Chapter Ten

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The skin bruised under the crushing fingertips, the nails scratching indents into Gary's shoulders. His breath came out steady, until he felt the prodding against his coil of heat. Ash's entrance clenched hard and his back straightened. 'Wait, no.'

"Wait, wait. Shouldn't you stretch me first?" He  trusted Gary with his body, but that did not steal away from the worry that he held about his bottom. The red build up in his face exploded to down his neck, bleeding into his chest, when he felt the pre-ejaculation against his skin. His eyes closed and breathing hitched as the damp skin burned with anticipation.

Gary's hands felt huge and hot against his ass, the sweat smearing on his cheek. His fingers curled around the soft skin, mirroring the toughness of Ash's. He brought in his face closer, whispering, "I'm not going to penetrate, yet. Just tea."

The teasing words came to an abrupt halt when the sweaty hand slipped out from underneath Ash, sending his rear end onto the member below him roughly and prematurely. The immediate stretch resulted in an ear-splitting shout that echoed loudly throughout the bedroom.

Swear words fell precariously out of the other's mouth, "Shit, Fuck, Bitch. Ash, baby? Are you okay?" The voice Ash heard desired to sound caring, but he heard another undertone to it. There was straining that Ash recognized, but before his focus really grabbed onto the tones of vocal, his focus was drawn to the searing pain ripping through his lower back. The ring of muscles felt torn and forgotten around Gary's dick. He opened his eyes slowly, taking in the sight of Gary struggling.

Once Ash felt the air squeeze back into his lungs, his answer was released, although very quietly. "No."

"I didn't mean, I didn't.." Ash knew this would never be any intentions of Gary's, but he couldn't help to feel the pit in his stomach of anger for the pain induced movement. A shift of his hips ended in a harmonizing groan. Gary carefully pulled his hips back by a millimeter, but stopped immediately when Ash hissed.

"Ash, talk to me, baby," Gary pleaded for his partner to communicate with him. He did not want to cause more harm to Ash than he already had. His shaky hand worked frivolously to soothe the skin on his thighs and rear, careful to not pull at them. The weight of Ash in his arms strained his shoulders, although he refused to let the tension show on his features.

"I want to kuh-ke-kill you, asshu-hat," Ash stuttered out while exaggerating his breathing. Gary's shoulders bounced and his chuckle floated lightly over Ash's, leaving a minty scent ghosting over the other's nostrils. He let his head falter, his eyes tracing over Ash's thighs hoisted in the air, his hips slightly twitching, and his member pushing against his naval. The shock of Ash still being erect shot a jolt down the taller's spine and down to his groin, his member jumping up on its own. Panicking, he looked up to Ash, who's eyes were open wide and glaring at his own.

Gary gave a experimental brush of his fingers against Ash's still erect member, receiving a small gasp in return. He studied Ash's features for any hints of discomfort or wanting him to stop. When none formulated, he gave an experimental tug. This action resulted in a moan falling from the other's lips, encouraging Gary forward in pleasing his small other. "Ashy-boy, can I continue?" He felt wrong without direct consent, but the feeling evaporated swiftly as he watched the boy vigorously shake his head up and down.

His finger wrapped around the flesh and gave four hard tugs in a fast motion, causing Ash to deliciously squirm and moan so much that when Gary pulled his hips back ever so slightly, Ash did not give any notice. He relished in this new information, pleasing Ash while pulling out in small movements as to not disturb Ash. Once only his tip remained buried, he pulled his hand off of Ash's member and picked his chin up until the other's eyes leveled with his own. With a satisfying pop, the tip of his member was now freed.

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