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      "yuma!" you gleefully call out to isogai who stood at the front gates of kunugigaoka high school

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"yuma!" you gleefully call out to isogai who stood at the front gates of kunugigaoka high school. in excitement, you leap yourself towards him, arms wrapping behind his neck.

your sudden and unexpected leap made isogai lose his balance, resulting for the two of you to hit the concrete ground; receiving glances from students who only wants to get their asses out of school grounds.

since it has been a while, isogai contacted you and asked if he could walk you home, like the good old days. of course, you immediately agreed, having no reason to decline his suggestion.

after all, like him, you also missed each other's company.

gakushuu looks down at your interaction with isogai from the third floor of the main building. observing how much physical contact you're initiating with isogai, he shifts his gaze to karma who has his back lean on a wall near a window, arms crossed as he kept his sight straight ahead.

"i thought she knew that you like her?"

karma's brows furrows as he lets out a loud and heavy sigh that obviously showed how much he dislikes where this topic is starting off. "she does." he flatly said, not wanting to elaborate any further.

"then why is it that she shows more affection to isogai.." gakushuu crosses his arms. "than you?"

"i never said she likes me back," karma said. "i only said that she know how much i like her."

"why aren't you chasing after her, then?" gakushuu raises a brow. "if it is what you say. that you like her so much."

"interfering with them is like holding her back from doing something she enjoys. i'm not that kind of person," karma said, leaning away from the wall before proceeding to the direction of the male's bathroom. "i'm going home."

gakushuu shifts his gaze back to where you and isogai were. "such persistence.." he murmurs. "how pitiful."


"if you like her so much, then you should stop beating around the bush and get it with her already!"

karma shouldn't have asked his female classmates for advice. he noticed that this particular female, that refers herself as yua, is quite experienced with relationships. he really thought that she'd be the best person to ask.

"you know, i'm not even sure if you're acting dumb or you're just dumb in general. i can't do what you're suggesting because i have respect to this thing called boundaries!" with a defeated sigh, karma leans back on his seat. "if you don't have any good advice, then turn around and don't talk. thanks anyway."

"how mean! i'm trying my best here!" yua stated. she rests her hands on her waist. "you must really like this girl to give this much effort. most guys would've already given up."

"if it were you, i would have given up in a blink of an eye, too." karma sneers, enjoying how the curious expression on yua's face twisted into irritation as she raises a hand with the intent of hitting his arm.

yua halts herself. her face lightens up as she rested her hands on karma's desk, leaning in, causing the red headed teen to lean back. "listen here, rookie! i have a plan in mind!" she exclaims.

"if you want to say something, say it. you'll gain nothing from staring, if that isn't too obvious for you." you're referring to karma who has his upper arm leaned on your classroom's doorframe while he waits for you to finish up cleaning your desk. he has been standing there since classes has ended.

"just wanted to know how your walk with your prince charming went." karma said, approaching you from behind.

he couldn't seem to help but notice how your face lights up at his made statement. "it's alright. you should've come with us." you turn your head around, holding back a breath at the sight of karma leaning in. taking a step back resulted you hitting your desk, the moment you did, karma rested a hand beside your waist. "um?"


both of you blinked at the faint sound of metal clicking out of nowhere. "don't tell me that this is one of your stupid pranks?" you furrow your brows, pushing him aside, turning your head around to look for the source of the sound.

displeased for the way you just pushed him aside, karma huffs, turning his head away. "i didn't do anything."

"that's what you always say." you held on the classroom's door handle, pulling it open. your eyes widens, applying more strength. to your dismay, it would not budge, at all. "akabane!"

"try pulling harder, maybe the lock got stuck."

you did as he suggested, pulling harder, only to get nowhere. "it won't work! try on the other door!" you pointed at the exit doorway of the classroom.

karma saunters his way to the exit door, grabbing the handle, pulling. clicking his tongue, he once again pulled, double the strength this time. he's physically strong, there's now way he's can't to pull a stuck lock open. it only leads to one thing, then.

"we're locked in." karma said. "do you have a phone? call shuu."

"i left mine back at home..auntie was home so i thought i didn't need it." you turn to him. "what about yours?"

"that'll be a great idea," he gives you a mock of a gleaming smile. "but its battery is drained."

"school isn't closing up until five, it's still four thirty two. we better call someone before we get lock in here for the entire night." you made your way to the classroom window. sport club members would usually be in the field, but when you checked, no single soul was there." where are all the pesky people when you need them..?"

"well," karma sighs, slopping himself down on the nearest desk. "that's that, we're out of luck. what do we do now? wait for a miracle to happen?"

"like such thing exists." you roll your eyes in a skeptic manner. "we might as well just scream our lungs out if we want people to hear us."

karma casually shifts his sight to where you are, seeing how you're just as laid back as him in a very situation where one would panic. "shuu's probably still here. let's wait until he walks out." you said.

"hey, come here."

you shot karma a weirded out expression, averting eye contact as soon as he noticed it. "like hell i'll do whatever shit you're thinking right now." he scoffs.

you approach him, arms crossed. "this better be about how we're going to get out of here. if it's anything else, i'm not listening."

you should stop beating around the bush and get it with her already!

"is the real reason why you won't accept my feelings is because..of isogai?"



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