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T h r e e - H u g   M e

M a r a

I really don't know why I replied to their note. I don't even know if it's a male or a female. I actually got to school on time today, just because I was really excited to see what they had to say today. My best friend Calum thought something was wrong when I got there on time. I really didn't have time to explain everything to him, so I told him that I'll tell him everything at lunch before rushing off to my locker.

Just as I expected, a small not fell out. I waited until I went and sat down in class to read it, since all these people in the hallway are really nosey. That's the main thing I hate about my school, everyone is so obsessed with other people's business they don't notice what's going on in their own lives.

Dearest Mara,

I'm extremely glad that you don't find this creepy.

Also I'm sorry that the candy tastes so bad, but they're the only ones that have words like that on it. You don't have to eat it if you don't want.

I want to know everything about you, and I imagine you want to know more about me, so how about you ask me a few questions and I'll ask you a few and answer yours.

Lots of love,

Michael x

The attached candy said, hug me. I can't explain how much I want to hug Michael at this point, he makes me so happy with these small little notes. I can't imagine how he'd make me feel if we actually met.

I don't think I know anyone named Michael. I really can't contain my excitment at this point, I think this is adorable. Honestly, this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. I think that's what's making me like this as much as I do. Calum will probably make fun of me, as always.

As class started, I thought about what I'd say to Michael in my note.

A/N: another update yay

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