sixth {in which everything is forgiven and laughs are shared}

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"Let me explain," said Vitor. "I'm letting you explain," I said. "Please, enlighten me. What did I do so wrong that caused you to cheat on me with the first girl you found in the tavern."

Victor sighed from the other side of the door. ' It's just,' 'Just what Victor?  You fucked up, admit it. You got your fucking feelings hurt, and to make yourself feel better, you went to the pub and got fucking drunk, and let a human girl pamper you.'

'You're right. Y/N, you, are, right. I fucked up. I got jealous of my sister. Yeah, thats how fucked up I am. I hate this ward, I hate this loop, i fucking hate being traped. And yet here I am. Staying. Not because I'm afraid of a fucking hollow, not because of my sister, because, of , you. And I know, trust me, I know, I fucked up badly. And I want to fix it. Because if not even you will love me in this fucking loop, I don't know who will.' Victor broke down crying. By this point, I was crying too.  'Please,' he said, 'Please I beg you Y/N, forgive me. I can't go on without you.' I let him in. 

He looked at my face, at my stained night gown. 'Oh Y/N' He said, and hugged me. I let out a sob, a loud one, but by this time, everyone was asleep. 

Well, "Asleep". Enoc was probably cuddling Horace, calming him from a nightmare. Almost everyone cries at night in this house. 

Claire and Olive, they're the only ones who don't cry at night. Ironic right? The youngest children are the ones who cry the least.They sleep peacefully. 

Fiona, on the other hand, cries every night, a piercing cry, with yells, and Hugh cries with her as well on most nights, hurt from seeing her hurt .His cry is more of a soft sob, but still you can hear it. 

Emma and Abe. She gets angry, because at night, all her memories come back. And she expresses anger by crying, rather than letting the house burn. He, he gets sad, listening to news about the war, wondering how his family is. Emma's crys are silent. Although sometimes, you hear the ocasional frustration yell. Abe cries softly, and doesn't shed much tears. 

Wyn crys. Yes, she cries. She if so strong, and so emmotionally weak at the same time.  She is so emmotional. Sometimes she cries for Olive and Claire. And for her family. 

Millard cries as well. He doesn't like to say he cries, but he does. Locks himself in the library, and cries at night. We've all picked up books and saw wet stains. 

We all know we cry. And we all ignore it, as if it didn't happen, because thats just how it is. We're a bunch of kids, without family, who are so, so emmotionally hurt inside it pains us phisically., as well as emmotionally.

After a while of just sitting there, crying, I started laughing. That's just how I am. I laugh at the irony of things. I looked at Victor. My sweet, beautiful dumb Victor. 'Did you know, ' I began, 'That Millard Smartass Nullings tried to kiss me today?' I told him. I started giggiling, while he started to frown, looking jealous. 'Can I hit him?' He asked.

'NO!'I said and we spent the resto of the night laughing.

Heyyy, not bad for a comeback huh? What did yall think?? Let me know <3 

Millard is baby, 


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