Chapter 7

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I shriek and run into mine and Peeta's room. "Peeta! Peeta she's gone! She's gone! Annie's gone!" I say with horror in my voice. "What?" Peeta says getting out of bed immediately. "She's gone!" I say. "What about Finnick!" he says staring at me. We both run into Finnick's room to find his still asleep. I grab Finnick out of his crib and we run outside screaming and calling her name. "Annie! Annie!" I go knocking on everybody's door saying "Have you seen my daughter? She's missing!" But every time, I get the same response- no.

Peeta is still shouting her name. Not one person in District 12 has seen her. But one old man said he saw two people running holding something in their arms, but then they disappeared. "Peeta! Come here! Quick!" I hollar to him. "At leats we know something. Thank you sir!" Peeta says. We continue shouting for nearly an hour and I'm exausted. I have tears going down my fve and I can barely move my legs.

I hand Finnick to Peeta before I fall to the ground on my knees. Peeta puts Finnick down and does the exact same. We are in the square both crying and banging our fists on the ground. Peeta trys calming me, be he just breaks down again/ Finnick stands there in tears not knowing what to do. I'm blaming myself for this. I should have been more careful. I should have heard something. I should have been there to protect my daughter.

Peeta comes over to me still crying and helps me up. "Come on honey. Let's go home. Wecan figure everything out and what to do there." Peeta says between sniffles. I don't say anything but he lifts my up  anyway. He carries me all the way home while I'm crying into his jacket. Finnick opens the door for us and Peeta put me down; He sprints to the dinner table. I look up and see Peeta reading a piece of paper.

"Read this!" Peeta says handing me the note. I try to readit through my watery eyes. It says,

Dear Katniss, If you want you darling daughter back safe and sound, come meet us at the Captiol. Bring Lover-Boy too. We want something special from the both of you. Love, your friends from the Captiol.

I look up at Peeta. We both have stopped crying and are both in too muuch shocl to do anything. Peeta comes over to me and puts his arms around me. "So do we go?" Peeta asks. "I guess we have to." I say shaken. "Daddy? Where are you and mommy going? Where's Annie?" Finnick asks crying. This make me cry again so I put my hands over my face.

Peeta kneels down to Finnick's level. "Son, mommy and I are going to a special place and won't be back for a while. You will stay here, okay?" Peeta says trying not to cry. "Why can't I come?" Finnick asks. "You just can't." Peeta says standing up and hunging me again. "When do you want to leave?" he whispers into my ear. "I guess tomorrow." I whisper back.

The of the day is spent crying and Peeta and I hugging each other. Peeta and I begin to pacl eveything that we need. I pack my pearl and mockingjay pin. Peeta packs a few weapons, just incase we would need them. "I'm going to go put Finnick to sleep." I say as I walk out of our room.

Finnick is just as upset and I am that Annie's not here. "When is she coming back mommy?" I never thought I would have to worry about my daughter being missing and wondering when she would be coming home. And I mever wanted my son to have to worry about it either. "Soon darling." I say pulling the blanket over him. "Goodnight Finnick. I love you." I say kissing him on the forehead. "I love you too mommy." he says.

I turn around and walk out of Finnick's room. I then get the feeling that this might have been the last time I got to talk to Finnick. The last time I got to hear his little toddler voice call me "mommy." I quickly get the thought out of my head and get into bed. Peeta is already laying there, staring up at the ceiling. 

"What do you think they are doing to her?" he asks me, still staring up. "I don't know Peeta. I don't even think I could handle to know." I say leaning on his shoulder. "I don't think I could either. I love you Katniss." he says and then kisses my forehead. "I love you too Peeta." I whisper to him. I quickly fall asleep in his arms, trying not to think of Annie in the horrible place Peeta and I spent weeks in training for the Games.

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