seventh {in which the main character makes an unexpected friend }

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Being back together with Victor made everything easier. I mean, seeing Bronwyn every morning hurt, but seeing Victor always picked me up after that. He was always so eager to be with me, always hugging me, kissing me. I mean, Hugh had to come a few times to our room to ask to keep it down (No not like that!! we were only talking. Well mabey sometimes ;)) Everything seemed to be perfect. Until it wasn't. You wanna know why it wasn't. Abe fucking Portman. Yall wanna know what he did. Fine.

He told us he was leaving. He wanted to leave. And fight for the war. So naturally, Emma started crying which led to the little ones asking why, which led to them crying, which led to NO-ONE being able to sleep at night. So much for family. 

Emma and I had begun to have lessons with Miss P. together. On ways to control our powers, since they're so much alike. She can cause fire an I can cause electricity, both charged with massive energy, and both really powerful and hard to control. At first, I really couldn't be madder at Miss P. Emma is the most lovesick, gossiping, meanest and most superficial person in the loop. And I'm not exaggerating. But lately she's been trying to be my friend. I've flipped her off a few times but she keeps insisting. This girl doesn't give up man. So when Miss P. leaves us alone together to practice, she tries to make small talk. Which always goes horribly wrong. But when Abe announced this news, she became vulnerable and really, really sad. Something I could really identify with after all I'd been through with the Bruntly siblings. So instead of testing out our powers, she cried, I comforted her, and heck, even I cried sometimes. Oh, how the turn tables have.

I always left the sessions feeling a bit overwhelmed by Emma's emotions. She used to be Bruntley's best friend, so I don't know if she ever knew.

Miss Peregrine found out about Abe's longing to go, and summoned us for "family dinner".

Miss P. has this weird thing when every 5 months or so she makes us switch seats, so instead of being flanked by Hugh and Victor and sitting in front of Bronwyn, I now sat next to Emma and Victor, and Hugh in front of me, and Bronwyn was sitting next to Fiona, who was in Hugh's right, while Abe was on his left in front of Emma. This was very very uncomfortable because all of us had to stand Emma shooting dirty looks at Abe while he tried to look at anyone asking for help.

So with Miss P. sitting at the head, and Millard in the other side, our 'Family dinner' began.

'So, as some of you know, I've called you all here to speak of a very important matter that has been of importance lately.' Miss P. begun. 'Most of you here know Abe. Abe recently has discovered that he would like to be part of the army, move to United States, and  help the  peculiar cause around the world by killing hollowgast.' The deadly silence we were all keeping was broken firstly by Emma, who began crying, and a chorus or gasps all throughout the dinner table.

'But Abe, you can't go!' said olive, while clutching Wyn's arm. 'Please don't leave us Abe' said Claire, her big round eyes filled with tears, while her backmouth bawled and bawled. Abe looked at the peculiar children around the table, with regret as well as sadness in his eyes.

'Please Abe..', finally spoke Emma, with a single tear running down her cheek. I looked at Victor, and wondered what I would feel if it happened to him.

Abe rose his head, 'Guys I'm not leaving. Not yet. You guys need me here, and I don't need to help in the war when I can help at my home.' 

And that appeared to be the end of it. But it obviously wasn't. Because now, thanks to Abe, Victor's mind was running and thinking, "Hey, if Abe can leave, so can I right?"

hehe I'm baackkkk...!! GUYS ITS BEEN A WHOLE YEAR SINCE I STARTED WRITTING. That proves how lazy I am right? Anyways, I ant to thank the 10 of you there is for keeping on reading, and as always, 

Millard is baby, 


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