~ CHAPTER 10 ~

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We went upstairs to watch the fireworks through the huge window.

As I sat on the beanbag, Jungkook tapped my shoulder and whispered "I need your help hyung..."

"With what?" I whispered back.

He let out a deep sigh and said "I want to ask for her number but I'm too shy..."

I can't believe it... kookie is all grown up now... don't cry don't cry don't cryyyyy. I thought to myself as he said those words.

"What should I do hyung?" He asked which made me snap back to reality.

"Okay, here's what you should do..." I gave him advice and he nodded in return.

"You sure this will work hyung?" He asked. "100% sure." I replied.

So Abby was right after all... I mumbled to myself.


Me and Vanya were talking but Abby interrupted us. After a few seconds... Abby pushed Vanya out the door.

"What happened? Why did you do that?" I asked Abby as she sat back down.

She smirked and said "Let's just say, I'm Cupid today."

I gave her a confused look and she said "Those two like each other but they're too shy to actually confess duh!"

"I think you're right, Vanya is acting weird lately... usually, she's too lazy to stand up but earlier, she even offered to get drinks for you guys!" Naomi exclaimed.

"I know right!" Mae added.

"Jungkook has been acting weird also... he's usually very nervous when girls are around but when he's with Vanya, he looks like he's in a good mood." Jimin told the group.

"Omo! I totally ship them! Mama Jin approves~" Jin said jokingly.

"Let's go spy at them!" I told Abby as I grabbed her wrist and brought her to the door.

I slightly opened the door and we peeked out.

I saw Jungkook being hugged by a group of girls while Vanya was just leaning on the wall.

"What the heck are they doing?" I asked Abby who was beside me.

"I have no idea." She replied.

A few seconds later, the girls that were hugging Jungkook, ran away so fast. They were running like their life depends on it.

Vanya and Jungkook then made their way to the front desk. They turned around and we closed the door and then ran back to the sofa.

"They're coming! Quick! Act normal!" Abby shouted and the group hurriedly sat down where they were earlier.

"I hope they didn't see us." I whispered to Abby. She nodded in return then Vanya and Jungkook entered the room.

Do they really like each other? Cuz if they do, I totally ship it! I thought to myself.


As Jungkook was talking to Vanya, It's now my turn to help the ship sail~

"Hyung, remember the accident that happened when you were drunk?" I asked Namjoon.

He looked confused at first then he replied "OHH... yeah why?"

"I think we should ask them to come..." I replied to him

He smirked and said "That's a good idea Tae, maybe we should..."


Will the ship sail though?

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