Chapter Five

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Once again, Gary felt his body tugged up to the familiar room. Ash always ran him everywhere, as if Gary was just his ragdoll in his arms. Gary once again closed the door behind him and turned around in enough time to watch Ash lazily jump over the sofa, scooping up his controller.

"Hey Ash," Gary did not recognize his own voice. "Can I stay the night?" He lowered his head as he rounded the sofa, plopping down in his normal cushion.

Ash raised his eyebrows at the taller boy and thought it over briefly before answering. "I thought Oak said he was expecting you home soon?" He didn't like when Gary's grandfather was upset. Gary has stayed over before without his Grandfather's permission, but as of lately, he felt as if Gramps was a bit testy towards Gary.

"And." There was clearly a taste of determination that was delivered with Gary's response. Ash noticed that Gary obviously was avoiding his grandfather. This type of behavior would not have been odd to Ash if it wasn't for Gary's secrecy of the entire situation. Normally Ash was one of the first people to know about his and Gramps fights. So, why choose now to hide things. He wanted to know. Simply for the fact that he couldn't help what he didn't know.

"Under one condition," His voice came out as a whisper. It was his turn to fidget with his controller, pushing the buttons he knew would have no effect on the pause screen. "Why are you avoiding your house? Be honest." Ash dared to lift his head and found Gary's eyes. He noted the anger that flared within them.

"You already know. Fighting. With Gramps. Like usual?" Gary flicked at his ankle and gazed at his controller balancing on his thigh. It was obvious he didn't want to be asked anymore questions pressing the matter.

"Okay. Then I guess we can share the bed, unless you want hurt your ass on the springs of the sofa?" Ash offered, shifting his hips on an exaggerated motion to force a series of squeaks from the sofa. Ash smirked at Gary's growing smile, not mad at the shift of topic.

"Hm, let me think," Gary lifted his finger to his chin, slightly scratching the soft skin stretched across his jaw. "Springs up my ass or your cold ass feet on my back?" He started laughing as Ash threw the soft display pillow at his face before returning it to his lap.

The last hours of the night were filled by quiet proclaims of hatred, profanity, and threats as the two boys battled for the high score. It was until Ash's yawn did the boys notice the time.

"Arceus! It's almost 2 in the morning." Gary rubbed his eyes, popping out his chest and cracking his lower back.

"You know where the sweatpants and shirts are," Ash gestured towards his closet and sprawled out on the sofa once Gary stood. Gary looked down and his eyes were magnetically pulled to the slightest bit of skin peeking out from underneath of Ash's hoodie. Upon further inspection, the hoodie seemed a bit big for Ash.

"Ash, turn around." Gary demanded before he knew what was coming out of his mouth. Ash threw him a questionable look before twisting his back. The hood on the article of clothing was lifted by Gary and it made more sense to Gary why the hoodie seemed so familiar. "You're such a girl." He smirked at the smaller boy as he neared the closet.

"Listen, you left it like a while ago. You'd barely fit it anymore." Ash pouted like a small kid and rationalized his actions. Ash kneeled on the sofa as he watched Gary scan through his wardrobe, attempting to grab something close to his size, which Ash knew where they were located. Unfortunately for Gary, Ash didn't feel like being very helpful.

He emerged from the closet, clothes in hands before stripping his shirt. His back turned towards Ash, giving him staring opportunities that he did not abandon. The florescent light shone off of the crevices of Gary's back muscles, dropping Ash's jaw. His eyes traveled from the other's broad shoulders, down his spine, and to his lower back.

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