Chapter 08

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Whilst Beomgyu was walking silently through the peaceful hallways, a warbling sound of a voice, which is kind of familiar to him, interrupted him. He came to a halt and perked up his head, wanting to hear more of the voice.

From the way you smile to the way you look

You capture me unlike no other.

Okay, he may not know what's the title of the song, at least he knows the rhythm. Getting his feet back, he peeked at the window of the different classrooms, trying to look where the sweet voice came from.

From the first hello, yeah, that's all it took

And suddenly we had each other

Beomgyu just continued searching, when he felt the voice coming from the school's rooftop, he immediately headed there.

As he slowly steps onto the rooftop, the voice gets quieter and quieter.

And I won't leave you

Always be true

One plus one , two for life

Over and over again

Beomgyu scanned around the not so large rooftop. He then spotted someone, a familiar one.

So don't ever think I need more

I've got the one to live for

No one else will do, and I'm telling you

Just put your heart in my hand

"Taehyun?" Beomgyu mumbled. He never thought the boy would be this excellent at singing. He quietly tiptoed to get a clearer view of the boy.

Promise it won't get broken

We'll never forget this moment

Yeah, we'll stay brand new, cause I'll love you

Taehyun was sitting on the old wooden table, his back leaning against the wall as his eyes shut while singing softly. His red hair dancing through the breeze.

Over and over again

Over and over again

The boy stopped singing, but it was immediately replaced with his slightest sob.

Beomgyu knitted his brows. He tiptoed closer to the other boy and silently sat beside him. Taehyun's eyes remained closed at that moment while tears were rolling down his cheeks. He didn't notice Beomgyu already sitting beside him.

Beomgyu slowly reached the younger's soft cheeks and wiped his tears, which led Taehyun to scoot away and open his eyes.

"Beomgyu hyung?! What are you doing here?!" He exclaimed, almost pushing away the boy.

"I should be the one asking you that." Beomgyu gets off his hand. "Aren't you supposed to be having lunch now?"

Taehyun averted his gaze. Beomgyu just pursed his lips and never speaks anymore, he understands Taehyun's situation anyway.

"Hey Taehyun, my mom prepared me tteokbokki for my lunch, wanna try it? I can share it with you since it's too much, I can't eat them all and don't worry, I have extra chopsticks." Beomgyu babbled while he let out his lunch box inside his bag.

"No need, I can-"

Beomgyu stopped him from speaking using his hand.

"Eat with me."

"But hyung-"

"Please, let's share, my bag is too heavy and I can't eat them all, my mom really packed too much, see?" Beomgyu opened his lunch box and he wasn't lying.



The older pouted. "Please~"


"Please, I'm gonna throw this if you won't." Beomgyu roamed his eyes on the rooftop, fakely searching for any bin to convince the younger, even standing to make it more convincing.

Taehyun shook his head. "Okay." Beomgyu's face lit up. He gave his extra chopsticks to Taehyun and since his lunch box was designed into two parts, the left side was Taehyun since he's left-handed and on the right side was Beomgyu.

And so, they did eat, they shared the food together and sometimes made conversation.

When they were done having lunch, the two boys stayed still on the rooftop. A pure silence engulfed the area, not until Beomgyu interrupted it.

"Taehyun-ah." Beomgyu eyed him.


"I'm guessing that... we are friends now? Aren't we?"

Taehyun chuckled. "Of course hyung. Ever since you helped me with these.." He pointed to his purplish bruises. "You are already my friend."

Beomgyu's lips tugged up into a small smile and he suddenly hugged the boy. Taehyun blushed at his sudden action, his arms making their way to hug the older back. And this simple friendly hug made Taehyun's heart flutter, his stomach doing an unusual twist. They pulled away from the hug, a smile leaving Taehyun's lips before averting his eyes away from Beomgyu. He leaned his back yet again on the wall while looking up at the cloudy sky. Beomgyu is doing the same.

Few minutes later, the brunet felt a redhead landing on his shoulder. Beomgyu allowed Taehyun to snuggle comfortably on his neck, not bothering to wake the younger up. The bell then rang, indicating that lunchtime is finally over, which caused Taehyun to startle and open his eyes, looking up at Beomgyu, flustered after realizing he had slept on the older boy's shoulder.

"We better go now, classes gonna start again soon." Taehyun uttered. He got his bag and started to walk.

Cute. The brunet thought, following Taehyun afterward.

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