Chapter 05

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Beomgyu rushed and headed to the grocery store that he saw an hour ago. He entered there completely panting. He picked cinnamon bread rolls on the bread aisle, an almond milk and a bottle of water in the cooler before walking to the cashier and briskly paying for the bread and drinks. After that, he immediately dashed out of the area.

When he arrived back at the place, he saw Taehyun currently sleeping.

How did he still manage to sleep when he was hungry? Beomgyu thought.

He stepped in front of the boy closer and squatted, subconsciously reaching the boy's red tousled hair and brushing it softly. Although the boy had a bruised face, it is obvious to Beomgyu that he is pretty and cute. Well, cute enough to make Beomgyu let out a faint smile when the boy crinkled his face because of a leaf passed by on his delicate cheek.

Beomgyu removed his hand from the boy's hair, but the latter's head suddenly moved, was about to fall to the ground.

The brunet's eyes went wide. He immediately caught the boy's head and tried sitting beside him. Beomgyu placed his head on his broad shoulder as he also put the food and drinks he bought beside him. He doesn't wanna wake him up, but he needs to, especially when he keeps hearing the rumbling sound of the boy's stomach.

"Hey, wake up" He began, shaking Taehyun's shoulder lightly, but the sleeping boy didn't budge.

"Hey, wake up."

"Hey, wake up!" He called for the third time, louder and at last, Taehyun slowly moved. He rubbed his eyes leisurely and glanced at Beomgyu.

"Oh." Taehyun could only say before getting his head up as his stomach kept rumbling. The brunet could only chuckle whilst Taehyun could only hide his blushing face due to embarrassment.

"Here eat."

Taehyun sent him a puzzled look. "Me?"

"Yes, who else?" Beomgyu replied, giving the cinnamon bread rolls, the almond milk and not also forgetting the water (if Taehyun doesn't want the milk).

"Uh, no need." Taehyun denied.

"But you should eat."

"I'm not hungry."

But your stomach kept rumbling from time to time. Beomgyu thought for a moment.

"I'm going to throw this away if you don't eat." He attempted to give the bread and drinks to Taehyun again. He really didn't mean to say that he'll be throwing the food, he just wanted for the other boy to eat.


"Yeah, now eat this."

"I really don't need it, I'm not hungry."

"Nah, you should eat."

Taehyun shakes his head as a no.

"You aren't really going to accept this? Ok. Wait." Beomgyu stood up, attempting to throw the bread and drinks somewhere, but Taehyun quickly shook his head and grabbed his wrist.

"Alright. I'll eat." Taehyun gave up, heaving a sigh, knowing that if he will not gonna eat the foods, this stranger would throw it and that's totally insane. It's food for Pete's sake. How dare he?

Beomgyu smiled and sat back, giving the foods to Taehyun. Taehyun accepted it nevertheless. Not gonna lie though, he's really hungry. He was just shy and a little afraid of accepting food coming from a stranger.

Taehyun uncovered the bread and began chewing it. Beomgyu watched him, a small smile forming on his lips. He then cleared his throat before speaking.

"I'm Choi Beomgyu anyway, I'm 19. How about you?" He spoke.

Taehyun looked at him, mouth full of food, causing his cheeks to puff, leading Beomgyu to chuckle. Beomgyu waited for the other boy to introduce himself.

Taehyun swallowed the chewed food before speaking. "Kang Taehyun and I'm 18."

"I'm older then." Taehyun hummed and nodded, resuming from eating.

When he was already done, both boys stayed still under the tree, leaning their backs on the trunk. Taehyun was getting comfortable with the older boy.

"Are you new here?" Taehyun started a conversation.

The brunet faced him. "How did you know?"

"I just guess so..." The red haired boy replied.

"Yeah. We are new here. We just moved here today though."

"Why did you move here?"

"Because of my parent's job, they wanted me to be near them and so that their eyes can always be on me since they work here." Beomgyu explained and beamed.

I wish my parents were still alive too like you.

"What is the job of your parents?" The red haired boy managed to ask for the second time.

"My mother is a doctor and my father is a police officer, both working here in Seoul." The brunet replied.

"How about you?" Beomgyu asked back, making Taehyun avert his gaze, heaving a deep sigh before answering. "I haven't seen my father since I was born and my mother died because of leukemia when I was fifteen." He said, voice almost whispering.

"I'm sorry." Beomgyu looked down on his lap. "I didn't mean to ask."

"Nah, it's okay, why are you here tho. How did you see me? Just wondering because this place is quite unfamous to people."

"I was sitting on the bench when I suddenly heard someone approaching, which is you, while also crying, which is true. And I got curious about that." Beomgyu paused as he scratched his nape. "So, I followed you."

"If you followed me, then you definitely heard all of what I said."

Beomgyu shook his head. "I'm sorry. I didn't m-mean to eavesdrop." He apologized.

Taehyun shook his head. "No, it's okay, just promise me you won't say that to anyone."

Beomgyu smiled and nodded. "By the way, if your uncle and aunt frequently hurt you, why don't you report them?"

Taehyun sighed. "Neither do I, I just can't, maybe they are still my relatives and still the people who adopted me?"

"But they are hurting you. Ain't that enough to be a reason to report them?"

Taehyun shrugged his shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal, as if he wasn't hurt and as if he wasn't tired of them. "I'm used to it." Taehyun muttered underneath his breath.

Beomgyu suddenly looked at his wristwatch to check the time. "It's already past 11pm." He said out loud.

"What? I have to go" The red-haired boy said whilst standing up.

"But what if they hurt you again?"

"No, they'll just hurt me even more if I don't go back."

"Oh, okay." The brunet replied, quite concerned.

"I need to go now. Thank you." Taehyun embraced the older momentarily causing the other to flush.

"Nah, that's nothing, but you are always welcome." Beomgyu flusteredly said. "I hope I can see you again."

"Me too hyung." Taehyun replied. They both bid each other goodbye before going back to their own houses.

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