Third {in which bathing suits and insecurities are shown}

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Victor and I walked out, hand in hand, out of his room, which he shared with Abe, after spending the night together. Luckily, Abe was away in mine and Emma's room. The four of us had this agreement, where Abe would basically live in Emma's room and me in Victor's and none of us would tell Mirs Peregrine. But lately, I had asked Abe to go back to his original room, because it was harder to sneak out to Bronwyn's room with Victor's tight grip around my waist.

But today, I was going to tell Abe to move out again. I was determined to not go back ever to Bronwyn's room, because lately, Victor and I had been getting along better than ever, and I was certain that I was going to quit Bronwyn, but who was I kidding, I still looked at her during lunch, and wondered if I should leave Victor to be with her, and longed for her gentle, yet sturdy touch. 

'(Y/N) Are you even listening?'  

'I want to break up because I've fallen in love with Hugh.'

'Wha- What?' I asked, still in my world. Victor chuckled. Was he really going to leave me for Hugh? 

'Don't worry, I was checking if you were listening, I'm not breaking up with you.' He said, chuckling. As we arrived at the table, I glanced at Wyn, who was feeding Claire. She looked back at me and I felt butterflies rise in my stomach. This had to stop. NOW. I did what first came to mind. I grabbed Victor's face and practically shoved his lips into mine, to which he responded by kissing back. "Are they gone?" I asked myself. I shot a quick glance at Wyn, and though others couldn't see it, I saw the pain behind them. "Good job (Y/N), the butterflies are gone, your boyfriend's horny, and your girlfriend, who is his sister, is heartbroken. Who wants to see what the dumbass does next?!" I asked myself.

 I was going bonkers, wasn't I? I mean, talking to the audience in your head was a sign of being bonkers right? Wait, there I am, doing it again. 

'(Y/N), are you okay?' I heard Horace say, 'You look as if you've seen a ghost, and if it where your peculiarity, I wouldn't have asked, but it isn't; so I repeat myself, are you okay?' That smartass. I didn't know who was worse, Horace in one of his rants or Millard in one of his. 'Definitely when they rant together' I muttered. 'What was that Baby girl?' Asked Vic. For a moment I thought ut was Wyn who'd spoken, but she was quiet again, that sad look in her eyes. ' She probably said something about how she's gotten Vic horny now' Said Hugh. At that moment, Enoch walked in 'Who's horny?' He asked, grinning. Emma said 'You're horny, or at least were yesterday, according to Somn!' She high five Abe, as Horace looked at Enoch and blushed. 'You told her??!!' Asked Enoch, in disbelief. 'Oh, no one told her Hunny, everyone years you pant and moan and groan' said Victor. 

The whole room had a laughing fit, until we remembered Claire was there. Well, we didn't remember, she reminded us, by asking 'What's "moan"?' Oh, my bird. That girl was going to be the death of me. I quickly excused myself by saying that I needed to wake up Olive, and Victor followed me. ' REMEMBER YOU ARE GOING TO WAKE HER UP, SO DON'T GET DISTRACTED BY SNOGGING OR SOMETHING!!!' Yelled Millard. (a/n I wrote yeeted by mistake and thought for a while if I should keep it like that. If you guy's vote the story, I'll officially change it to 'yeeted' -3-) 

After we were all gathered for breakfast, and then, Miss P came down, she announced that we would be spending a day on the beach, and everyone cheered. 

Emma, who knew the way better, lead us all through and instructed us to pick bathing suits from the little cabin. Miss P decided that the girls would change inside the cabin, and the boy's in the cave. She obviously forgot that some of us are gay, but maybe she just ignored it. I went in and Fiona told me I could choose between a blue polka-dotted one, and a high-waisted checkered black and white one. Wyn came to me and whispered in my ear. 'The checkered one would look stunning on you. It's so sad you're my brother's by day. But tonight, you're mine, ok Angel?' Damn. For a girl stuck in a loop, she sure knew how to flirt. And well, let's just say I wore the checkered one.

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