Chapter 19: Island

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I walked to my truck and rode over to my house as tears made my vision blurry. I parked at home and just sat there in the truck.

"Gods, I'm so fucking stupid!" I yelled as I hit the edge of my steering wheel with my fists. I got out of my truck and ran into the back yard as my footsteps left spots of dead grass where ever I stepped. I walked into the training field and fell to the ground as a large lilac wave of power exploded from me as my emotion took control, a warm, webbed dome of vines and branches encased me as I cried. I cried for 15 minutes before my communicator beeped.

"Fox! The others are in danger! They need your help!" Zordon said in an urgent voice like always.

"Alright." I said shakily as I whipped my tears and moved behind a tree before morphing. I was exhausted from releasing that burst of power but I teleported myself to the others only to see a fog envelope them before heading towards me.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked as the fog came at me, I didn't even try to run since I knew it would be pointless. I arrived on an island in the middle of who knows where on planet who knows what, without my morpher or communicator. I then started to walk in a random direction as I used my special hearing to locate the others.

"What happened?" I heard Trini ask.

"I don't know. One of Rita's spells must have transported us here. Is everyone okay?" Jason asked in concern.

"It would appear we all survived the transdimentional journey intact." Billy said.

"Not quite intact. My communicators gone, and my power coin!" Zack said in alarm. I followed their voices until I saw them through the trees. I should go up to them but with what happened earlier with Tommy, I got scared. I'll just keep an eye on them and if they need help then I'll help them.


I was keeping an eye on everyone. So far, they met a short dude named Quagmire, Zack started to hallucinate and then almost disappeared, then the same thing almost happened to Kimberly. Right now Tommy was hallucinating, he was attacking everyone and acting like he didn't recognize them before he started to disappear. I had to think quickly before he disappeared fully! I quickly jumped out of the tree I was hiding in and grabbed Tommy in a tight hug with my arms around his neck. Started running my fingers through his hair as I whispered calming words to him.

"Its okay Tommy, its just me. Its just Fox. Calm down. Its okay." He struggled at first, but before long he seemed to calm down as he wrapped an arm around my waist while the other tangled itself into my hair. I continued to run my fingers through his hair until I was sure he was calmed down. I tried to let go slowly only to be held in place by Tommy.

"Please don't let go. I'm sorry about earlier I-I just-" He whispered as his voice cracked like he was about to cry. I was shocked. Less then an hour ago I thought he was angry with me but now he was almost crying?

"Its okay Tommy, I'll still be right here. I'm not going anywhere." I told him as I gave him a reassuring squeeze before he let me go. I looked at him before grabbing his hand. "See? I'm still here." I told him as I saw the tears in his eyes. I turned to see the others looking at us in confusion at what was going on.

"I guess I have some explaining to do to you all." I said sheepishly as I looked at them with a nervous chuckle.

"That can wait until later, how did you get here?" Jason asked me as he walked over to us with the others.

"I got here the same as you, Rita sent me here." I answered them with a shrug since I didn't really know anymore then them.

"Hey Trini, are you okay?" Kimberly asked her as Trini awkwardly tried to crawl back on a sand hill.

"I'm afraid Rita might come after me next." She admitted as her fear took hold.

"That's exactly what she wants you to think." Jason told her in an attempt to stop her from disappearing but she unfortunately still started to disappear while attempting to crawl back.

"Trini! Your becoming translucent!" Billy exclaimed making her realize what was happening. She looked at her hands and then she looked up, she started yelling that Billy was too high up which confused me since Billy was on the ground with us but I guess it's about something that happened before I became a ranger. Suddenly Quagmire appeared.

"Trini had to conquer heights, although that was her greatest fright. Now my child, do your best! To pass this part, of Rita's test!" He said before disappearing in a puff of colorful smoke as Trini closed her eyes and concentrated on something. Soon she stopped disappearing and she stood up and hugged Kimberly only to look to Billy and see him starting to disappear too.

"Billy?" Trini called out to Billy but when he looked at her it was more like he was looking through her then at her.

"Its no use. Even all my scientific knowledge can't get us out of this one. I failed." He said as he kept glancing from his disappearing arm and us.

"No Billy, it's not your fault. Don't let Rita get to you." Jason told Billy as Trini panicked.

"Quagmire! Rita's after Billy!" She shouted as he appeared rubbing his temples.

"I sense a fight, in a land of dreams. Where Billy fought, a nightmare queen!" He said as he looked at Billy.

"Yea, I recall the confrontation. She had me in a most impressive grip." He paused and closed his eyes. "But I finally acquired sufficient leverage to defeat her." And with that he was whole again! He opened his eyes to see himself fully there. I smiled with the others before I heard something, or more so, someone.

I looked at where the voice was coming from and while the others where hugging and congratulating Billy I walked off to find the voice. It sounded familiar, it was on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't quite remember.

Eleonix, violet ranger(Book One In The Violet Ranger Series)((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now