Chapter Four

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Without another word, the two boys joined each other on the sofa that was perpendicular to Ash's bed. Controllers found there way into hands and eyes glued to a big tv screen.

After about twenty minutes of playing MagiKart, the anger began and button smashing erupted.

"I know you did not just throw that red disc, you bitch!" Gary screeched as the number 1 on his side of the screen dropped to a 3. Gary never failed to fling nicknames at Ash while playing these types of games. Ash enjoyed when the early morning slug hits Gary and he lazily chooses the weirdest names.

Ash only responded to the accusation by giggling, which made a temple twitch on Gary's forehead. He hated when Ash giggled at his anger. When he heard another fit of the girlish giggles hit Ash, he exploded. Gary launched across the sofa, tackling Ash to the skin of the sofa and pushed both of his wrists into the fabric.

"Do. It. Again." Gary growled out, pushing his wrists farther into the sofa. Gary calmed back down and collected his controller in his hands. Ash couldn't help but the shuffle uncomfortable in his cushion. Gary waited until Ash was comfortable until he continued the game. Ash hid his giggles while placing a pillow over his lap. When Gary cocked an eyebrow at the small boy, Ash muttered about his wrists.

Ten minutes passed before the roles were switched on the Poffin Gorge track. Gary chose the track on purpose. He knows that the puffy poffins make it hard to bounce in a straight line to make it over the abyss at the end of the track. Ash had luckily done good at the track, which surprised Ash more.

"You psychotic fucktard!" Ash raged at Gary. His character was passed at the last second, ruining his streak. His hands found their way to his shoulders and pushed him into the other arm of the sofa, clearly not having enough strength to pull the stunt Gary previously pulled. "Asshole." Ash finally nicknamed him.

Gary excused himself from the room for a beverage. As he stood up, he noticed Pikachu and Eevee were wrapped around each other at the foot of Ash's bed. Before they started playing, Gary gave into Pikachu's whines for Eevee, making a final stop back at the lab to retrieve Eevee.

Before Gary even reached the bedroom door, "do me a favor and grab a lemonade for moi when you're down there, please." Ash yelled behind him as he was screwing with his controller's sensitivity settings.

Gary silently made his way down the creaky stairs, admiring all the aging portraits of Ash on display.

"Hello Gary!" Ash's mom was mixing a big sauce pot pivoted on the last burner. She seemed chipper than a mother who had just been informed of her son's departure from the nest. Gary questioned whether Ash even told her yet.

"Hey! I'm just down here to grab Mr. Dork upstairs and myself a drink." Gary offered a polite smile back, eating up the delicious aroma that filled the entire downstairs. He bent over trying to rummage through the refrigerator.

"Gary, I have a secret favor to ask of you, but Ash can not know." Her voice sounded soft, probably in case of Ash eavesdropping. Gary sensed her uneasiness and shifted closer to her. He nodded his head for her to continue on. "I know it's a big responsibility, but is there a possibility that you could be able to travel with Ash. I knows he's a handful but he's not ready to be without another human. If not, I completely understand."

He hesitated for a moment, which did not go unnoticed by Ash's mom. "I know out of everyone I know, Gary, you can handle him. I know you, Gary. And I still love you as my own."

Gary had a feeling that she wasn't talking just about Ash anymore. He couldn't help but bit his lip and nod his head. He understand what she was saying. "I promise you, I will put Ash as my priority and travel with him." He pulled her into a hug and she softly laid her head onto his chest.

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