the mirror town

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Surrounding the small town of Reginald, Virginia was a big wide lush forest. It went around the whole town.  Leaving it in a C shape of wilderness. With one road that led in and out of the town.
  People would visit it far and wide for its scenic views, its mysteries and its paths yet to be travelled. As they were a sight to behold.
  The town's folks would say its haunted and that's what gave visitors their ambition to come and see it. For as the mystery goes. Tons of witches and evil souls were hung out to dry from neuces.
So naturally people would venture through its lush and plush bushes, trees and foggy aura to see if they could catch a glimpse of their ghosts or hear the voices that dwelled from within it.
As there was a spot out in the forest that still held significance for their purpose. As the worn out bloody nuece's still hung from its plump thick trees.
There was also beat up wooden shacks scattered thoughout the forest. Some of which hadn't been seen or found in centuries. With uncovered treasures and riches to be had. Most people would go out there in search of such beuties but the townfolks would warn them to be weary of what could still be out there but with people not heeding it. They'd continue in search of such supernatural events and treasures.
1b (a year ago)
  Well tonight here on this faithful breezeless cloudy night in early october when the hauntings were in full effect. two people went in search of such riches and  mysteries that ly within its borders.
   Andrew Strand who was a tall lumberjack of a man with short curly brown hair wearing his orange and red checkered flannel shirt and blue jeans. With his wife sally strand who matches him not just with clothes but in stature and thickness was wearing a blue and green flannel shirt. They had been searching for days and probably had gotten lost. As that was easy to do. because once the fog set in anyone could lose their way back.
They came across an old beat up wooden shack with a busted up red wooden door. The wood from the shack had been broken off from years of neglect and abuse with pieces hanging from it. as some of it was scattered on the ground next to it. While the roof ontop was a rusty red with holes all over it.
They sat on the porch. Which in itself was missing a leg to stand on and half of it was touching the ground
The pair each pulled out a flask from their backpacks full of whiskey and took a couple of chugs. When they heard a rustling sound from afar that seemed to be coming closer.
Andrew stood up. While yelling with a little bit of fright in his voice," i got a gun and im not afraid to use it!"
Sally started laughing as she told him histerically," whose scared now! Dont let the forest terify you. its prolly a deer! Dont worry hun!
The sound got even closer. Andrew grabbed his rifle from his back and cocked it. While he yelled," this is your last chance."
Sally still laughing took another gulp from her flask.
Andrew seen two shadows in the distant between a couple of thick trees.
Andrew shot his gun. All he heard was a whizzing sound. Then the airs stillness. He looked at his wife with fright. While saying," did you seen that? Did you!? They're out there."
His wife looked back at him while sarcastically saying," you're letting the townies get to you. Its all wise tales. Get ahold of yourself! You nut!" then she laughed.
Andrew told his wife lets camp out in this shack for the night. then we'll find our way out of here in the morning. She agreed.
The man and his wife stood up and turned around to go in the cabin. When they felt a hand cover there faces.  They felt a burning sensation. Then they quickly dissolved into a puddle of blood and bones.
2 ( a year later, present)
The town of Reginald had about 2000 people with its own haunting mysterious aura. As there always seemed to be a full moon at night and the day always seemed to have a darker hugh of night to it. Visitors and town folks alike would say it's just cursed and thats the way it was suppose to be. As it fit its own story.
Today tho mayor Marion Reginald was having a meeting in the town square. As he was one of the direct descendant of clyde Reginald. The founder of their great town. Whose monument stood in the center of the town square to this day.
All the town folks gathered around in the town square. As they usually did this time of year.  as it was tradition for them. The whole town was set in these old traditional ways of being apart of the events. Every last person in town would show in support.  No one wanted to miss out on the fun.
Now back to Marion who was standing on his throne. A dark wooden platform with a mic placed on a dark wooden stand.  With three other people around him. Two men and one woman. As two kids stood in the backround holding up a black banner with white letters saying happy 100 Reginald!
All the people waited with eagerness. As it is shown on all there faces. The men  placed their hats on there chests. While the woman placed there arms by their sides.
Then marion with his large build, his short black hair and his grey eyes stood wearing a white and black suit. He grabbed the mic and began to speak," next week is our time. The tourists will come and we will make our money. This year is special tho. It marks our 100th anniversay of doing this. We have come far. We have taken ourselves from nothing and become something! Give yourself a round of applause. Please! You deserve it. I want everyone to be prepared! Next week we start the festivities! The parade! The scariness! They love the horror and haunting tales of our palace! So we will give it to them! Trust that as I have been your leader for what seems like an eternity! And i hope to continue it until the day i die ! So now let me introduce my faithful companion! Whose been there by my side this whole time. Who always out does himself every year!  Father Mallory!"
The crowd applauded while yelling hooting and hollaring. As father Mallory a tall skinny man with grey eyes and his black priest's uniform with the white collar walked up to the plate.
He grabbed the mic and spoke with a loud confidence," it's that time of the year folks! Our time! The tales of mischief will be spoken by us. Lets scare these tourists. Lets get the decorations flowing! Lets put in the treats! for this is a special one. This year! Will be the best one we've ever had!," the crowd cheered, yelled and screamed.
The father waved them down. As he continued speaking with a gleaming happiness," i want fright in there eyes! I want a hollow echeoing for years to come. They will remember our name! Reginald! as it will be spoken. Now listen up. The woods are off limit this time of year. You know how it goes. So lets enjoy this and may  the feast of the eternal souls live on!
The crowd screeched and screamed. Then Marion came back out. He introduced his wife Rita Reginald. Who was a short woman with long black hair down to the middle of her back wearing a white dress. She spoke with vigor," now everyone dont be afriad to show your true selves. We will be setting up the carnival with all the fixens! Face painting, games the whole shibang! Its Halloween for them! when they come here! They love that shit! The ambience! Of it all. So dont hold back. We'll get ours but we feed them first. Those that dwell and need homes. But that doesn't mean we cant have a little fun ourselves! So what do you all say!?"
She raised her arm in the air. As it balled up into a fist. Everyone followed suite. As they yelled," our home! Our palace! Our sacrifice!
After a minute marion told them they'd talk later. then he finished up the gathering and the people started to disband.
As the week passed the town sets up for what would be the biggest spectical in its history. They put black and white streamers up all over the town with confetti on every inch of the streets and sidewalks..
They set up a black and white themed carnival with neuces soaked in black goo that would hang all around the town.
The kids got their costumes of black leather, silver buckles and pointy black witch hats. As they would paint there faces white, with black circles around there eyes full of a black sticky goo.
The souvenir shop put out there mini neuces, fake spell books and other haunting decor of myth and legend. With little ghost keychains and such.
The gas stations brought out there limited edition black cola and maps of the forest.
Everyone got into the festivities. Even father Mallory who turned his church into a memorial for the witches but if you knew the town and it secrets. He didnt have to do much to turn it from what it was.
Marion and Rita ventured out through the forest to a shack. It took them a half a days hike to get there. The shack was a beatdown wooden hellhold full of a black gooey mold with a dirty window dripping a black goo all over it.
They walked inside the shack which was full of black veins that hung down from the ceiling dripping the same moldy goo.
A tall man with pale white skin stood wearing a black leather uniform that fit his whole body as a skintight onesie. It had black straps all over the arms with silver spikes that came down all the way to his hands. As the last spike points outward from his palm. His eyes were black and he foamed a black goo from his mouth.
He smiled showing his jagged rotten pointy teeth. Then he spoke with a cruesome reluctance," show your true face when you're in my presence or leave!"
Marion and rita changed to their pale white skin showing black veins with sharp white pointy teeth and black eyes.
Marion then spoke in his mighty strong voice," yes sir! We are setting up for next week. The turnout will be the greatest we've ever seen. The mortals have no inclination of what will be. You will be pleased my lord."
The man got a look of satisfaction as he smiled a wickedly evil grin. He stuck his black tongue out. Then spoke with a happy merciful sound that echoed all around," good Mar we need it this year. I have a lot of troops that need homes. You know what to do. Lure them out here with the stories of riches. Feed them those horrific tales of bullshit and then we'll do the rest! Just like we always do!" The thing's smile went unaturally wide. He laughed menacingly.
Marion and rita joined in.
The man spoke again with strength in his voice," we need this to work Mar! The underworld is counting on us now more than ever. Its a shit show down there and we need results. We're losing the battle. We need a turn around! Results!"
Rita smiled unaturally wide as she spoke with a happy satistaction with a tone of nervousness to it," sir we have people planted all over the world. Helping us! our time has come. It will turn around! I put my life on it. We have the troops. Just like you said. we just need the bodies! But this year it will be accomploshed! Tons of living souls are coming! Its our 100 year anniversary! We promoted as such! With special events planned for the mortals! It will be our grandest show ever! We have thousands showing up! The campgrounds are set! The forest is ready and the tales will be told. It will happen!"
The man looked at them with his dead eyes as he spoke with a swift evil," you fuckin better! The dead will be here by the end of the week! Now i must go and prepare!!"
The man left. Then marion turned to Rita. He spoke with a veneful evil," i hate him. I think its time for a change for us all! What do you say Reets! I've had enough of this. I say we get rid of him. Then we take charge! All he does is talk! We do all the fuckin work. Eden down there! we're up here. She'll understand"
Rita nodded her head in agreement. Then the two headed back to town.
The night before the tourists were set to arrive. Everyone from the town met in the forest of thick trees with an open field around them.
The moon was full, shining it's light through the clouds and the night sky. As the crowd was gathered under it.
They're all dressed in black robes with father Mallory standing infront of them.
   As two statues were behind him with demonic faces, sharp pointy yellow teeth and black eyes. The statues had black robes with long black horns with red tips coming out of their heads that curved all the way around to the back of their hoods. 
The statues were made of a slick black marble. With a star's speckle of light engraved throughout it. Many little yellowish white lights that reflected and shimmered under the moon's glow. Giving it spotlights that shot off into every direction in the air.
Father Mallory was in his long black robe with an outline of silver hieroglyphics all over it. He had a black book with a silver outline on it. he held it up in the air. As he spoke with malice," tomorrow is the day! my children! As the good book says. in the garden we will grow! Tonight tho we start the ritual. Bring forth those that are to be set free. Those that are ready to go home! Who will volunteer as this years tribute? Just know your sacrifice will bring forth a greater good!
Four people in black robes stepped forward. They walked up to the statues and bowed down side by side. The statues eye's lit up with a stars light thats gleamed directly into the eyes of those being sacrificed.
The four people looked up with there black as night eyes at the statues. Then they floated up in the air. as the hoods fell from there heads. They open there mouths. A black essence shot from them. It swirled into the air and flew into the statues mouths. Then the four fell back to the ground dead. 
The bottom of the statues sent out a fog that filtered throughout the whole forest. After it was done the statues dissapeared into thin air in a yelllow and blackish smoke..
Then father mallory yelled in a holier than now voice," now it is set. The essence will be spread! This land is purified!" Then the people in the crowd started chanting,"in eden we will see! In eden we will find and in eden we will grow!"
Then Marion in his black and silver robe with red demon hieroglyphics walked up to the front of the congregation. He stood tall as he spoke with that black book in his hand and a strong mighty echoing voice," our time has come! This land is sacrid ground! It's been purified. Now we will let the rest take its course. This land will stay the way it always has. The air will be filled with the poison eden provides. They will lose there way and find ours! Now go to your homes. Rest up! Tomorrow will start the journey into the garden. For those that don't believe in our way of life! They shall see it's truth!"
Everyone chanted again in a wickedly evil hollowing echo," eden gives us life! We give eden death! With eden we see! With us she sacrifes the everlasting fruit! so she shall grow the garden of truth! Our truth! Without compromise! she sees all! Knows all! She will bring new life upon the world of the living. We will be her unity!"
The crowd disbanded going to there homes. As they prepared for what was to come.
They all sharpened their weapons. They stood infront of there sanctuaries of darkness with black candles lit glowing a black light. with black blood cut from their hands put in a stone bowl. As they prayed to eden!

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