Assian and Emial, the Primordial Beings

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Assian and Emial, the Primordial Beings or Primigenial Beings, are the oldest entities in the universe.

Not much is known about them, and the Alentë civilizations only learned of their existence through the art of the Replicas.

In the beginning of inexistence, there were Assian, the Thought, and Emial, the Faith.

It was they who gave rise to the universe, called Unir, and also to the Alentë Nebula.

Together they gave birth to the Children of Creation.

It was Assian and Emial who entrusted the Creational Beings to give rise to the seven worlds, and they were also the ones who gave each world a Replica of Alentë, the powerful tree that gave life.

Once their tasks were complete, they retreated to The Chambers, a place that no other being or creature can reach.

Legends say, that although the Primordial Beings do not interfere in the affairs of the worlds, they would appear to establish justice before those who defied their designs and dared to oppose to their desires.

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