Chapter 6

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I finally reach Peeta. He is sitting watching Annie chase Finnick about 100 yards aways from him. I'm still puffing from running so fast. I sit down next to Peeta. "What game are the playing this time?" I ask while gasping for air but laughing at the sight I see in front of me. "I'm not sure, but I think Annie called it Little Duck game." Peeta says hesitantly. Little Duck. Prim. I start to tear up and lean on Peeta's shoulder. "What's wrong? Are you alright? Why are you puffing?" Peeta asks with that concerned voice that just makes me melt inside, "Nothing. I'm fine." I say smiling at him trying to hide my lie. I don't want him worrying over me anymore than he already does everyday of his life.

"Mommy's back!" Annie says and the both come running towards me. Finnick gets there first and sits in my lap hugging me tightly. "What did you go get Mommy?" he asks curiously. "I got you two some yummy berries! Freshly picked too!" I say holding out my hand. They both grab some. "Mmmmmm! You were right Mommy! These are yummy!" Annie says as she swallows the red berries. "I know!" I say popping one in my mouth. 

The kids run around and play for a little while longer, then we all head back to the house. Peeta asks once more on the way home "Are you sure you are alright?" "Yes I'm positive." I say to him giving him a smile. Finnick falls asleep on Peeta's shoulders and Annie starts to as I carry her inside the house. It's about 6 o'clock when we arrive back home. We open the door and see there is a note on the dinner table.

I first take Annie upstairs to her bed and Peeta does the same to Finnick in his crib. We both walk back downstairs and I immediately grab the note and read it. 

Dear Peeta, Katniss and children, Be careful. We are still watching you. Every move that you make and every word that you say. We may turn up at any given time on any day. Keep your eyes open and make sure you take precautions. We are everywhere. Sincerely, your friends in the Capitol.

I nearly faint after reading it but Peeta catches me. "This can't be happening." I say with hate in my voice. "I thought they had left us alone! What's going to happen? What does this mean?" Peeta grabs the note and reads it. His blue eyes go as cold as ice and his happy face goes motionless. He just looks into my eyes with tears in his. I have tears going down my face now. 

"They can't do this to us! This is outragous!" Peeta says and he slams his fist against the table. "Peeta how could this happen?" I say worried. "I don't know, but we have to make sure Annie and Finnick are safe! We have to protect them!" Peeta says as a tear rolls down his face.

I run into his arms now crying harder. We just stand there, letting out our emotions. I can't handle this anymore, so I run upstairs into our room crying and think about what has happened today. I saw Gale for the first time in about 15 years and he told me he still loved me. People are coming after me and my family. I lay face down on the bed crying into my pillow. After about 5 minutes, I hear knock on the door. "It's me. Can I come in?" Peeta asks innocently, as always. "Yes." I say between sobs.

Peeta comes in a lays nect to me. He puts his arms around me and plays with my hair. It has always seemed to calm me. "Don't worry. We are going to be okay. Nothing will happen to them. Or you. Not as long as I'm here. That's a promise." He always seems to know what to say and when to say it. That's one of the reasons I fell in love with him. I eventually calm down and sit up to talk to Peeta.

"We better get to bed now. We have both had a long day." Peeta says. I kiss him and we both go into Annie's room. We kiss her on the forehead and close her door. We do the same with Finnick and go back to our room. Peeta and I both get in bed and fall asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillow. It feels like 10 minutes when I wake up again to a terrible nightmare.

"Shhh. It's okay. It's just a dream." Peeta says holding me in his arms and calming me down. "I thought they had taken them." I say. "What did I promise you? Nothing will happen to them. Or you. Nobody has touched them. Go back to sleep." Peeta says in a soothing voice. I fall asleep in his arms and don't wake up untill the next morning. 

"That's unusual. Annie hasn't woken up crying yet." I say to Peeta confussed. "Yeah, it is." Peeta says staring at me with the same confussion. "I'll go check on her." I say. I run into her bedrrom to fund nothing. Nothing but the yellow ribbon that was in her hair yesterday laying on her pillow.

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