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"Hello everybody, thank you for tuning in. Here we have Jen Roscoe who's first ever single has just dropped! Jen, how do you feel?" The perky interviewer practically shouted into the microphone as Jen smiled, waving at the camera set up in front of her.

"I feel amazing. I was terrified at first to put out such a personal song for my first single but it was what felt right and I'm so glad that people who know me as just a producer can finally hear what I have to say."

"The song's incredible Jen, what does it mean to you?"

"I guess it's just about the overwhelming feeling of constantly thinking, abusing substances to get through the day, just feeling so lost and in your own head 24/7 that you literally are stuck in your brain. Like, I don't suffer from clinical depression but I've dealt with all of these emotions, especially during lockdown where at times I just felt so empty and consumed by my own demons."

"Speaking of lockdown, how's it been for you?"

"Really good actually. I've been able to refine my craft and write some of the best music I ever have. I've obviously been kept busy working on some tracks for other artists but yeah, other than that I've just been chilling with my friends as restrictions lifted."

"Hm, I think you've done a bit more than just chill with your friends though, haven't you?" The interviewer smirked to a now blushing Jen. She made quick eye contact with Billie who smiled at her encouragingly, and smiled at the interviewer also.

"I suppose so," Jen smiled back. "Billie's an amazing girl and at the minute we're just feeling things out. Billie had never been with a girl before so we were being cautious with that, but we're really happy. So yeah, nothing official yet but we're definitely on track for that. I hope so anyway."

Billie beamed at Jen who winked at her quickly before turning back to the interviewer.

They did it.

All the weeks of nerves, anxiety and stress seemed to vanish at once. Jen and Billie were finally free to speak about their relationship, free to post cute pictures online of each other, free to be like every other teenage couple.

"I can see Billie over there looking happy as ever. Do you wanna come over and say anything?" The interviewer prompted to Billie, looking to get further information on their relationship. Billie shook her head initially before Finneas nudged her to go over, earning an eye roll from Billie and a giant smile from Jen.

"Here she is," the interviewer spoke to the camera, the live stream views shooting up as word must've spread that Billie would be making a small appearance.

Billie walked towards the stage, sitting on the arm of Jen's chair as she handed her the microphone. Jen slipped an arm around Billie's waist, squeezing her hip tightly before stroking it gently.

"I won't say much, I don't wanna take the spotlight away from J," Billie joked, a playful scoff leaving Jen's mouth. "I guess I just wanna say that we're happy, we're happy so together and I couldn't give a fuck if people don't like it. Jen's stuck around through all of my shit, even when I was literally like 13, we've grew together and I know that we'll carry on doing the same for however long this lasts."

Jen kissed Billie's arm softly, smiling as Billie passed the microphone back to Jen and slipped off stage.

The interview continued on for around fifteen minutes before Jen ended with a live performance, her friends, producers and paparazzi erupting into applause once she was done.



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