chapter 32

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A/N I know some of you haven't read chapter 31 yet so no spoilers! Anyway, go back and read that chapter if you haven't.

That's it, on to the story!


"Okay." Sophie breathed.

"What?" Grady and Edaline asked at the same time.

"Okay." Sophie repeated. "I'll do it."

Forkle nodded solemnly.

"But, when we do it, could we also erase what happened when I was with the Neverseen?" Sophie asked quietly.

Edaline and Grady hugged her.

"Of course, Miss Foster. I'll be back in two days time." Sophie's eyes widened, Mr. Forkle evidently noticed. "Do you need more time?"

"No. No, I just didn't think it'd be so soon." Sophie wiped her sweaty palms on her pants.

In two days her memory would be wiped.

In two days, she wouldn't remember what she and Flori had gone through together, leaving the burden to Flori alone.

She caught Flori's gaze, her eyes were watery. She nodded slightly, silently telling Sophie that she was okay with it.

I'm sorry. She mouthed to Flori.

Flori smiled tight lipped back at her.

Mr. Forkle left, leaving Sophie alone with her parents.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I know how uncomfortable you are with people in your mind." Edaline asked, both her and Grady were hugging Sophie tightly.

"I don't want to, but I think this is what's best for me. Even if it is the selfish choice." She said quietly, soaking up in the comfort that her parents were still with her and safe.

"It's not selfish." Grady told her, relaxing his arms that were wrapped around her for a moment.

"Gee thanks I feel so much better now." Sophie replied sarcastically, wishing she could just shut her mouth.

"I mean it." Grady spun her around, forcing her to look him in the eyes. "This is for your health, so you'll be okay."

"Exactly." Sophie sighed, when her parents still looked at her concernedly she continued. "It's for my health who else benefits from this besides the Neverseen?"

"And do tell how the Neverseen would benefit from this."

"They would never do something if they didn't have a reason behind it. By erasing my memories, I'll be ignoring their plan. And because of that, we probably won't realize our mistake until too late." She sighed, her parents looked at her as if she were crazy.

"You, Sophie Foster, are most definitely the most selfless person in the world." This time, Edaline took her hands. "If anyone deserves to be selfish for once it's you."

"But I can't afford to be selfish! I'm-"

"You're the Moonlark, we're well aware." They cut her off.

Sophie squirmed. "Yeah, I am. And that means I can't afford to be selfish."

"No, you're a fifteen year old girl who deserves a normal life." Grady tried to look into her eyes. "I mean it." He added when she wouldn't look at him.

"But I-I can't have a normal life." Her voice got quieter as she willed her voice to not crack. "Because I'm a-"

"The Moonlark." Chorused everyone in the room with an eye roll from her bodyguards.

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