7-Wait, WHAT??

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Hi guys! Hope your having a good day! Just a warning this chapter gets a little sad towards the end if you don't like sad things then you don't have to read the rest of this book. 

Sorry for the delay of this chapter!

Also I bet you aren't curious but the hoodie looks like this

                                                   Anyways if you decide to continue, enjoy! ♥♥♥

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Anyways if you decide to continue, enjoy! ♥♥♥


Todoroki POV

Midoriya's hair was crazily poofy and wet after he got out of the shower. He came down the stairs a bit flushed and holding my hoodie. "I t-think this is y-yours" he murmured looking away from me. "You can keep it Midoriya" I told him because he looked much cuter in it then me plus, it's pretty big and baggy on him because I'm taller than him "N-no I couldn't possibly-" he started, but I cut him off and said "Just take it, I dont wear it anyways" I told him pushing the hoodie back towards him. I smiled at him and then proceeded to try my pancake, Woah. Why does it taste exactly like the ones adult Midoriya made thats strange... "Do you guys like them?" Midoriya asked anxiously probably thinking we wouldn't like them. "They're great!" Kaminari said with a mouthfull of pancake. "Yeah, I like them" I said still thinking about how the pancakes taste like the ones in my dream. After everyone finished we went into the living room and cleaned up the sleeping bags and stuff like that, and after that we decided to play spin the bottle. "Are you ready to play... Spin the bottle?" Ururaka said coming up behind Midoriya and scaring him. "S-sure that sounds fun" He said a little flushed. "We are playing spin the bottle everyone!" Ururaka said sounding excited. "Great, I'll grab the bottle" Mina replied. Everyone gathered around in a circle and waited for Mina to come over with the bottle. I personally have never played this game and I don't know if anyone in this room has played this. "Got it!!" Mina exclaimed from across the room. She placed the bottle in the middle of the circle and sat with everyone else. First Ururaka went and it landed on Iida, they both went bright red and gave each other a peck and pulled back very quickly looking away. "OoOoOoOo your blushing Ururaka!!" Mina said to Ururaka. "Shut up!" Ururaka said playfully pushing Mina away lightly. We continued going in a circle until it was Kirishima's turn, he spun the bottle and it landed on Bakugo "Looks like you have to re-spin it" Sero said about to grab the bottle to give it back to Kirishima. Bakugo suddenly jumped up and yelled "LETS STICK TO THE F*CKING RULES" everyone was surprised especially Kirishima. "Ok, it would be unmanly of me to disobey the rules of the game" he said looking at Bakugo while blushing. They walked towards each other and kissed, they didn't peck they Kissed. After they finished they were both as red as a tomato and then they shuffled back to their seats. The circle continued as normal until it was my turn. I secretly wished I would get Midoriya and I looked over to him before I spun it and he looked as a cherry while looking down and fidgeting with his fingers.

I spun the bottle and anxiously waited for who it would land on. I saw it start to stop and I already knew it wouldn't land on Midoriya, I started to get disappointed when I looked over to Ururaka and it looked like she noticed it wasn't going to land on Midoriya too so she stood up and said "how about we take a break?" as she said this she grabbed the bottle before it stopped spinning. "Ok, we could have lunch I guess" Kaminari said a little confused as to why she was so anxious to take a break. (A/N pretend they didn't just have breakfast) We ordered pizza and as we waited I finished my turn Ok Ururaka gave me a second chance I can't screw this up. I spun the bottle even more nervous than before finally the bottle came to a stop, I looked up and saw that it had landed on Midoriya! Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. Is what I wanted to say, but I actually said was nothing because what could I say? Midoriya's face went bright red as he walked towards me his face still bright red I tried my best to not blush. I started to get anxious and I was scared kissing would make things weird between us. I quickly shook those thoughts away, Midoriya wouldn't hold this against me after all its not my fault it landed on him. We finally met in the middle of the circle and stared at each other for a hot second until Ururaka practically yelled "Just do it already!" We looked at each other one more time before locking lips. His lips were so soft and heavenly, I never want this kiss to end! Midoriya didn't seem uncomfortable, he almost seemed to like the kiss as well which I was glad because neither of us pulled away for a while then we realized there was a circle of people watching us and we quickly pulled away.

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