Chapter 9: Gym

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Kim and I jogged over to Tommy and I caught the ball and side stepped him as I took my 3 steps and landed the ball in the net. A few of the guys whistled at me until the bell rang as the teacher and my brother walked in. My eyes widened and I raced to stand in front of him and the teacher and stood at attention, my feet forming a V with my heel as the point. I stood up straight with my head held high and my arms at my sides, my hands straight as I waited for his comand. My class looked at me strangely while my brother looked amused and impressed.

"Everyone! Welcome Sargent Major Jesse McKnight. He has transfered here from the Russian military and is here for a special program that will use military style training for the next 3 weeks for your physical education. I expect you to teach him with the utmost respect." The teacher announced as my brother stood in a similar fashion to me. The teacher then gave my brother the go ahead.

"As you heard, I am Sargent Major Jesse McKight and you will adress me as Major McKight or Sir. Now, I want you all to stand up straight in 4 rows, just like Miss McKnight here." He said in a loud voice as his accent shown through his deep voice making everyone quickly do what he said. Kimberly and Tommy stood on either side of me and copied my stance as I rolled slightly on the balls of my feet as to not faint from standing still for too long.

"I will be walking around to check on your stance before I take roll call. I expect you all to be in this same formation every class when that bell rings. Am I understood?" He asked the class to which he received a series of nods and mumbles yes's as I said in a loud voice, 'Sir, yes Sir!'

"When I ask a question I expect you to answer loud and clear just like captain Fox did. Now, I will repeat. Am I understood?" He said to the class as he recieved a resounding 'Sir yes Sir!', from the class. My brother then checked the back rows stance while making adjustments here and there. I glanced over at Kimberly to see her looking a little pale.

"You can roll on the balls of your feet to stop yourself from feeling faint." I whispered to Kimberly and Tommy making Kimberly take my advice and slightly rolls on the balls of her feet, the colour gradually returns to her face. She mouthed a 'thank you' as she glanced at me. My brother then came up to the front row and looked at Kimberly and Tommy's stance when he noticed that Kimberly kept balling her hands.

"Don't ball your hands, try to keep them straight at your sides." My brother told her as she adjusted her hands to be straight. After he checked everyone, he walked back in front of the class.

"Good, now, when I call your name I want you to stomp your right foot onto the floor and say loud and clear, 'cadet,' with your last name, 'present and accounted for. Sir, yes sir' and salute." He told everyone and then started roll call until it got to Kimberly.

"Cadet Hart!" He said loudly as she said clearly.
"Cadet Hart, present and accounted for. Sir, yes sir!" She then stomps and salutes, then puts her hand back by her side. A few more names and he called me.

"Sargent McKnight!" He shouted.

"Sargent McKnight, present and accounted for. Sir, yes sir!" I said and then saluted and stomped my foot before placing my arm at my side, next was Tommy.

"Cadet Oliver!" The Major said.

"Cadet Oliver, present and accounted for. Sir, yes Sir!" Tommy said loudly and then saluted and stomped his foot then places his arm at his side again. A couple more names and then he was done.

"Now, when I say 'at ease', I want you to move your feet to shoulder width apart, place your hands behind your back, don't grip your hands, and then relax your stance with your eyes forward. Am I understood?" He said as the class responded in the appropriate way.
"Alright! At ease!" And the whole class changed to the relaxed stance as some sighed in relief.

"Now, this class is to give you an introduction to what I expect of you and the rules I have. I'm here to provide a look into military training and have been asked to teach for the next few weeks at least for any students that may wish to join the Military after high school." He said as he walked up and down the rows. I knew he was acting tough just to make them understand that this is serious, but he was really a big softie. "Now, I expect 4 things from this class. Number 1, Respect. If you do not respect me and your classmates, then you will not get very far in this program." He said as he slowly paced in front of everyone.

"Number 2, discipline. If you do not have discipline, then some of these training techniques will be very difficult for you." he paused.

"Number 3, teamwork. Teamwork is important in military training because you are working to protect not only yourself, but others as well." Another pause.

"And number 4, courage. Without courage you will get nowhere. Even if you mess up, as long as you have courage then you can get through almost any situation. You will be put into teams by me and your teacher after 3 classes. You will be put together based on the skills that both he and I will observe in the next 3 classes. Anyone who falls short in some areas will be in a group of people that make up for it. Everyone it good at something whether that be strategy, strength, leadership, compassion or just being a good teammate." My brother said, stopping in front of Tommy and I for a split second when he said leadership before moving on. He walked back in front of the class and looked at his watch then back up.

"As for rules, they are 5, simple and easy to follow, they are the same rules I have for the cadets in the military. Rule #5, don't get cocky. Although I expect, courage I will not tolerate arrogance. Rule #4, remember that I am here to help you but I will not carry you to the finish line. Rule #3, before engaging in a fight, look around to see if there is another way out or around a situation. Looking for an alternative could just save yours or one of your teammates life if you were in combat or a tough situation. Rule #2 your team is like your family. Protect that family with your life and that family will do the same for you. And the most important, rule #1. Always listen to those that outrank you." He said as he stopped pacing, turning to everyone.

"Does everyone understand those rules?" He ask the class after he finished saying the rules to which he got a loud 'Sir yes Sir!' From everyone.

"Good. Now, any questions?"

Eleonix, violet ranger(Book One In The Violet Ranger Series)((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now