Fourth {in which siblings fight and boyfriends fuck up}

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There I was, asleep, leaning against the wall of my bathroom, the door wide open, my swimsuit ruined, the toilet showered with barf, my face wet, and my eyes red from all the tears, when Bronwyn found me.

'Shhhh, it's okay Baby, don't cry.' , she said, while sitting down next to me, and putting her arm around my shoulders. When she saw I was calm, she stood up, and grabbed some cloth, and began cleaning my swimsuit with it. Then, she picked me up bridal stile, and dropped me on my bed. Emma wasn't there yet, and had probably snuck of to the town or the forest with Abe.  She covered me with the blankets, and as I began to drift off again, I heard her cleaning the bathroom, leaving no trace of my time there, and when she finished, she laid down next to me, and whispered in my ear,

'Emma isn't going to be here tonight, she's spending it with Abe.'

'And Victor?' I mumbled

' He'll just have to deal with them, or go to sleep in the library. Don't worry for him now. ' 

' I'm sorry I ruined your plans for tonight. ' I said, still half asleep

'It's ok, we can do that another time, but I'm not going to pressure my angel into anything, especially if you're feeling like this.' 

~~~Time sip brought to you by Enoch's sassiness~~~

When I woke up, Wyn wasn't there, and to be honest, I was pretty disappointed. I realised I was still in my bathing suit and changed to a polka dotted red dress, one that Victor he'd given me. Oh my Bird. Victor. I wondered how he had spent the night, and where, and if he was ok and " Stop. Y/N stop." I told myself. I couldn't keep overthinking like this, or I'd only get more anxiety attacks.

I washed y face, and did my hair, with a white ribbon I stole from Emma and went down to breakfast. 

As I passed Bronwyn's room, I heard some yelling, and instead of passing the room with the fight, I stayed back, and listened.

"It's probably just Enoch and Horace fighting again" I told myself. And then stupid me realised it was Victor's room.

' Just how do you think having a girlfriend who doesn't love herself makes me feel?? Huh?! WELL IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE I'M NOT A GOOD BOYFRIEND!! AND THEN, ON TOP OF EVERYTHING, MILLARD COMES AND TELLS ME THAT HE SAW YOU, MY SISTER, SNEAKING OUT OF HER ROOM!'

'Victor I'm sorry ok? But you have to understand,  I love  her to!' There it was. Oh god. I was going to have to pack everything and run. 

' Yeah, well, I get she's your best friend, but she's MY girlfriend!!!!!!! Not YOUR'S! IT SHOULD BE ME WHO CUDDLES WITH HER AT NIGHT, AND ME WHO CALMS HER DOWN WHEN SHE BREAKS!'


And Victor did. In fact, I did not see him for the whole day, until Miss Peregrine told me to go find him.

I wondered the town, asking myself where Victor could be. Just as I was reaching the pub, I saw him inside.

'Victor!' I yelled. But I didn't say it alone. He was sitting down, a girl next to him laughing at his jokes. Then, just as a waitress approached me, she kissed him. And he kissed back. I froze, and the bar's lights went out. 

I know I had been cheating on Victor, and that gave me no right to  say anything, but that didn't mean it hurt. And oh it did. Like mad. Victor turned around, and saw me there, just standing. 

'Y/N, It's not what it look's like, I swear!' He said, pulling away from the girl, and raising his hands.p, as in , "you've caught me" ' Teddy who's she?' The girl asked, putting her arms around my boyfriend, as if jealous and protective.

'Not anther word, Teddy' I spat out. And then I ran? No. More like flied back to the house, where I went to the library, and locked myself there.

I'm Back!!! My computer broke down, and I couldn't figure out how to write in my iPad.

 I'm sorry, I know it's really short, but I have big plans for the next chapter. Remember I love to hear all about your opinions, and I love it when you comment (and vote 😉) Also, do you guys want me to name the chapters instead of  the names I have now? Please comment. Also, check out my one shots book, most of you will like it I think, specially you enorace fans (wriggles eyebrows) 

       Millard is baby,


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