborn and didnt want anything to do with it. So i thought maybe you'd help. You seem like a man whose willing to go the extra mile for success. Would you like to hear out my proposal?!"
  Jim Renner looked her up and down with that drunken stare. He threw his cigarette down. Then lit up another. As he spoke in a drunken stupor," first of all! That fuck Rider doesnt know shit if it came out his ass. I hate that mutherfucker. You know he's ruining this town to the ground. Hes arrogant! He's alll about him but enough of that beautiful. How about you sit on daddy's lap and tell me all about it. I got you."
  Clara wanted to leave. The smell of this man was enough to kill a skunk but she stood firm. While speaking clearly with that voice ever so sweet," well! I would like to expand the quality around here. Lets say the economy could be better. I would like to build upon this town. Make it great! Put up a couple slaughterhouses, a school. Maybe another gas station or park. Get people to move back here. Get this place on the map again but Rider shut me down. Would you be interested?"
  Jimmy stared deep into her eyes with his eyes darting back and forth. Then he spoke comfidently," oh i think we can come to an arragement. I know some things about that man that would make you cringe. Plus we can get the powerplant of his shut down. He's a crook. I can prove it and if you can make me rich. Shit I'll help you. Gaurenteed. Id love a park for my lil boy and wife to go to. Then she'd stop nagging me with her lazy fat ass."
Clara smiled a grin of success. She then spoke happily," ok Jimmy. We'll speak about this in the morning when your in the right state of mind."
  Clara turned to walk away but he grabbed her by the arm. Then he spoke drunkenly," one more thing! Lets seal the deal in the back of my bronco. I need a ride myself and that wife of mine is preoccupied with those friends of hers. If you want this help me help you!"
Clara about threw up in her mouth but nodded in agreement. So she went with him to the back of his brown and white bronco and gave him the ride of his life.
The day after Cray's hummer had been dismantled. While matthew was destroying houses getting ready to get his payday from rupert. Cray had went to Wanda's for his favorite a phillysteak and cheese with borsch soup and fries.
After he smashed out his food. He went over to the gass station owned by James Rider. The very same one matthew met Mr. Vatts.
He got a pack of smoke and a couple of airplane shooters of southern comfort.
He took the shooters right after he bought them. He then whipped them in the trash and made his way out of the store.
Clara had dropped him off at Wanda's. He was gonna walk over to Frank's after eating  for a mid day delight drinkathon. He was half way there.
  When he walked past an old dirt lot with a chain link fence and little spots of dead grass springing wildly every which way.
There was a metal rusty shed in the back of it. He heard a voice calling to him from the shed. Saying his name. He was hypnotized by it. It put him in a trance. So he followed it.
In the entrace of the dark shed stood a man with a trenchcoat and top hat.
  He spoke in a friendly good mannered voice," Cray! Hey Cray! Ole buddy ole pal. I have a secret to tell you. Its something your gonna wanna hear. Trust me bud. I know what happened to your hummer!"
  Cray was intruiged but also suspicious as he spoke in wonderment," hey pal! How about you come out that fucking shed and show me your face! So i know who the fuck im talkin to."
Mr Vatts walked out halfway showing his hands and part of his body. He spoke smuggly," trust me you dont want to see my face. It'll scare you to death! Litterally. The names Vatts and im here with information. I can help you get back at the one who did this to you. It would be ashame. If you walk away now!"
  Cray raised an eyebrow with suspicion. His face stiffened. He lit up a cigarette. A marlboro red! Then he spoke abrasively," well speak up motherfucker. If you know something then say it or we can have words of our own. No ones here but us. So whats stopping me from laying a whoopfurd on your ass! Huh!"
Mr. Vatts walked completely out into the light. The shade from his hat blocked his face from being seen but his grin of ugliness showed with its sharp rotten teeth and veiny hands.
  Then he replied back with a coolness about him," your bestie Markel. Had a hay day. Hit a home run on your ass. If you dont mind me saying. He really went to town on it but i got the cure for that. All you gotta do is say yes. Then ill be inclined to lets say help you pay him back."
  Crays ears opened. His mind became full of anger as he spoke with it," that bitch ass prick can serve his time in hell buddy! How can you help me motherfucker? You dont look like you can do much. Shit your hiding in a god damn shed like you snoopy from charlie brown. What you gonna do for me?"
  Mr. Vatts reached inside his trenchcoat and pulled out a silver flask with a pair of black and silver hieroglyphic cat eyes on it.
Then he spoke confidently," this right here will take care of all your problems. Im like a fucking genie. Take a sip and it will grant your every wish. Come on now dont be shy. Wouldnt you like a taste of heaven or woould you like to be stuck under clara's thumb for the rest of your life. Pathetic!"
  Cray's eyes flared anger. His bottom lip stuck out and he replied back with the his full force of his anger," listen here motherfucker. I control my fucking life. She's my bitch. Not the other way around. Come here talking shit. Your not much of a salesman. What the fucks that going to do. Get me drunk. Ha asshole. If you want to give me free booze i wont object but if your gonna talk the way you do. Prepare for an ass whoopping.
  Mr. Vatts laughed for a second. Then he spoke sternly," im sorry cray but i mean no harm by it. I just wanted your attention and i knew this was the only way to motivate you to listen. We both have a common enemy here. Your pal matthew. I just want to see him diminish himself. So if your ready to be a big boy. I can help you with all your problems. Im a bit of a problem solver myself. So what do you say? Just take it. Try it out. If you dont like it no harm no foul."
  Cray reached out his hand and grabbed it. Then spoke," like i said free booze. I wont say no but if your lieing about him doing this. Ill find you and fuck your ass up. You hear me pal! Mark my words.. Him and that little punk of his can die for all i fucking care. There both fucks in my book."
  Mr. Vatts smiled then spoke with satisfaction," oh you won't be dissapointed and i dont tell lies. Ask around. Im a stand up guy!"
Mr. Vatts backed up into the shed and dissapeared into a cloud of black smoke.

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