A Compassionate Heart

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Romeo held his shoulder as he sat on the ground, locked in a dirty cell.

He buried his head in his lap, his fingers grasping his scarlet curls.

Everyone elses story is being told... Except for yours.

He clenched his teeth and his hands shook furiously.

He deserved to have his story told too! At least according to him that is.

"I want to go home...," He mumbled, softly as he yearned for a lovely purple haired woman.

Even after everything cruel that he did to her, he yearned for her affection.

But to Zara she no longer recognized him and she simply didn't want to.

In fact she was bitter and fought for Romeo to get the death penalty, but of course that didn't happen.

Suddenly the door to the cell opened and Romeo swiftly glanced up.

He held his breath for a moment and his eyes darted around the confined room.

The male in front of him, sat down in a stiff chair and adjusted his lopsided overall straps.

The brunette sighed heavily as he pinched the bridge of his nose before regaining his composure.

"Romeo.. You could've had everything you wanted," Jesse said sternly, "But you just made the wrong choices."

Romeo clenched his fist as he reluctantly listened.

"But... You have a chance to redeem yourself." Jesse said nonchalantly, "However that decision is not up to me, it's up to you."

Romeo gazed at Jesse before glancing down rapidly and rubbing his shoulder slowly.

"So I advise you to make the right decision," Jesse said, his tone almost pleading - urging   - the man to listen to him.

Jesse fiddled with his thumbs hesitantly.

"I... Heard you haven't been eating lately," Jesse said steadily, his words only making Romeo tense as he stared intently at the ground.

Romeo stayed quiet as he shifted uneasily and Jesse's chair creaked loudly as he got up.

He kneeled besides Romeo and handed him a ham and cheese sandwich, ironically his favorite.

"Here," Jesse said compassionately, "You need to take care of yourself too."

Romeo glanced up at Jesse, for once gazing into his eyes.

He inhaled faintly before hesitantly taking the sandwich from Jesse and taking a large bite out of it.

Jesse gazed at Romeo with pity in his dull eyes.

Perhaps Romeo didn't deserve any sympathy, but Jesse sure gave that to him.

Jesse stood up and Romeo stared blankly at the floor again. He felt ashamed and the emerald eyed male made him uncomfortable especially since he knew he didn't deserve any kindness.

Jesse crossed his arms over his chest.

"Just make the right decisions alright," Jesse said earnestly, "Oh and don't do anything stupid."

With that Jesse walked out of the cell.


Jesse glanced over to Romeo and said gently.


"Thanks for coming," Romeo admitted slowly, he was kinda grateful for Jesse's compassionate heart.

Jesse nodded and said gently.


As he walked out of the cell and as guards closed it, Jesse hoped that Romeo would turn his life around for the better.

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