Chapter 13

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Amidst sleeping, Beomgyu woke up when he sensed Taehyun couldn't stop moving beside him.

"Taehyun?" He called with a low voice.


"Taehyun?" Beomgyu called, his voice getting louder but Taehyun didn't even budge to respond to his calls.

"Taehyun?" Beomgyu called for the fourth time but still, no response.

Thinking that his voice was no use, he sat up, reaching for his bedside lamp to turn it on. He immediately eyed the younger once he did and was surprised at the boy's state.

There, he saw Taehyun's t-shirt was drenched with his sweat, the pillow isn't on his head anymore and the bedsheet is totally a mess as he can't stop shuddering.

Beomgyu could only think one thing, Taehyun was having a nightmare. He shook the younger's shoulder. "Taehyun!" But still no response. "Taehyun!"

"P-please I'm sorry...I didn't mean to- uncle.." Taehyun's voice was quivering whilst muttering words.

"TAEHYUN!" Beomgyu gathered all his strength to shake and yell at the younger. And at last, the younger responded, flinching. Beomgyu heaved a relieved sigh.

Panting at the nightmare he had, Taehyun sat up and burst into tears, he hugged his legs and buried his face on his knees. Beomgyu panicked. He reached the younger and hugged him.

"Sh.. it's just a dream. Don't cry. Hyung is here." Beomgyu shushed him. He ran his fingers through Taehyun's hair and began stroking it to make him feel at ease.

"Hyung?" Taehyun stopped crying, he looked up while tears still stained his delicate cheeks, blinking as his mind processes who's the 'hyung'.

Beomgyu nodded and pulled away from the hug "See? I'm here.. Beomgyu hyung is here." He gave an assuring smile to the younger and got his hands on Taehyun's cheeks to wipe his tears. Taehyun blinked his eyes, his mind malfunctioning.

"It's me Taehyun." Beomgyu softly said. Soon, Taehyun realized it and once again, he burst into tears. He straightened his legs, clung his arms on Beomgyu, and buried his face on the crook of the older's neck.

"Shh hyung is here.. can't you feel it hm? I'm here, stop crying now, alright?" Beomgyu muttered, rubbing Taehyun's back, whispering sweet nothings just to get the younger rid from crying.

"It's gonna be alright Hyun." Beomgyu softly said before he started singing.

I can see, even if you're not in front of me

I feel you, even if you don't say a word

Because I believe in you, 

Even I'm anxious

I can touch, even if you're not in front of my eyes

I reach, even if you leave from somewhere far from me

Even with just memories,

My heart is dancing, like back then

He sang and Taehyun's sobs soon came to a halt slowly and he drifted into sleep again subconsciously.

I want to be your nap, so that I can dream with you at any time

As if nothing happened

A sun-setting evening

And a darkened night sky,

Both have my heart full of you.

Beomgyu stopped singing when he noticed the younger was already sleeping while letting out soft snores, causing him to feel the warm breathing of Taehyun on his neck.

He smiled before reaching the pillow on his side, placing it where Taehyun could sleep comfortably.

Beomgyu laid Taehyun, fixed his posture and brushed his hair. When he was about to settle himself to go back to sleep, he realized that Taehyun's t-shirt was drenched with sweat and the boy needed to change it.

Beomgyu contemplated whether he'll gonna wake the younger up or he would just slowly change Taehyun all by himself.

After a few minutes of thinking, the urge of Beomgyu not to wake the younger up won. Thus, he chose the second option.

Don't get him wrong though, all that matters for him right now is to completely change the younger from his drenched clothes.

He stood up and searched for one of his tees that he isn't using in his wardrobe. He then climbed back on the bed once he saw one.

He slowly lifted Taehyun and stripped off the boy's t-shirt carefully. He was surprised after seeing scars and not too old bruises on Taehyun's stomach.

Beomgyu sighed and looked up at the boy sympathetically. He wanted to ask the younger but maybe tomorrow is the perfect time to ask.

Once he finished changing Taehyun, he gingerly laid the younger near his side since the side where Taehyun was lying was soaked. He doesn't bother changing the bedsheet for it will need to wake the younger.

Beomgyu fixed himself beside Taehyun, a faint smile formed on his lips but he frowned when he saw Taehyun start shivering again. He got himself closer to the younger and hugged him to restrain him from shivering. His precious heart suddenly fluttered when Taehyun nuzzled his head on his chest.

Beomgyu then placed his jaw on top of Taehyun's head and started to hum a song just to make himself drift into sleep.

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