chapter 14

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Another week passed with nothing. Sophie was getting worse, her body was sore and her dizziness and nausea were worse than ever. She could get by with a few painkillers (normally he needed eight a day). Once she had even passed out from how much her head was pounding. Her concussion had passed but she still was in pain because of the stupid minthrum poisoning. 

"Do you need anything, Sophie?" Edaline popped her head into Sophie's room for the 13th time that day. 

Sophie smiled as best she could at her mother. "Actually, could you help me outside?" 

Everyone in the room immediately knew where Sophie wanted to go. 

Sophie sighed in contentment at her first smell of the Panakes flowers in a week. 

"Thank you." Sophie breathed in the framiler scent deeply. 

"Do you want me to stay with you?" Edaline asked her. 

"I'm okay. I bet you have a lot of work to do." 

Edaline left silently and Sophie's bodyguards took up protective positions around her, leaving the front of her open so she could see the ocean. 

Sophie spotted framilier figures in cloaks walking up to them. 

"Is that what I think it is?" Sophie asked quietly, to no one specifically. 

Sophie's bodyguards peered curiously at what Sophie was looking at. 

"Not again." Sandor grumbled. 

"Why are you here?!" Flori called to them. 

"Just tying off some loose ends!" One of the figures in a black cape shouted back at her. 

Sophie transmitted to her mother and father who were currently inside. Don't come outside. Trust me. She added. 

What?! Why?! Came her parent's panicked voices. 

Sophie sent them a mental image of what was happening. 

Stay there we're coming! Their metal voices came out rushed and panicked. 

No! Don't! Sophie tried to tell them, she could tell they weren't listening. 

"Back away!" Sandor shouted at them. 

Sophie gripped the chair behind her, she was not falling for Gethen's wind tricks again. 

One of the figures in the capes noticed Sophie tightly gripping the chair. "Oh relax, Sophie, Gethen's not here." Sophie ignored them. 

Sandor threw three knives at them with deadly accuracy. At the last second a force field surrounded them and deflected the weapons. 

"Ruy." Sophie growled. 

"So we meet again Sophie Foster." The figure in the middle tossed back their cap. 

"Why do you all want me dead so badly?" Sophie shouted. 

"You see, we could tell you, but then we would have to kill you." Classic villain line. "Which we're doing  anyway. We need you alive, but we have a plan. A plan that involves you." He narrowed his eyes at her. 

"Why do you have a plan that involves me?" Sophie shouted. 

"Well-" He was cut off. 

"Step away from my daughter!" Grady and Edaline rushed outside, Grady pointed a melder the them. 

They smirked. "Finally, we can get this party started." 

Force fields surrounded everyone in a second, everyone, except for Sophie. 

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