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jen ❤️ back speaking to gabe already?

jen ❤️ i actually can't believe you billie

jen ❤️ i wasn't even talking to ella, she was just blowing up my phone trying to speak to ME

jen ❤️ so by all means use your shitty ex as a rebound but don't you dare try to justify it by thinking that i was fucking with ella, because i wasn't.

jen ❤️ i was only trying to get to know YOU. nobody else. i wish you would've just listened to me.

jen ❤️ i know i have no right to be mad, we weren't dating but keep the same energy you did for me for yourself


Jen looked at Quinn expectantly after blurting her previous words. Quinn smirked, standing up and shaking her head. "You're so drunk, no way."

"Maybe one day though," she whispered in Jen's ear, her lips grazing the skin. She pulled back, walking away before Jen could process what had just happened.

"I thought that you were straight!" Jen yelled after her, a small smile upon her lips.


Jen arrived back in Los Angeles a week later. She didn't end up doing anything with Quinn, despite thirsting over her the whole time. Quinn declared that she was in fact straight, and nothing would ever happen between them, which led to the pair building an unlikely friendship.

Jen needed a friend in LA. Maria being in Manchester made it hard to keep in touch, and as much as she loved Jonas, sometimes she needed somebody a little more low energy. So Jen and Quinn spent the eight hour car journey back to Los Angeles telling each other their life stories, and singing along to cheesy pop hits.

Jen didn't expect to come back to what she did. After Billie ignored her text messages, she assumed that they were in a much worse place than they were previously, but she didn't think it'd be this bad.

Finneas informed Jen that he thought that Billie and Gabe were back together, which Jen told him couldn't be true. And whilst he wasn't completely correct, he may as well of been.

Billie and Gabe had been fucking around since she found the messages on Jen's phone. She felt a little better about this, at least he was definitely a rebound. Neither Claudia or Finneas were happy, but what could they really do about it.




Jen ❤️💕 hey, sorry for being a little distant lately, things have been crazy out here xx


Jen unpacked her case in her room, looking at Billie's belongings and smiling sadly. She thought back to just a few weeks ago where they shared intimate moments in bed, a time when Jen really thought that her and Billie would someday be together.

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