Chapter 07

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Students greeted their teacher and the teacher, Mr. Kim did the same to his students. "I have great news." He chirped while fixing his stuff on his desk, catching all of his students' attention. "You have a new classmate." He continued, gossips and murmurs eventually followed.

"They said it's a male."

"Someone saw him and she said that he was so fucking handsome."

"Not as handsome as Yoochan is."

"They also said that-" 

"Alright class, zip your mouth for now." The chattering then slowly died down.

"Mr. Choi, please come inside..." Mr. Kim said, gesturing to his new student to come inside the room. The said boy did what was told to him, making someone internally gasp at his appearance right there.

"Go on and introduce yourself." Mr. Kim instructed and Beomgyu nodded.

"Good morning everyone." He began. "I'm Choi Beomgyu, you can call me Beom or Gyu and I came from Daegu. Let's all be friends." Beomgyu introduced himself briefly, a warm smile spreading on his lips.

"Shit, he's so cute I wanna squish his cheeks."

"Fuck, he's so handsome."

"I think I'm gonna kidnap someone."

"I'm dead."

"I wanna date him."

"I love him already."

"Gosh, is he a living angel?"

Beomgyu could only chuckle at the murmurs and squeals. "So, Beomgyu.." Mr. Kim trailed off as he scanned his eyes on the classroom, searching for any vacant chair for the boy to sit onto. When he did, he looked at his new student. "You can sit beside Taehyun."

"Mr. Kang kindly raise your hand." The teacher ordered.

The aforementioned boy raised his hand shyly. Beomgyu is surprised, not expecting to see the boy but he's glad because at least he is in the same section with someone he knows. He then goes to the vacant chair on the left side of the boy and sits there.

Now, for Taehyun, it's totally awkward. His bully was on his right side and the person who helped him last night was on his left side.

"For the newcomers, Taehyun and Beomgyu!" Mr. Kim looked at them.

"I'm Mr. Kim Seokjin, the worldwide handsome" he bursted, causing all of his students to cackle.

"Anyway," He said, getting serious. "Y'all need to write this first for you all to make it easy on our upcoming lessons." He said, turning the pages of the books.

As soon as Mr. Kim started to write on the whiteboard, all students also started taking down notes.

In the midst of writing, Yoochan suddenly looked at the busily writing Taehyun, an idea popping up in his mind as he let out a smirk. "Hey, Taehyun, can I borrow your pen?"

Taehyun looked at him.

"Just a minute, please." Yoochan pleaded, wearing fake puppy eyes.

"You don't have one?"

"I forgot."

Taehyun contemplated whether to give it or not because he knew Yoochan was just playing around. But he said just a minute, so Taehyun being like an angel just gave his pen to him, which caused Yoochan's smirk to grow bigger that Taehyun didn't notice at all.

Taehyun waited for his pen for a while, and then another while, and so another while until that awhile was getting longer and longer. And after over minutes of waiting, Taehyun took courage to utter words to the boy for his pen to get back.

"Yoochan, can I have that now?" Taehyun nervously asked, pinpointing the thing on the other boy's hand.

"Huh? When you gave this to me, you didn't say any words to give it back to you."

Taehyun bit his lips at what Yoochan just said, which is true, but that doesn't mean Yoochan will not gonna give that thing back.

"Hyung, yeah, I didn't say anything but please that's only my pen and I need to-"

"Is something wrong there, Taehyun?" Their teacher asked, interrupting the two.

Yoochan immediately gave a warning glare at the boy.

"Ah nothing sir." Taehyun replied, waving his hands in front of him in denial.

Taehyun gave up, he knew there was no way he would be having that pen again. He only sighed on his chair and did nothing as he saw all of his classmates write in their notes.

Beomgyu on the other hand noticed that Taehyun wasn't writing in his note, so he leaned closer to the boy and whispered.

"Why aren't you writing?"

"Yoochan took my pen." Taehyun immediately replied, lightly huffing, giving a glimpse to his pen in Yoochan's hand who's scribbling down his note.

"Oh, wait-" Beomgyu took his bag, scanning it. His face lit up when he finally saw his extra.

"Here, take this." Beomgyu gave his extra to Taehyun.

"No need hyung."

"But what if Mr. Kim will be checking our notes and you get scolded because you didn't write?"

Taehyun looked at him. Yeah, the brunet is right. He only sighed, taking the pen nevertheless.

Beomgyu smiled. He reached Taehyun's head and gently patted it.

The red-haired boy just smiled back at him faintly as he started to scribble down his note.

Later on, the bell rang, indicating that classes were done.

"So class, try to scan your notes, I might give a quiz if ever." Mr. Kim uttered, fixing and packing his stuff inside his bag.

"And Beomgyu, come to my office for your transferee papers. Goodbye class." Mr. Kim said as he held all his stuff, walking out of the classroom. The other students slowly got out of the room too.

Beomgyu got baffled, his father said there's no more problem about his transferee papers but why is that-? He shrugged the thought off, packing all his school stuff inside his bag.

He placed his bag on his back before going out of the room and followed Mr. Kim to his office.

Taehyun on the other hand packed his things and walked out of the classroom, attempting to just spend lunchtime on the school's rooftop.

"Just sit there for a bit Beomgyu, I'm just going to find your paper." Mr. Kim put his things on his table and searched in his drawer. Beomgyu just nodded as a response and sat on a chair.

"Ah there." Mr. Kim muttered after finding the one-clip pile of papers.

"Choi Beomgyu." He mumbled as he was trying to look at Beomgyu's name.

"Here you go." As soon as he found the paper, he gave it to Beomgyu.

"We just need your parent's signature there and after that, there's no more problem on your transferee papers." Seokjin explained as he sat on his swivel chair.

Beomgyu smiled at his teacher and nodded, placing the paper inside his bag.

"Thank you Mr. Kim." He bowed to his teacher. Mr. Kim just nodded and smiled. Beomgyu then bid goodbye to his teacher and went out of the room.

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