Chapter 4

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I finally just break down. I'm balling on the ground now. Memories of Prim flashing through my mind. Her goat. Her beautiful face. Her long blonde hair. Her horrified face when she was chosen at the reaping. Her terrified face when I volunteered for her. Her loving face when she saw me get home. Her tears rushing down her face when we found out about the Quarter Quell. And her face when she died. 

"Katniss! Are you alright?" Peeta says while running up the stairs to me. Annie and Finnick come out of her room and run to me. Peeta gets all three of us into a big group hug. "Don't worry. It's all going to be okay." Peeta says which makes me stop crying. We all let go and Annie and Finnick race downstairs to eat. Peeta helps me up and I kiss him. Our lips meet just as if they are meant to go together. We walk downstairs to see Finnick trying to open the pantry before he spilled the cereal all over the floor. 

"I'm sorry!" he says as he starts to cry. Peeta and I just laugh and I go pick him up. "Don't worry honey. It's okay. To make it better, why don't we go to the meadow today?" His face illuminates at the sound of the word. He loves going out there. Picking berries, running in the fields, the wind blowing in his face. It's his and Annie's favorite place in the world. "Yay!" they both say. Peeta looks at me with his ice blue eyes with a smile on his face. "That's a great idea! Why don't we pack a picnic as well?" Peeta asks. He's always full of ideas like these. 

Once we finish breakfast, we all go upstairs and get dressed. Peeta puts Finnick in his blue overalls with his green shirt and I pull out Annie's yellow dress with white roses on it for her to wear. Peeta puts on a simple pair of pants and a shirt with his jacket. I wear my old hunting clothes, but put on my mockingjay pin to complete it. Peeta sees it and starts to laugh. We both start to remember the Games and being in the arena. The laughter then stops and we just look at each other with the fear in our eyes we had in the Games. The fear something bad could happen at any moment. "It'll all be okay. As long as I have you." he says as he kisses me. Our hands intwine and we walk out the door.

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