Second {in which rumors are spread and eyebrows are burnt}

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I was so exhausted after my talk with Hugh, that I went straight to my room, and fell asleep. I didn't wake up 'till the next morning, to the sound of Claire and Olive being chased by grumpy Enoch. 

'Hey!, Would yall quit making so much noise! It's so early!' I yelled, clearly mad. 

'(Y/N), It's 1 in the afternoon!' Said Claire, giggling. 

'Leave her alone' said Enoch. 'She had the most tiring afternoon yesterday.' He said, smirking. I did! And why was he being nice? He's weird.

As I got out of my room, I  congratulated myself. "Good job (Y/N)! It's the first time in months that you haven't slept in Bronwyn's room!" The other side of my brain replied. "I miss Wyn. She's nice. And soft. And she smells good. And she's pretty. And-" "CUT IT OUT!" the other side replied.  I was walking to Victor's room, when Emma came behind me, Abe holding her. ' Miss Peregrine wants to see you and Hugh later!' Called Abe. ' Did you have fun last night?' asked Emma, in a sarcastic mode, seeming mad. 'Yeah?' I asked, not-knowingly. 

For the whole morning, everyone was giving me dirty looks, and it looked like Hugh was getting the same treatment. I decided that it was best if we first talked to Miss Peregrine, and then I would go talk to Vic.

'Hugh, do you know what's going on?' I asked. I was beginning to worry. Everyone was shooting awful looks at us, and the Bird wanted to see us. We got to Miss Peregrine's office, and she began to speak.

'I understand that you 2 are young, and are in love,' She began. Hugh and I shot glances at each other. What the bloody hell was she talking about? I had to control my impulses to interrupt her and tell her she was wrong. Nobody interrupted the Bird.

'But you can't spend two whole hours inside a bunker which's locations I confided in you! That bunker is for hollow emergencies, and children are meant to hide in it! So please, next time you two feel like being a really long time with each other, do it in your room. And I expect that you two are using the appropriate protection, we don't want any little peculiar running around.' She finished. I exploded. 

'Miss P, we weren't doing anything!!! We were just talking!! We aren't together! Hugh and I are only best friends! That's all that there is, and that there'll ever be!'

'Besides, I'm dating Fione, Miss P.' Said Hugh, cutting me off before the Bird got mad.

'And, I'm with Victor!' I said, already feeling the electricity in my veins relax a little. If I found out who had done that, I was going to fry their bones until they were not bones but dust.

'Oh, well,' Said Miss P, looking flustered, 'People just saw you coming out of the bunker after 2 hours and in the words of Mstr O'Connor, 'Hugh's hair was all messy and his shirt was unbuttoned, and (Y/N)'s face looked red, and her hair was a mess. Hugh smelled like (Y/N).''

'What did you say?' I asked mad.

'Um, 'Hugh's hair was all messy and his shirt was unb-''

'No, no, before that,' I said, getting mad. 'You wouldn't have happened to say, ehem, Mstr O'Connor, right Miss P?'

'Why of course Miss (L/N), it was he who reported you two.'

'THAT LITTLE SHIT!' I said once we were out of the office. 'Here's what we're going to do Bee boy,' I said. 'You're going to tell everyone that the rumor's fake, and I'm going to fucking cause Enoch so much pain he will wish he was one of his dolls instead.'

'Ok, but you deal with Victor though, ' Said Hugh, ' I heard he's so mad he hasn't gotten out of bed the whole day, and that the one time Bronwyn came to visit, he shouted at her to go away, which is so unlike Victor.' When he said Bronwyn my heart skipped a beat. I would deal with Vic later, but now, some little shit was about to die.

Electricity  (Bruntley sibilings  x female reader story) [NOT INCESST]Where stories live. Discover now