Chapter 10

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On our way to the Mayor's Building, Peeta and I don't see a soul. Not one person. Only the lady who got shot. We walk up to the house and see there are guards at the door. "Name" asks one of the guards. "Peeta and Katniss Mellark." Peeta says. "Ah yes. The star-crossed lovers. We were expecting you two. Come on in." another guard says. Peeta and I both look at each other, then hesitantly walk inside.

I look up and I see a beautiful chandelier. The place is just as beautiful as it was the last time we were here. But I try not to think back then. There are too many bad memories. Peeta takes my hand and we walk through the foyer into the dining room. There is a long table with one 50 year old man sitting at the end. He is staring at us with his snake eyes. Just as Snow did. "Oh, do come in." the man says. 

We walk in and he shakes both of our hands. "Nice to meet you. I'm President Zipp." Peeta and I don't say a thing. We just stare at him. "So, I'm guessing you're wondering where your 'precious little girl' is right about now. Am I correct?" he says raising one eye brow. "Yes sir." Peeta says looking down. Zipp smiles and sits back down. "Please have a seat." he says pointing to the chairs.

"Before I can tell you were your 'gift from above' is, I have a few things that need to be done. That need to be done by the two of you." He can tell he is infuriating me. "Like what?" I ask him. "I need you to make an announcement on live television. In two days." he says looking back and forth at me and Peeta. "Two days? What is it you need us to say?" Peeta asks. "Just your typical announcement. Everything will go back as it was 15 years ago. Except no more Snow. I'm in charge now. The Hunger Games will be back on. Got it?"

Peeta and I just stare at Zipp after hearing what he has just said. My mouth drops wide open. "Oh Katniss. Where are your manners? Close your mouth! You might catch flies!" Zipp says laughing. "You must be out of you mind if you think I'm saying that on televising!" I say furiously. "Oh, but you will. You will if you want to see your 'little angel' again." he knows now. He knows I won't stop at anything to get Annie back. "Fine. We'll do it." Peeta says interrupting what i was about to say. "We will?" I ask him curiously. "Do you want Annie back or not Katniss! I want her back!" Peeta says loudly to me.

"I see you two have some marriage problems here. Should I wait for you response later?" Zipp says laughing again. I can tell he cracks himself up easily. "No." I say angrily. "We'll do it." I say to Zipp. "I'm so glad we are on the same page here. In the time between now and two days from now, you will be living in a cell. Don't try anything stupid, okay?" Zipp says with absolutely no emotion on his face. I don't say anything to him. Neither does Peeta. We both just stare at him.

"So, I was just wondering, why do you want us to announce it?" Peeta asks. "Well isn't it obvious? Because you two were the face of the rebellion! Everyone will listen to you two!" Zipp says with a smile on his face. I want to say something, but before I can get any words out, two guards come from behind me and Peeta and hand cuff our hands.

I move around trying to breal free, but there's no use. The guards drag us down flights of stairs until we finally get to a door. One guard lets go of Peeta and opens the foor. He pushes both of us in and locks the door behind him. 

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