Chapter 14

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We get to the house for the first time since we got back from the Capitol. I walk in and the first thing I notice is the note that was on the table is still there. I immediately crumble it into a ball and throw it in the garbage. Peeta and I go upstairs and he lays Annie down on our bed. We both put on our pajamas and lay down. We fall asleep holding hands, because I know he will be there to protect me no matter what.

It takes me a couple of hours to get to sleep. I can't stop thinking about Finnick and he will be okay or not. I finally get to sleep, but not for long. Annie wakes up crying at about three o'clock. "What is it sweetheart?" Peeta asks with his eyes still closed. "I had a dream that I had to leave you and somewhere with a lot of people I didn't know. And then I never came home." Peeta's eyes open as soon as she said this. The Games. She has a nightmare about the Games.

"Sweety, shhhh. It's okay. That's not going to happen to you." I say rocking her back and forth. She falls back asleep and Peeta looks at me. "We'll have to tell them now." he says holding her hand. "I know, but I just can't Peeta. I can't even begin to imagine what I would do if Annie or Finnick had to go into the arena." Tears roll down my face at the thought of either of my babies being in the arena. Basically asking for death. "I know Katniss. I know exactly what you feel. Let's just try not to, okay?" he says brushing the hair out my face and behind my ear. "Okay." I say kissing him.

That morning comes very fast. Peeta and I hardly got any sleep, but at least Annie did. We wake up and go downstairs to eat breakfast. "Coffee?" Peeta ask me holding the pot up. "Yeah. Thanks." I say wiping my eyes trying to stay awake. He places the cup in front of me and holds my hand. "Are you ready to go see him?" Peeta asks me. "Yeah, but we should wake up Annie. I'm sure she's ready to see him." I say looking up the stairs. "Alright. I'll go wake her up." he says standing up. "I'll come too. I'm going to get dressed anyway." I say standing up too.

We get upstairs and Annie's sitting up wiping her eyes. "Good morning sweetheart!" Peeta says walking towards her and sitting on the bed. "Good morning." she says tiredly. I pick her up and take her to her room. I pull out her dress with blue, pink and yellow dots on it. I tie her blue ribbon in her hair and walk her back into mine and Peeta's room. Peeta has on his casual pants, a white shirt and his jacket. I hand him Annie while I get dresses. I wear my old reaping dress with my hunting jacket. I put on my mockingjay pin and head downstairs.

We all walk outside to go see Finnick. The only people we see are the men walking to the mines and the peacekeepers. "Just the sight of peacekeepers brings chills down my spine." Peeta says to me. I nod and laugh a little. Everyone's shutters are closed tight and all of the doors are closed. We see a few people by the Hob. They all give us worried looks. Almost all of them were there when Finnick got whipped. 

We finally get to the hospital and rush to Finnick's room. "Finnick!" Annie yells when she walks in. "Shhhh! He's sleeping." the nurse says to us. "Sorry." Annie says now whispering. "How has he been doing?" I ask the nurse. It's the same one that was there yesterday. "He was great throughout the night. No problems at all. I'll leave you guys alone for a while." She was right. He does look a lot better today. His skin is still pale, but he has a little bit of color back. His lashes that have been stitched up are still burning red.

We sit beside his bed for another hour before he wakes up. "Hey sweety!" I say smiling at him. "Hi mommy." Finnick says back. I kiss his forehead. "How are you feeling today sport?" Peeta asks him. "A lot better. My legs don't hurt as much, but there still is a little bit of pain." Finnick says looking up at Peeta and back at me. "Don't worry sweety. Everything will be fine." I say trying to reassure him. 

There is a knock on the door and I turn around. I see somebody who brings my mood down immediately. Gale. He opens the door and comes in. "Hi." he says shyly. "What do you want?" Peeta asks angrily. "I just wanted to see how this strong boy here is doing." he says walking towards Finnick. He goes to stroke his head, but I hit his hand. "Don't touch him, Gale. You've done enough damage already." I say to him. He doesn't respond. He just sits down on the chair on the other side of the room.

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