~ CHAPTER 42 ~

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After my date- I mean, after hanging out with Vanya, I went home and took a cold shower and went to bed afterwards...

Now, I clearly understand why she broke up with me and I should respect her decision because it would be better for the both of us. She was just thinking about our future... The future that we will no longer experience together.

I know that she wants me to forget her but I promise that she will always be apart of my heart. I don't want to be selfish but I don't wan't her to forget me either... so, I made her a little gift that will surely make her remember how much I love her...

The day was almost over and we just finished packing and fixing our stuff for the flight tomorrow.

We agreed to meet the girls at the airport at 12:00 pm so we could have lunch together before our flights.

I was watching TV in the living room when the others came and sat beside me.

"I don't want to leave~" Jimin whined.

"Same here, hyung... same here..." I stated as I patted his back. 

"Aish... you guys should be glad we're leaving in good terms with the girls." Jin said as he shook his head. 

"Imagine leaving with a broken heart~" Namjoon said as he clutched his chest. "That's just sad..." He added as he made a crying face, making us laugh. 

"Oh stop it, we all know we're still broken hearted..." Yoongi chimed in. "We're just running away from the pain but it's still and always will be there..." He added as he looked down on his lap. 

He's not wrong though...

But we're glad that we can leave in good terms instead of sorrow and misery. 

"Come on, hyungs... cheer up! At least all of us can still be friends... imagine leaving without closure..." Taehyung stated as he chuckled.

They sighed and nodded. "I'm gonna miss them so much~" Hoseok whined. "Especially Naomi..." He mumbled but only I could hear it since he was sitting beside me. 

"Anyways~ Let's go to bed... we have a big day ahead of us..." Namjoon stated as he stood up from the couch and went back to his room. We followed him soon after and drifted to our own dreamlands. 


It was now 11:30 pm so we took a cab to the airport. We were done checking in and passing through security.

Usually, we go straight to the boarding gate but we went to the restaurant where we will meet up with the boys instead.

The restaurant was inside the airport's waiting area so we arrived there in a short period of time.

The boys were already there, sitting at the long table.

"Oh there they are!" Naomi shouted, pointing to the said, table.

We approached them and they stood up to greet us with hugs. Of course, we gladly accepted them.

"Thanks for coming guys!" Jin exclaimed as we sat down.

"Of course! We wouldn't miss it for the world~" Anne replied.

The waiter approached our table and took our orders. Imagine taking fourteen different orders... yikes!

We chatted for a while and let me just say, it was crazy...

Namjoon almost broke a glass so he got scolded by Anne.

Jin and Mae made so much dad jokes that the whole restaurant laughed.

Naomi and Hobi had a singing competition... a freaking singing competition in a public restaurant!

Yoongi and Lexi were sleepy... well, they're always sleepy, so...

Jimin and Sasha kept on giggling...

Abby and Taehyung were just talking... I know, weird, right?

And lastly, me and Jungkook were drinking wine but just enough to stay sober.

What can I say, being chaotic is what we do.

"So, your flight is at 5:00 pm, right?" Namjoon asked, receiving a nod from all of us.

Mae sighed and said "You guys better make it to the top and be worldwide famous!" as she chuckled.

"Of course, we will!" Jimin boasted, making us laugh.

"And you guys better graduate as valedictorians and achieve your dreams!" Yoongi exclaimed as he pointed at us, making us laugh.

That wouldn't be a problem... we're the smartest at our university! Not to brag or anything... but yeah!

We finished eating our food and went out to the waiting area.

"Im gonna miss you guys so much!" I whined as I hugged them tightly.

"We're gonna miss you too, Anya..." Taehyung said as I broke the hug.

"Yeah, especially Kookie..." Jimin teased, making me glare at him.

"Anyways~ Let's keep in touch, okay?" I stated as I smiled at them, making them nod and smile back.

In a few hours, they're going to board their plane and ever since we got here, I still haven't talked to Jungkook... It's like he's avoiding me... I mean, who wouldn't avoid your ex who is now your close friend... that's just weird, I gotta say...

"Hey, Anya..." Someone interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Oh hey, Jungkook..."

Ok fine, I spoke too soon...

"I have something to give you." He said shyly.

"Really? Now I feel bad, I didn't get anything for you..." I said, making him chuckle.

"It's fine, you don't need to give me anything... I- umm... just wanted to tell you that-" He was cut off by the announcement that echoed throughout the whole airport.

*May I have your attention please, passengers of Flight 2124B New York City to Seoul, South Korea, are requested to board the aircraft through Gate 3 Thank you.*


to be continued...

A/N: I updated the prologue and added pictures of the characters for reference. 

I hope you liked it~

- d a y d r e a m 

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