chapter 12

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The bright light that came with light leaping was hell on Sophie's headache.

From the little bit Sophie's knew about concussions, she knew that sensitivity to light was a common effect.

She wasn't fading, she had felt that too many times. It felt as if the light was burning her eyes off. (Wow, that sounds weird to put into words)

It felt as if Sophie mind was about to explode with pain before she found herself back at Havenfield. She found herself on the framilier hill on the side of her home.

Her mind was spinning too much to make sense of anything. The world tilted in front of her eyes, as if it were falling over . . . no, Sophie was falling over.

"Sophie!" Sandor caught her before she hit the floor. Lifting her up, he held her up bridal style, in the same position they were in before they left the healing center.

"I, I'm okay." Sophie slurred quietly as her head lolled to the side.

Sandor rolled his eyes, carrying Sophie, limp in his arms, he and her other bodyguards made it to the house.

"Oh my god! Sophie!" Grady and Edaline dropped the papers they were looking at and ran towards Sophie, still in Sandor's arms.

Sophie winced at the loud voices that came from her parents.

Sandor put Sophie down. He tried to put her arm around his shoulder, but him, being seven feet tall, was a no-go. He ended up just handing Sophie to Edaline.

Grady and Edaline were instantly next to Sophie, looking her over. Edaline was practically holding Sophie up and Grady was looking her over for cuts.

"What happened?" Grady asked Sandor.

"Could you," Sophie took a deep breath. "Could you keep it down, Dad." She asked quietly.

"Sorry, uh, I thought I was talking normally. What's wrong?" He looked so confused. It would have been funny if Sophie's head wasn't spinning so much.

Sandor sighed. "The Neverseen came to Foxfire in an attempt to . . . kill Miss. Foster. She is unwounded but she has a concussion."

Grady and Edaline gasped. "A concussion?!"

Sophie's headache flared. "Mom, Dad, keep it down, please?"

"Sorry. Let's get you into bed." Edaline helped Sophie upstairs.

Walking up stairs was hard in itself, but walking up stairs while insanely dizzy? Literally impossible.


Grady watched his wife help his daughter stumble up stairs to her room before he wheeled on Sandor.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "So, tell me how exactly my daughter got a concussion."

Sandor sighed heavily. "During her physical education class, she spent it in the cafeteria doing her work. Then Gethen showed up. He used his abilities to throw Miss Foster into the air, when she fell she hit her head, hard." He sighed again. "Then more members of the Neverseen popped up. I used nearly every knife and throwing star that I had. There were a lot of them there. I don't understand their obsession with her, I don't understand why they keep coming after her. And I don't understand why I can't protect her!" Sandor started getting frustrated.

"Sandor, this wasn't your fault." Grady said sternly.

"This still proves to be the hardest assignment I've had." Sandor sighed. "Miss Foster's protection is a hard job, but it's rewarding in it's own way. Sometimes I feel like I'm being selfish by not re-assigning myself and getting Miss Foster a better bodyguard."

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