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   you found out that the duel between nagisa and karma ended with the save team winning and claiming rights to be heard about their say about saving korosensei

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you found out that the duel between nagisa and karma ended with the save team winning and claiming rights to be heard about their say about saving korosensei.

about to head back to the main building along with the others, you're stopped by karma grabbing your wrist. turning to him, you quickly notice the mild bruises and scratches he got from nagisa. how couldn't you? it's all over his face. he fought well.

"is your tongue okay?" you ask, recalling how hard he bit them earlier.

karma purses his lips, nodding. "it's fine now." he said. "listen, [ surname ], i'm serious about earlier."

"akabane..we're kids." you narrow your eyes at him, gently pulling your wrist off of his grasp. "fifteen. i can't give you the time and affection you need..and-i'm confuse. i don't know if i like you like that.."

"then i'll wait."

you raise your brows. "what?" you ask.

"i'll wait. i'll wait for you. for your time, your affection, your love. i'll wait for all of them." karma said with a genuine look spread over his face that clearly told you how in love he is with you. "i'm willing to wait."

you gulp, realising how hard it is for karma to back down. of course, this is karma we're talking about. he's laid back but persistent when he wants something or someone. "are you..insane?" you furrow your brows. "why me? why waste your time on me? you could have better-"

"you are better." he says. "i took a liking to you because of who you are. i didn't need a reason, i just needed you. if that's not what being in love means, then what is?"

you shook your head. "you're probably confuse, too. like i am-"

"i can't count how many months i've like you." karma cuts you off, his gaze reading your expression of disbelief, but still proceeds to his statements. "but i've liked you ever since you took my hand and told me to cherish myself more, when i felt like i could be honest with my feelings whenever i'm with you. i was confused at first, but now, i'm sure."

"i like you, [ name ]."

that's the first time you've heard him speak your first name.

holding back your breath, you exhale as you covered your heated up face with your hands. "really.." you murmured. "you're only wasting your time, akabane.."

"i think it'll be worth it. waiting, i mean." karma says, approaching you, looking at you with a longing gaze as he brushes his hand on your shoulder. "take your time. but if you don't mind.."

you turn to him, his hand on his side. "it hurts.." he said.

you scoff. it's nice to know that he isn't all awkward about it, after saying something he isn't use to saying, words he doesn't normally use. walking alongside him, you poke the side he was pointing at earlier making him wince, making you laugh.

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