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      he never told anyone, but karma still has humiliation dripping his thoughts whenever he recalls himself failing this semester's exams

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he never told anyone, but karma still has humiliation dripping his thoughts whenever he recalls himself failing this semester's exams. he got too cocky; thinking that he's got it all wrapped around his fingers and that all of it was under his control. but he was wrong.

which resulted him getting humiliated by korosensei.

"hey, watch out!" you stated, grabbing the back collar of karma's uniform, abruptly stopping him from crossing the road where speeding vehicles are already passing through.

due to sudden pull, karma had lost his balance and so did you, resulting the both of you to fall butt first on the concrete ground.

before karma could even get on his feet and process what had happened, you were already getting ahead of him. "what's wrong with you?! pay attention to where you're going! you almost got yourself into an accident!" you scolded, gesturing your hand at the road behind him. "you got me worried!"

you didn't even let him finish. you stood up from the ground, dusting your uniform skirt then leaving after letting out a loud huff.

karma just had his gaze fixated to your walking figure. he purses his lips as he felt a sting on his palm urging him to look at what caused it only to see a minor scrape on it.

he hated minor scrapes. it hurts way more than the major ones.

brushing his injury aside, he once again looked up to look at you but to you were expectedly out of sight.

"what a complicated girl.."


karma has his gaze shift from his textbooks to the box of bandaids that you're offering to him. "why are you doing this? you want something from me, huh?" he asks, raising a suspicious brow.

you furrowed brow, quite offended on how karma's reacting to the kindness you found within you only to spare it to a jerk like him. "i'll consider you taking this bandaids as thanks because apparently you can't put your gratitude into words." you bitterly said, completely disliking karma's attitude.

recalling yesterday's incident, karma leans back, quietly sighing as he took the box of bandaids from your hand. "thanks." he said flatly said.

"remind me to not help you again whenever you're in trouble." you said, an annoyed tone obviously hinting your voice that got karma's eyes rolling.

"no one asked you to do charity work." he said, casually spinning his pen on his fingers, looking back down on his textbook, satisfied with his comeback.

"i saved your life, asshole." you reminded him with a rather piercing tone. "i did something any decent human would do."

karma scoffs, once again leaning back on his seat, nodding. "oh, yeah, yeah. thanks again." he said. not a bit of sincerity can be heard from him voice. you know very damn well that no matter how many times he says 'thank you', in your ears, it will never sound genuine.

"do you think..that they have a chance on improving their relationship?" nagisa quietly asks kayano while watching you walk back at your seat with a frustrated expression.

"i don't think so." kayano said, pursing her lips. "more like i don't think karma wants to."

"you noticed it, too, huh?" nagisa questioned, raising a brow. "i talked to him about it and he said insulting [ name ] comes naturally for him."

"maybe he doesn't know how to respond to [ name ]'s kindness..?" kayano replies, uncertain of her own idea.

"that could be a reason." nagisa agreed. "but i do think that they should just start fixing their relationship before korosensei does it for them."

"ah..now that would be a mess, but the outcome would be something to look forward to."

"everyone! go to your respective groups and discuss about the activities you'll be doing with korosensei for the upcoming trip to okinawa!"

sugino took a deep breath, crossing his arms against his chest. "alright. we won't start the meeting if there's some weird heavy tension going on between group mates." he said, shooting an obvious glance towards you and karma's direction.

"it looks like we won't start at all." nakamura teasingly commented, quite entertained to the drama that's about to occur.

"hey, come on now you two.." nagisa calls out. "we have to be a team on this one. so at least call for a truce until the school trip is over."

neither you and karma even bat an eyelid towards one another. but both of you wanted the same thing-and that's to get over this meeting that's already been discussed for like the fifth time.

kayano awkwardly clears her throat, setting down her textbook. "we..actually need to buy a couple of things to successfully execute the plan we have in mind." she said.

before sugino could even speak, he is cut off by nakamura pushing him aside so that all attention is set on her. "we wouldn't want to buy some equipments as a group now would we? that'll be a time waster." she sneers, raising her brows. "why don't we just assign the shopping to two people?"

"that's actually not a bad idea." nagisa said. he turns to you. "[ name ], you're the one who's holding on to the group's funds, right?"

you nodded. you actually knew right ahead that you'd be picked to go shopping as soon as nakamura suggested it since you're the one who's trusted with the funds. but you hope that the person's who's going to keep you company is either nagisa or sugino. if it were nakamura or kayano, you'd be distracted looking at other things.

karma? of course, he's already out of the list.

"anyone who's free this saturday put your hand on the table on three," sugino said. "one..two..three!"

everyone on the group bit back the urge to sneer or smile except for you and karma, who's hands are the only ones resting on the table.

"this was planned!" you argued, refusing to accept the results of the voting.

nakamura laughs, briefly shrugging. "how can we plan something like this if we were obviously right in front of you." she said. "karma's not protesting which means he's fine with it! don't be stubborn [ name ]! let's be a team! a team!"

"alright, as for the results of the voting," nagisa smiles. "[ name ] and karma would be buying our equipments."



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