chapter 43

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After they had finished their small adventure down the shoreline, Sophie and Keefe walked back up to Havenfield, where the lights inside the house were already off. Save one window on the second story, where a silhouette of her father shone through.

Keefe was just about to walk inside with her when she stopped him. "I don't want to go inside yet." She told him quietly.

He nodded, turning to the side, he glanced at Calla's tree, a small smile tugging on his lips. "C'mon." He said, taking off in the direction of the tree, pulling her along behind him.

Sophie let him take the lead, she trailed along behind him. Her heart pulsing in her ears and the light breeze pushing her hair back from her shoulders made her smile.

He led her underneath the willow-like flowers of the tree, holding them back so she wouldn't be hit.

Sophie bit her bottom lip, her smile escaped from her mouth nonetheless.

They sat down, huddling close against the tree.

Calla's song that night made Sophie's heart flutter. It spoke of healing, happiness, but at the same time it had a sad tune. Symbolizing the hardships they had gone through, and yet, here they were, happier than ever.

Sophie raised her knees to her chest and leaned heavily on Keefe's side. Her hands were folded in her lap until Keefe took one of her hands in his, starting to comfortingly rub the back of it. His other arm rested around Sophie protectively and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Tonight was perfect, Keefe." Sophie said quietly.

"Glad you came?" He asked teasingly.

Sophie shoved him softly, their soft laughter echoed off the leaves of the Panakes tree.

They only spoke in hushed tones, despite no one being around. But with the soft breeze and Calla's quiet songs, Sophie felt about ready to go to sleep.

"So, what do you have planned for tomorrow?" Keefe asked, squeezing her hand gently. He must've felt her mood switch because he asked, "What is it?"

"I'm going to Daryl's house with Grady and Edaline." Sophie said hesitantly.


"His parents want to meet us, it's just to say thanks for helping Daryl 'achieve his dream'."

"Well, how long are you going to be there for?"

"I don't know, maybe all day, maybe only for a few hours."

"Can I come with?"

"I don't know about that." Sophie said slowly. "Daryl says that his parents don't like having much company."

"Come on, Foster. It's just one more person." When Sophie hesitated, he added, "Please?"

"Oh fine." Sophie agreed. "But, we'll ask Daryl tomorrow, and if he says no,"

"I won't go." Keefe finished for her.

"That's a good boy." Sophie teased, snuggling her head further into his neck. He replied by laying his head atop her's.

He had said something else to her but she couldn't make it out, her eyelids were closing of their own accord.

Sophie didn't know when she had fallen asleep, but the next thing she knew, she was waking up outside, still curled up into Keefe as the early morning sun began to shine on them. Sometime in the night, they had moved from sitting down to laying on the grass. Their legs were tangled together and Keefe's arms were wrapped tightly around Sophie's waist, her head was resting on his chest.

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