Chapter 11

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I look around the cell. There is one single bed in one corner and a toilet in the other. Peeta and I have to stay in here for two days of we ever want to see Annie again. I sit on the bed and Peeta sits next to me. The bed is like a rock and there is one very thin blanket. It's very cold in the cell. Peeta and I are both shivering. I stare at the ground not saying a word. I start of think of Annie and what she is experiencing. A tear rolls down my cheek.

Peeta turns to me and now I'm crying. He wraps his protective arms around me and I sob into his jacket. He rocks me and forth until I eventually stop crying. "It's all going to work out." Peeta says in a calming voice. He lays me down on the bed and I somehow get some sleep. 

The next two days go by pretty quickly. We got one meal a day. The whole time we had to stay in the cell. The door flies open and two guards come in. They push Peeta apart from me and hand cuff us again. "Today you are going to announce to Panem that the Capitol is back in charge with a new president." say one guard. Neither Peeta or I say a word. "You will also announce that the Hunger Games are back on." says another guard with a but of glee in his voice. I guess the Capitol will be happy to have their yearly entertainment again.

When we walk into the recording room, there is only one camera and one television. The camera man is now behind the camera and he yells "Action!" The television behind him turns on and it's showing me and Peeta standing there. Words pop up on the screen of what we are meant to say. "Attention all districts of Panem." Peeta begins. "We would just like to inform you that the Capitol us back in charge." he says in a crackly voice. "Everything will go back to the way it was and the Hunger Games will return." I say. "Thank you for listening!" Peeta says, trying to sound happy. "And happy Hunger Games!" we both say.

The red light on the camera turns off and I hug Peeta. "We get her back Peeta!" I say happily. "Now, was that so hard?" a sarcastic voice calls out. Zipp is clapping as he walks towards us. "Great job you two! I'll be seeing you guys again when your two tributes come for the 76 annual Hunger Games!" he says smiling. "I'm anticipating our reunion already." I say sarcastically.

"We delivered your message for you. Can we have our daughter back now?" Peeta asks generously. "Oh right. You can find it- oops! I'm sorry. You can find her outside those doors." Zipp says smiling. "Thanks for the help." I say and Peeta and I run out the doors.

Standing there next to two guards is my little girl. "Mommy? Daddy?" she says. "Yes darling! It's us!" I say as I squat to the ground. I hold out my arms anticipating for her arrival. "Mommy! Daddy! It's you!" she says and she runs away from the guards and into my arms. I hug her tightly and life her into my arms. "I missed you so much mommy!" she says as she kisses me on the cheek. "What about me?" Peeta says sadly walking over to her. "I miss you too daddy!" she jumps into his arms and kisses him on the cheek as well.

I look at her while Peeta hugs her. The backs of her legs had bruises and she has a few cuts. "Sweety, what did they do to you?" I ask her. She turns around and I see her face. She has dried blood on the right side of her head on her temple. She also has bags under her eyes. The kind I get if I haven't slept in a week. "Nevermind sweety. Let's just go home." 

Peeta carries our bags and I carry Annie as we board the hovercraft again. It's the same pilot we had coming here. "Come on in!" he says motioning for them to close the door. "Back to District 12?" he asks. "Yes sir." Peeta says. "Get comfortable. We'll be flying all day." the pilot says. Annie lays down on my lap and I lean against Peeta's shoulder. "I love you Bread Boy." I say to Peeta. "I love you too Fire Girl." he says back. He kisses my head and I start to fall asleep.

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