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T w e l v e -   I   D o n ' t   L i k e   S u r p r i s e s

M i c h a e l

At this point, I don't think that I could wait another eight days until I get to go out with Mara. I just feel like it'd just ruin the romantic thing I'm going for here. I still need to finish getting everything together so it can be perfect.

I have the perfect idea but I don't know if Mara will like it. What if she thinks it's too cliche? What if she doesn't like cliche dates? I really need to stop thinking like this.

I decided to just read her letter to try and distract myself from thinking about all of this.

Dear Michael, 

To be completely honest, I really love those cliche dates that you always see in movies and stuff. But I think more original ideas or adorable too, I mean, I'd probably love anything if someone took enough time to think up the idea.

Can you tell me what we're going to be doing in this date? I really don't like surprises.

I honestly feel the same way about the whole t-shirt thing. It literally kills me to see that.

What color do you want to dye your hair? I would help you if you want me to.

Lots of love,

Mara x

I'm really glad that she enjoys cliche dates as well as original dates. I'm not completely sure if my date idea is completely original, I think it might be a little bit of both, I just have to make sure that everything is ready and perfect. Just like her.

A/N: a quick update before I go get ready for werk.

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