Chapter 21: Berries

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The next day was a Saturday and I was dead tired. I couldn't sleep at all because of what happened on the Island. You see, things like that would happen when I was younger and whenever it would happen, I'd send out random surges of power and I'd end up hurting people. But I did eventually end up controlling it a bit, only because I had my father there to help me through it. Without him I was pretty much helpless.

After a few times when he helped me, they stopped, and I haven't had one of those 'episodes' since; not including yesterday of course. Anyways, I need to get up and finish picking the berries for Ernie. I got up and got dressed in some comfy clothes that I honestly shouldn't wear out, but today I really don't care.

 I got up and got dressed in some comfy clothes that I honestly shouldn't wear out, but today I really don't care

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(But its purple)
It still looks cute and the goods are covered, so I don't see anything wrong with it. I managed to pick 2 full baskets of blueberries and half of a basket of blackberries last night, just before it got dark. I just needed to finish getting the rest of the black berries and then I'm done. I walked down stairs to the walk in fridge to get my basket of blackberries, grabbing a yellow apple before taking a bite of it, and putting my black ankle boots on and walked out the back door. I walked down the archway path until I could see the berry bushes. Walking along the rows of them until I saw the short row with a blackberry sign at the end. I walked to the 3rd bush in the row, starting to pick the berries when I felt strange, like I was being watched. I shook it off and carried on with my picking, but the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.

I listened closely while I picked the berries to try and pinpoint a source the feeling could be coming from. I noticed 2 people standing near the training field and quietly walking towards me. Their presence felt familiar before I realized who they were and I smirked. My eyes glowed a soft lilac as I used my power, making a copy of myself so I could still pick berries while I camouflaged myself into my surroundings as the two boys approached my double. A certain boy in red reached out to touch my shoulder, when a slight lilac light spread outwards from the spot he touched as my copy disappeared. After leaving them thoroughly confused and freaked out, I finally made my presence known by wrapping my arms around the second boys waist. I rested my head on his back making him jump.

"Hi Tommy, Jason! What brings you two here this early?" I asked as they both jumped at my sudden voice. Jason looked confused and shocked while Tommy just looked startled. I laughed at them before walking back around the two to the bushes in front of them. "So, why are you two here so early?" I asked as I continued picking the berries as I spoke with the two boys. They seemed to snap out of their thoughts, looking at me as they realized what I asked.

"What? Oh, right. Well, you still own us an explanation about what happened on the island." Jason said with his arms crossed and a conflicted look on his face.

"Well, once I finish picking these berries, I'm gonna go take them to Ernie. He ran out of blueberries and blackberries a few days ago and I offered to bring his some. You guys could come along and I can explain some things to you two if you want." I told them as they nodded before Tommy crouched down beside me.

"Let us help." He said as he and Jason started picking berries with me. I smiled at the two boys before kissing Tommy's cheek and thanking them.

"So, would it be alright if you started explaining now?" He asked as he blushed from the show of affection.

"Sure, well to start with, I'm only half human." I said casually as the boys both paused and looked at me like I had three heads, I looked at them.

"What? We're basically in a war against an evil witch who lives on the moon, and yet you find out that I'm half human, and suddenly I'm the crazy one? If you told anyone else outside of angel grove even half the shit that happens in this small town, you'd be tossed in a mental hospital within minutes." I said to them as I rolled my eyes at them before I continued on with my story.

"I'm a demigod, half human, half god. I'm the only child to the goddess Artemis, so no one really knew what kind of abilities I'd have. They didn't really have anything to go off of since before me, Artemis was against the thought of letting any man touch her. My dad was different though, he let her take the reins in the relationship and she liked it. When I was born she got word that her hunters needed her help, so she unfortunately had to leave. She could visit at any time before but.. a rule was made that changed that.." I trailed off, not wanting to talk about it. I then noticed that the basket of berries was full. That went by quickly.

"Looks like we're done. Now we just take them to Ernie's?" Jason asked making me nod, taking the boys and the basket to the garage through the house, only to stop when I felt eyes on me. I turned around to see my older sister looking at me with her arms crossed, I looked at her confused. She looked down making Me look down and realize I still had my shoes on inside.

"What's the matter?" Jason asked as he and Tommy noticed my sister staring when I stopped.

"In Russia, it's very rude to wear your shoes inside the house but seeing as its dry outside and we won't be in here long I don't see the problem." I said making my sister roll her eyes before lightly smiling and walking off.

"My parents don't mind people wearing shoes in the house." Tommy said in a slightly confused voice.

"Yes, well, Russians also think that whistling inside is bad luck so just classify us as insane." I said and rolled my eyes as I walked to the walk in fridge to get the blueberries. The boys each carried a basket of blueberries as I carried the black berries into the garage where my truck was sitting in the cool air, I unlocked the car and opened the door before getting in and putting the berries in the back seat. I put my hands on the wheel before looking at the boys just standing there.

"Well don't just stand there! Get in!" I said to them making them quickly get in after putting the berries in the back seat. I started the truck and made my way to the youth center to give Ernie the berries.

Eleonix, violet ranger(Book One In The Violet Ranger Series)((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now