12- :O

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Hello my little beans! Welcome to the next chapter

I hope you enjoy it anyways on with the


Midoriya POV (Back at their hotel room)

I looked at the plushie Todoroki had won for me as I held it up in the air while I was lying down on my back, I still couldn't believe Todoroki had won it for me! Life without my mom will be hard but not as bad as I though with Todoroki by my side. I thought I drifted off to sleep.

(A/N sorry for the short Midoriya POV)

Todoroki POV

I was glad Midoriya liked the plush I won him, seeing him snuggled up with it was worth all of the frustration. I decided to use my phone for a little while before trying to go to bed but I had the strange feeling that someone was watching me so it took me a while before I finally nodded off.

I awoke tied up. What the frick is happening?! I thought to myself as I struggled for a moment before I realized I could just use my quirk to burn through the rope. I was just about to activate my quirk when someone came out of the darkness ahead of me holding a gun. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" They said in a partially raspy voice. They pointed the gun at me and I froze deactivating my fire. "Good boy" They said as they walked closer. As soon as they walked into the light I realized who it was Shigaraki! But how did he find me, what does he want from me and most importantly, wheres Midoriya? "I'm sure you have many questions but this is all I'm going to tell you the only use you have is to be the bait to lure that green haired boy Midoriya, he gets you back when he makes a deal with us. He must give up his quirk" Shigaraki said manically as his lips cracked when he smiled. Why does he want to to take Midoriya's quirk?!? "Midoriya won't give up his quirk and you know it!" I shouted at the crusty lipped bad guy. "Oh really? I bet you he will because this is you we are talking about, his BoYfRiEnD" He said still smiling. He better not give his quirk for me... he wouldn't.. would he?? "Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay here with us.. it probably won't be too enjoyable though" He snickered as he walked out of the room slamming the door behind him.

Midoriya POV

I awoke to find that Todoroki was gone, where did he go? To the store maybe? I sat up then looked around to see if he was in the kitchen or anything until a piece of paper on the door caught my eye. I walked over to it and gasped when I saw what it said.

It read: Hello there Midoriya, hope your doing terrible. Anyways lemme get to the point I took your precious boyfriend and if you want him back you'll have to meet us at (Insert place here) at 6:00 pm and we will make a deal, if you call the pro heroes we will not hesitate to kill him. We hope to see you there! (actually we know we'll see you there)

Have a horrid day! -Anonymous villain

on the side of the note there was a couple of pieces of Todoroki's hair and an arrow pointing to it that said In case you don't believe that we have him. What do I do?! What do they want from me and why did they take Todoroki away from me?!? I fell to my knees and began to sob, why me?! What did I do wrong!?! I couldn't stop sobbing, and I could barely breathe. My chest hurt, my face hurt, my head hurt, but most of all my heart hurt. I have to get Todoroki back no matter what, and I think I have a plan to do it..

Time skip to 6:00 at the place

I walked over to the place on the letter and clenched my fists in anger. "Where are you! Show yourself and tell me what you want!" I shouted to the mystery person hoping they would respond. A few moments passed until finally a voice came out of the dark "I knew you would come...Now time to make a deal" I stiffened afraid of what they might have done to Todoroki. "Show yourself then we can talk, also bring Todoroki if possible" I demanded calmly. The voice went silent for a while before I heard footsteps coming towards me. "Did you think I didn't bring him?" they said before revealing himself carrying Todoroki who was tied up with duct tape on his mouth. He looked fine just scared and it pained me to see him like that...It was Shigaraki, I should have known. "What do you want?" I asked angrily. "Oh nothing much... just your quirk" He said evilly smiling. "Well I don't want your quirk, I just want it gone." My eyes widened in horror, Why does he want to take away my quirk?! I've worked so hard to get it I can't let it go now! "Why do you want to take it" I asked trying not to sound scared. "Because you and your friends are always getting in my way and you're the ring leader, so if I get rid of your quirk your whole squad is broken!" He manically laughed. "and what if I don't let you take it?" I asked with a big lump in my throat. "If you resist, I kill him and take your quirk by force if you allow me to take it I will not kill him but instead erase both of your memories just enough that you won't remember any of this" He said grinning. I looked over at Todoroki who was struggling and I knew he was trying to tell me not to do it but I couldn't just let him get killed. "Fine, you can take my quirk but leave Todoroki alone" I sighed. "Perfect, come child" He motioned me towards him. I started to walk over to him then the first phase of my plan begun. I activated my quirk and ran at him knocking him off balance. He yelled in anger then attempted to throw his knife at me but I dodged and ran towards Todoroki as fast as I could. Shigaraki smiled then said "you thought you were clever didn't you?" I felt a sharp pain in my right leg and when I turned around to look I saw that one of Shigaraki's friends had stabbed my leg. I jumped up then went behind them and kicked them away. My leg hurt. A lot. The bleeding continued but I didn't care, all I cared about was saving Todoroki. Shigaraki came up from behind and attempted to start fighting me, I punched his face and jumped back to make sure he couldn't use his quirk on me. he giggled and said "I have a secret, do you want to know it?" I hesitated and I was about to answer when he interrupted me "I'll just tell you, I am the reason your mother died" he said as though it was nothing. I was shocked. My eyes filled with tears, I couldn't believe it Shigaraki was the reason my mom was dead. "Quite a shock isn't it?" He said unsympathetically. He thought this information would weaken me but it only made me want to fight him more. My eyes filled with hatred and I ran at him at full speed, I made him fly against a wall then I walked towards him and activated my quirk. "You are the reason my mother is dead.... I thought it was my fault this whole time and it was really yours?!?!" I ran at him again and punched him as hard as I could then I ran over to Todoroki and assessed him for wounds , he looked all right so that gave me a bit of relief. Shigaraki suddenly came up from behind me and kicked my head into the wall. When will they be here.... its should be 6:40 by now... guess I'll have to keep him occupied a bit longer. "How did you like being kicked against a wall huh!?" He yelled angrily. I swiftly jumped up and ran behind him and punched him away from Todoroki "If you could be so kind as to stay away from him that would be greatly appreciated" I said panting a bit. I ran over to Shigaraki to make sure he was down then out of no where one of his friends came at me and punched me in the face then started to walk towards me as I was on the ground. "Hi Deku-Kun! I was hoping I would see you again soon!~" Toga said licking her lips "If you could please let me have a bit of your blood that would be just great!~" She began to run at me with her knife in hand prepared to stab me. I got up and was about to jump out of the way until the wound on my right leg began to hurt even more. I looked around and noticed that I had been bleeding everywhere, what do I do?! I grabbed onto my leg and tried to cover the wound with some of my clothing then I limped over to Todoroki as fast as I could manage so I blocked him from any attacks. Toga ran at me and I kicked he with my left leg in the shin then punched her in the face, though as I did this she did manage to nick my face with her knife a bit but that didn't concern me much. She toppled onto the ground then I jumped and quickly pinned her down while I had the chance. "Awe, you caught me~" She said as though she wasn't worried at all. I was panting as I surveyed the perimeter, I think Shigaraki had been knocked out because he was still lying on the floor. A big ball of blue flame suddenly came at me and burned a bit of my sleeve and got some of my skin too. A silhouette near by came towards me and tackled me to the ground. "End of the line for you little hero" He rose one of his hands and activated his quirk and was about to use it on me when suddenly a bullet shot him in the hand. Could it be, the pro heroes are finally here! Phew.. I was getting worried. "Get your hands off of him" The pro hero Snipe growled at Dabi. He stood up and put his hands in the air Toga reluctantly did the same. I stood up and ran towards Todoroki untying him and removing the duct tape carefully. "Are you okay?!?" I shouted at him as soon as the duct tape was off. "Of course I am, I should be asking you if your okay!" He said sounding worried. I was in a lot of pain but I didn't care, Todoroki was okay and that's all that matters. I hugged him tightly and started tearing up "I-I'm glad your a-alright" I stuttered. Todoroki began to hug back but as he did I felt my adrenaline go away and I couldn't do anything about it, I didn't want to but it wasn't my choice I passed out in Todoroki's arms.


Phew! this chapter was a doozie! I hope you enjoyed and have a good day

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