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you couldn't even utter a word out to encourage your classmates after drastically failing the whole plan that everyone poured effort in. it would have been an unexpected success if korosensei didn't form into a small crystal like ball that's impossible to break.

the problem was that everyone lacked information about korosensei.

your body felt heavy when you didn't even swim much given that you have yourself clinging on isogai while processing the failed assassination. you couldn't understand why you were beyond exhausted, like you've lifted weights for hours.

"here." karma sets down a glass of water on your table before taking a sit in front of you. his gaze were piercing through your worn out figure. "you didn't even do much work to be this tired."

"i can't help it..sorry." you murmured, massaging the side of your forehead when your vision started to spin around, causing you to shut your eyes close, not liking the idea of getting dizzy.

crossing his arms against his chest, karma leans back on his seat. "hey..you don't look so good." he said. he swore that as every second the clock ticks, you physically grow weaker and he can tell just by watching you lose balance on your own seat.

"i..want to go back to my room." you said, resting your hand on the table for support while you stand up. but even that was too much for you.

you felt your knees suddenly grow weaker which made you abruptly make contact with the floor a second after standing up.

"[ surname ]!" the red head worriedly stated, standing up from his seat to kneel beside you. "hey! what's happening to you?!"

you attempted to speak but got cut off by blood suddenly trickling down your nose, which made karma even more concern. "akabane.. my head hurts.." you managed to say.

karma pulls out a couple of sheet of tissues that he got at the counter earlier. "here, use it to stop your nose from bleeding." he said, handing the tissue to you, in which you forcibly took. "what the hell is happening to you?"

his heart thumping in worry and in fright made karma assume that this is what you must have felt when you saw him almost getting into an absurd accident.

he didn't understand it at first.

maybe he should have been more grateful to you instead of being an asshole.

you flutter your eyes open to find yourself resting in a mattress. although the symptoms of your unknown sickness is still there, you can still master up a minor amount of energy to speak.

it took you a minute or so to realise that everyone is in the state of panic. you wandered your eyes around, noticing how you're not the only one in a weak state.

"oh, you're awake! thank goodness!" isogai said, exhaling in relief as he kneels down beside your head. he smiles, resting a hand on your forehead, only to feel the same temperature as before. "it's best if you just rest for the time being. we already figured out a way for everyone to return to their old states before."

"thanks, yuma.." you said, a soothed smile forming your lips.

karma clears his throat. "i'm here, too." he said, flicking your upper arm which caused you to weakly groan. "at least show some gratitude to the one who nursed you for twenty minutes."

"that's not even enough minutes for me to say thank you!" you argued. a horrible idea since the moment you attempted to raise your voice, you suddenly felt your head ache.

"yeah, yeah." karma huffs, lightly patting your head. "get some rest. it's an eyesore seeing you all weak and vulnerable."

"sorry to worry you, akabane." you said, stopping him from standing up from the floor. "this will be the first and last."

"i don't..really mind." karma hesitantly responded. he glanced back down at you once more only to see you getting consumed by sleep. you probably didn't hear a single thing he said. saves him from any future embarrassment.

"you two are getting close." isogai commented, a smile forming his lips as he looks up at the red head who suddenly got startled by the assumption but is able to quickly hide it by scoffing.

"not really." he said, tucking his hand inside the pocket of his pants. "let's get going if we want to get the antidote quick."

isogai nods, fixing the towel resting on your forehead before standing up and walking along side with karma towards karasuma and the others who weren't affected by the illness.

it was unlikely for karma to spare concern to you. but he assumed that it was because he sort of felt in debt to you. and maybe a sprinkle of guilt due to the fact that despite you showing decent kindness towards him, he shoved it all away all so rudely.


"how's everyone?"

okuda bit her lower lip as she hesitantly glances at your direction. "everyone's cooled down, but [ name ]'s nose wouldn't stop bleeding..! as far as we know, she had the most to drink!" she explained.

karasuma couldn't help but knit his eyebrows in concern. "what? how many glasses did she drink?" he asks.

"she said she drank about two glasses."

karma couldn't help but turn his head to okuda's direction. within a second, he rushes to the where you are. "[ surname ]!" he calls out, seeing how you have a whole sheet of tissue covering your nose to stop it from bleeding any further. "did you actually drink the juice i offered you earlier?"

with a confuse brow raised, you nodded. "you said i can have it-"

karma grabbed your upper arm, eyes glinting worry and panic. "are you stupid?! why did you-i was being sarcastic!" he stated.

"why are you getting all heated up?" you huffed, brushing karma's hand off your arm. "we both didn't know that it had something in it."

you were right. karma just happened to blow a fuse because he was merely to blame on why you were in such a crucial state than anyone else. if he hadn't given you his juice then you would have been cooled down like everyone else.

noticing how he's still on edge, you casually pat his upper arm. "you got the antidote, right?" you questioned in which karma responded with a nod.

and with a comforting smile, you spoke.

"thank you for your hard work."



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