She slowly raised her head up, an unbearable pain shooting through every single part of her body. She didn't know how long it had been since she was kidnapped, but what she does know is that she was tied up with a chain that hung from the ceiling, her arms raised above her head.

She was in a large dark room that only had a few lights still working. One thing was for sure: she wasn't in a house this time. From what she could tell, it was more of a building. She managed to raise her head up to see her own handcuffs on her wrists that had the chain tied to it in the middle.

"Oh, good," she heard a deep voice say. "You're up."

JJ dropped her head to look directly at the source of the voice and it was Alvin. He was sat in a chair, one leg crossed over the other as he crossed his arms over his chest, just staring at her.

"Let me go," she managed to get out as she pulled on the chains, trying her best to ignore the pain.

"No can do, Jennifer," he smiled and stood up, slowly walking over to a table. The blonde followed him and her heart sped up at seeing the metal baseball bat and cattle prod lying on it. "You really screwed me over the last time we saw each other- well, since you last saw me."

He picked up the cattle prod and made his way over to the woman, looking the item over. "I, however, have watched your every move since I got released. I mean, unless you count the videos of you I was shown in prison." Alvin stopped right in front go her and smiled. "You and Emily," he paused to shake his head. "You two really know how to have sex. I mean, the noises you make. I'm surprised you didn't wake your neighbors."

JJ didn't pay attention to her burning cheeks, focusing more on the fact someone videoed their every move. His breath smelled of rotten eggs and beer, something JJ wasn't too fond of and actually thought she would throw up at any given moment.

"You sick son of a bitch," she spilled out and just like that, she was shocked, her screams coming out loud and strained.

"That's more like it," Alvin smiled a sinister smile and shocked her once more. "I want you to scream for me like you scream for Emily." Another shock sent her breathing into nonexistence before coming back fast yet labored.

He stopped shocking her and yanked her head up, his hand squeezing her jaw so tight she thought he could break it. "I have an idea," he smiled wickedly before stepping backwards. "I'm going to go get a few things and I want you to stay put, alright?" He laughed as he started to walk toward the door and called out, "Not that you have any other option."

She took this as her chance to try to escape so she pulled and yanked on the chains the best to her ability before giving up. Looking up at her wrist, she noticed her watch was gone so there really wasn't a way to tell the time and the only thing in the room was that damn table with the bat and cattle prod.

About 10 minutes later, Alvin came back in with his hands full. JJ watched as he went to the table and disposed of the items, carefully moving things into place.

"What are you doing?" She asked and he picked up a long black metal object before setting it up to the side of the table.

It was a tripod.

"We're going to play a little game," he smiled as he grabbed the camera and sat it on top of the object, turning it on to make sure it worked and was focused on JJ perfectly. "I'm going to broadcast this live only to your friends at BPD-"

"Like hell you will," she interrupted and he just looked at her and laughed.

"Honey, I don't think you're in the position to tell me what I can and can't do," he replied and proceeded to open the laptop and hook up the camera to the computer, making sure everything worked properly before going live.

Back at BPD, the team and detectives along with Maura, all stood around as they bounced ideas of evidence off one another.

"Guys," Garcia said from Korsak's desk where she set up her own computer. "I just received a notification for a livestream."

"A notification?" Jane asked as they all turned to the blonde to crowd around her desk.

"Well, it was more of an invite, but can I put it on the big screen so there's not a million of us squished together like sardines?" Garcia asked and Korsak nodded before Garcia went to work.

Less than 15 seconds later, the livestream was up on the big screen, all of them gasping when they saw JJ and the state she was in.

"Alright, I want everyone except the 10 of us out of here," Hotch announced before people began leaving.

"My poor sweet JJ," the tech analyst gasped as they watched intently.

"Is this on the internet for everyone to see?" Rossi asked and Garcia looked over the screen before shaking her head.

"No sir, it was just sent to us."

JJ took in a breath as she stared the man down.

"Turn it off," she groveled and he just laughed, picking up the cattle prod again. "I swear I will kill you."

His laughter stopped and his smile faded. "Now that's not very nice, Jenny," he quickly looked at his computer to make sure that the team were watching and he smiled when he saw that they were.

"You don't deserve nice," she retorted. "You deserve a good six by eight where you can live beside people just like you."

The man cocked his head to the side and turned on the cattle prod before shocking her once again, her screams echoing through the room.

"So how does it feel to get kidnapped and tortured for the first time?" He ignored her statement and looked up at her. "I'm trying to get five stars on yelp."

JJ slowly lifted her head, her eyes staring right up at him. "I've been kidnapped and tortured before by you, you piece of shit."

He pursed his lips and nodded once. "True, but you were undercover with your friend...Spencer, was it?"

"I didn't willingly get tortured," she shot back and he furrowed his eyebrows.

"So, you and your precious Spencer didn't willingly go undercover as a married couple, knowing what I was doing?" JJ didn't say anything so he continued. "I heard you had dreams about me after our lovely time together."

The agent only shook her head.

"Hot, sexy dreams, were they?" He whispered and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from crying.

"You raped me," she said slowly, her voice somehow still strong enough not to break. "You raped me four times."

Alvin nodded with a smirk. "How about we make it a fifth?"

JJ's heart sped up as she moved her head away from Alvin as he loudly smelled her.

"I'm not scared of you."

Alvin pulled back and walked around her to stand behind her. "Oh really? What about now?"

JJ blinked a few times, her chest chest quickly moving up and down as her breathing became more erratic. Alvin slowly moved his hand around her waist before trailing up her torso and grabbing at her breasts. She looked straight into the lens of the camera before squeezing her eyes shut.

She was going into a panic attack and this time she didn't have Emily to help her through it. Once of her worst nightmares was coming true and she was helpless.

"I wonder," he said. "If you feel as good as you did two years ago?"

JJ's mouth went agape as a cry left her lips and she shook her head. She was telling herself to breathe but it wasn't working. This wasn't one of her nightmares, this was real life and she couldn't do anything.

Gray (Jemily)Where stories live. Discover now