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      the day has come whereas everyone celebrates korosensei's birthday, along with his death

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the day has come whereas everyone celebrates korosensei's birthday, along with his death. although the celebration didn't included cheers of joy or laughter that eases the mood-it's all the opposite. tears and sobs were the only audible sound karasuma can hear as everyone gathered to finally end their teacher's life.

and alas, class-e, has successfully finished off the mission given to them by the government. they had saved the world.

karma casually leans his head on your shoulder, keeping slight focus on what principal gakuho has to say for everyone, especially for class-e's title as heroes. the speech makes him sleepy.

you then felt another head on your right shoulder, recalling that in your left sat itona, which is why you didn't bother to ever move a finger. you grew stiff at the thought of two people leaning on you for a brief rest. it gives you an indirect obligation of not moving sot hat you wouldn't bother them.

"hey, man. get off." karma says from your right, making a shooing gesture with his hand.

"you're not the only one who's allowed to lean on [ name ]." itona responds, still refusing to lift his head off your shoulder.

"yeah, but i did it first. go lean on yada or something." karma gestures at the mentioned yada beside itona.

"i feel more comfortable with [ name ]." itona responds.

not wanting to deal with an endless argument, you shrugged both their heads off your shoulders. "i didn't volunteer to be you guy's head rest." you said, furrowed brows as you glance at both their direction.

"but [ name ], this might be the last time i'll be doing this. you and karma will be attending the same school so he can do it all the time." itona said, with the most stoic expression and yet karma couldn't help but feel rather pissed.

sighing, you pat your right shoulder, deciding to be a head rest for the rest of the graduation ceremony.

"what?!" karma whispers, tugging on your upper arm, only for you to ignore him completely, preferring to listen to this boring speech than to participate in an unnecessary argument.


"if ever i get the chance, is it okay to try befriending you?"

you raise a brow at gakushuu who patiently waits for your response. "you sound like you're about to tame a talking bear." you said.

gakushuu flinches, realising that what he indeed said sounded like, what you had said, taming a bear. "i-uh..i'm sorry, that's not what i meant." he said, clearing his throat in a less nervous manner. "this school year, i'd like to be friends."

a grin curls up your lips as you briefly patted his shoulder. "why wait after three months? we can be friends now." you said.

gakushuu finds himself smiling at your response. "thanks, [ surname ]-"

"[ name ]. call me [ name ]." you said, cutting him off. "oh, but if you want to be friends you'll let me call you shuu."

gakushuu couldn't help but briefly scoff. "i'm still not fond of that but nickname..alright. thank you, once again, [ name ]." he says, waving goodbye to you as you make your way outside the building where the graduation ceremony is held.

entering the bus where your classmates are, you took a sit beside the red head who has been pestering you ever since the bus arrived for you to sit beside him.

"seems like you and asano get along well." karma commented, glancing outside the window where the mentioned strawberry headed teen is standing akong with the big five. "good for you."

"he isn't so bad if he isn't competing with anyone." you responded, shifting in your seat, looking for a comfortable position.

karma mimics what you had said in a mocking manner. you look at him to see his bitter expression obviously displayed on his face. "what?" you raise a brow.

"listen," he began. "i get that you want to make stock of friends, but do you really need to add him in?"

leaning back on your seat, you realise that karma's showing his side of jealousy and he's surprisingly very verbal about it, but wouldn't directly say that he's jealous.

"i also didn't want to add you in, but you decided to crawl in the stock and now look where you are." you said, clicking your tongue a couple of times while shaking your head sideways.

"why the hell do you sound disappointed?" karma furrows his brows.

"i think it's obvious why. i think." you turn to him. "don't go talking crap about shuu when the reason you stayed at kunugigaoka is because of him. 'i want someone to compete with, someone on the same level as me'." you said, clearly mocking his said words before.

karma couldn't help but feel rather embarrass, but that doesn't mean he's backing down at your little teasing. "oh yeah? what about you? you're staying in kunugigaoka because i said i was staying." he sneers. "just admit it, you do have a thing for me."

"i have a thing for your sketchers that glows in the dark." you began to laugh hysterically, resting your hand on his shoulder for support as you recall the time where you had found an old childhood picture of him wearing them at a horror house in an amusement park.

karma heavily sighs as he listens to your entertained laughter. maybe next time you visit he should stop letting you roam and touch things around his house. especially his childhood albums.

"it's not my fault my parents doesn't know my taste in shoes." he huffs, leaning back on his seat while he, as well, id holding back a laugh.

whenever karma attempts to throw in a flirty statement, you'd end up hitting him back with something you find entertaining and it results both of you just laughing.


"it's dark out already. you don't have to walk me home. we can part ways at that bus stop." you said, pointing at the bus stop a few steps away.

"yeah, okay." he says, tucking a hand inside the pocket of his pants as both of you proceed to the bus stop. "call me when you get home."

you nodded, reaching the bus stop. "my parents are coming home tomorrow so i don't think i'll be able to drop by as often." karma said. "they also said that we might have to take some trips from here to there..to have some bonding apparently."

"how long will that be?" you ask, raising a brow.

"a few weeks. two or three. it'll be a while." karma said. "i'll miss you."

you scoff, lightly kicking your feet on the concrete ground, glancing at karma. "three weeks isn't even that long." you said. "besides, you can always contact me if you're bored. it's not like i'm going anywhere like you."

while your gaze shifted on the ground once more, you weren't able to notice karma approach you, slightly leaning in. looking up, your eyes slightly widens at the sight of his hand slowly reaching out for your face.

"h-hey.." you stammer, obviously confuse to where this is heading. although your body didn't move at all. it refuses to move.

you felt his knuckles against your cheek whilst he looks at you longingly. "..i just felt like doing that." he said, pulling his hand away, which is your cue to finally breath. "something for you to remember while i'm gone, i guess."

flustered but refusing to show it to karma, you turned your heels around and began sprinting to the direction of your home while yelling how stupid he is.

he thinks you're cute.


[ a/n: i haven't been able to write because of playing genshin. i haven't been able to also watch anime and idk who to write for anymore. is this how my acc is gonna break down LMFAO ]


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