Fifth {in which hate towards april is shown}

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I found my favorite spot in the library, and picked up a book I didn't even read, because of my stupid self, who was crying.

By the time I realised someone was also in the library, it was too late to pretend I was fine.

'Y/N, are you ok?' I heard someone say.

'What? Who's there?' I asked. "Please don't let it be Enoch" I said  to myself.

'It's Mill, but that doesn't matter right now, what matters is, are you ok?' 

'What?, yeah, I'm okay, it's just, it's April, you know?' I anwsered. 

' What do you mean"it's April?"' He said.

' Oh, well, something bad happens every April.

It all started when I was 8. I came home one day, and Papa wasn't there. Mama then told me he had been killed in the war. Then Rick, my childhood best friend drowned, then my mom abandoned me, and this year, Victor cheated on me.' I said, breaking down at the last part. 

'Victor Bruntly cheated???On you?????' Millard was astonished. 'How could someone cheat on someone so beautiful as you' he said, as I felt him lean in. I was tented, but I pushed him away 

'Whoa, stop there lover boy. No, just no mate.' Millard sighed

' Shit. I knew it wasn't the best time. It's just, I've liked you for a while now Y/N,I noticed the time I caught you and Victor.' 

'Millard, I'm flattered, but no.' I said. I started to cry again. Millard tried, and ran a hand through my cheek, but I stopped him in his tracks, and electrocuted his hand. Suddenly, all the tears where gone, and I had turned from sad to really angry. ' Nullings go. Now.'  I felt electricity running through me.

 He got up quickly, and once he left, I went into the library's bathroom, where I trashed the whole thing, and started a fire which I put it quickly.

Damn it. Damn everything! Damn Victor, damn Millard, damn this stupid house, damn my stupid powers. Damn it all. And most importantly. DAMN APRIL .

When I felt like going and interacting with people again, I got out, and went to find Bronwyn.

'Wyn, are you busy?' I asked, innocently

'No, actually, I wanted to see you.

Look, I really like you, and lately, I've been fealing like I love you, but this can't continue. It pains me a lot when I see you with Victor, and he's right. I wish you where mine, but you're his. I don't want to be the home wrecker. Even though I wish I wasn't doing this, I have to. I'm going crazy here Y/N. I don't know if where meant to be, but if we are, it's not the right time for us to be together. I I've you and always will, but for now, I can't keep being your secret girlfriend.' 

I broke down to the ground, and curled into a ball. Bronwyn left, tears in her eyes, though I was to busy breaking to notice. 

After a while, I went back to my room, where angrily, still crying,I went into my bathroom, and took out the blades. I know I promised everyone that I wouldn't cut again, but I did it anyways. Once my arms and this where all covered in inch deep cuts, I put on a sweatshirt, which used to be Hugh's, and some pants and curled into a ball in my bed, wishing to never wake up again.

~time skip brought to you by monster donut~

The next morning, I didn't even bother to go down to breakfast. I just stayed in my bed,  hoping no one would notice, though to b honest, I really wanted Hugh to come up and check on me. I took a shower, and rinsed out the blood from the sweats and pants. 

I imagined that by now, the whole house knew about the whole mess that spend with Victor. 

There was a knock, and I ignored it profusely. Another one. 

'I'm busy!' I yelled, loud enough for the other person to see. 

'Let me talk to you Baby.' It was Victor 'No' I said. 'Baby, just et me explain myself. Please' he pleaded. I sighed. 'You have one minute. One fucking minute, and I'll either let you in, or go out and slap you.' ' Start.' 

Ok ik I was low-key stupid lmao. Anyways, lots of love, I'm back home from the Canary islands and ready to  write.

Also how do y'all see if I start a PJO/HOO/TOA x reader one shots book?!

Millard is baby 


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